  • 我看得他在策划某事。
    I could discern that he was plotting something.
  • 虽然有雾,但他们能认得我。
    They can discern me in spite of the fog.
  • 理想的情况是他们能分辨形状或外形。”
    Ideally, they are able to discern form or shapes."
  • 他在黑暗中勉强能辨道路。
    He was just able to discern the road in the dark.
  • 在黑暗中我只能依稀分辨一座建筑物的轮廓来。
    In the gloom I can only just discern the outline of a building.
  • 对于美国人来说,我们可以观察4种主要距离类别:亲密者之间的距离、私人间的距离、社交距离和公共场所距离。
    For Americans we can discern four main categories of distance: intimate, personal, social and public.
  • 用来判断某些特定状态在预定的时间间隔内是否现的装置。
    Devices used to discern whether some prescribed condition is present, usually within a predetermined time period.
  • 不难看高昂的房租和房荒之间的联系。
    It is not difficult to discern a connection between high rents and the lack of housing.
  • 而且在加密的有效传输负载中可以加入干扰位,使之更难被窃听者识别包特性的任何模式。
    Spoiler bits also can be inserted in the encrypted payload to make it even difficult for eavesdroppers to discern any pattern in packet characteristics.
  • 毛泽东同志就是伟大,就是同我们不同,他善于从群众这样的议论当中,发现问题,提解决问题的方针和政策。
    He was indeed great and different from the rest of us in that he was able to discern the problems behind the complaints of the masses and formulate the principles and policies required to deal with them.
  • 在读用户在网站上走过的路径,以辨认他们的兴趣和阅读习惯方面,软件变得越来越先进:从在一页上停留的时间到他们选择页面的类型。
    And software is getting better at reading the paths users take across the Web to discern their interests and viewing habits: from the amount of time they spend on one page to the types of pages they choose.
  • 因为假如一个人有那种明察的能力,能够看得某事应当公开,某事应当隐秘,某事应当在半明半暗之中微露,并且看得这事底或隐或显应当是对何人,在何时(这些正即是泰西塔斯所谓的治国与处世的要术),那末在他这样的一个人,一种掩饰的习惯是一种阻挠,一个弱点。
    For if a man have that penetration of judgment, as he can discern, what things are to be laid open, and what to be secreted, and what to be showed at half lights, and to whom, and when (which indeed are arts of state, and arts of life, as Tacitus well calleth mem), to him, a habit of dissimulation is a hindrance, and a poorness.
  • 乳白天空一种由于大朵浓密云团覆盖住积雪而产生的极地大气状况,此种情况下来自上空的光线几乎与从下界映射的光线相等,特征为没有阴影,辨认不清地平线,只能认非常黑的物体
    A polar weather condition caused by a heavy cloud cover over the snow, in which the light coming from above is approximately equal to the light reflected from below, and which is characterized by absence of shadow, invisibility of the horizon, and discernibility of only very dark objects.
  • 识别力,辨别力看或做明显区分的能力;辨别
    The ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment.
  • 特别是在有关于品味的时候表现仔细的判断和区别。
    showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste.
  • 允许病人院;让士兵退伍
    Discharge a patient; discharge a soldier.
  • 把肺里的脏东西吐来。
    discharge for the lungs.
  • 动物通过排泄排体内的废物。
    the discharge of pus.
  • ,涌猛烈的排;喷
    To discharge violently; spew.
  • 把体内的废物排去。
    excrete or discharge from the body.
  • 没有粘液或者水一样的排物。
    without a mucous or watery discharge.
  • 形成卵并产卵;这是雌性动物的生理活动。
    produce and discharge eggs; of females.
  • 排血,排脓排,例如血或脓
    A discharge, as of blood or pus.
  • 胎便汇集于腹部小肠中的一种深绿色渣滓物,并在生时或将近生之时排
    A dark green fecal material that accumulates in the fetal intestines and is discharged at or near the time of birth.
  • 这样射出去的枪弹
    The missiles thus discharged.
  • 医院这个病人院了。
    The hospital discharged the patient.
  • 烟雾从发动机里排放来。
    Fumes were discharged from the motor.
  • 一种从武器里发射来的固体发射物。
    a solid missile discharged from a firearm.
  • 一种液体可从中排的管子。
    a pipe through which fluids can be discharged.
  • 那个年轻病人被允许院。
    The young patient was discharged from the hospital.
  • 能够把液体释放来的向外突的鼻形口。
    a projecting spout from which a fluid is discharged.
  • 导弹或发射物从火器中发去的路线。
    the path of a missile discharged from a firearm.