  • 水泥质的一种具有水泥特性的化学沉淀物的或与之相关的,尤指碳
    Of or relating to a chemical precipitate, especially of carbonates, having the characteristics of cement.
  • 98个城市降水出现雨,占雨控制区城市数的91.6%。
    There is acid rain in the precipitation of 98 cities, accounting for 91.6% of the cities in the Acid Rain Control Zone.
  • 雨2001年,降水年均ph值小于5.6的城市主要分布在华东、华南、华中和西南地区,北方只有吉林图们市、陕西渭南市、铜川市、略阳县和天津市降水年均ph值小于5.6。
    Acid Rain In 2001, the cities where the annual pH value of the precipitation is under 5.6 were mainly located in north China, south China, mid-China and southwest. In the north, the annual pH value of the precipitation in Tumen of Jilin, Weinan, Tongchuan and Lueyang County of Shaanxi and Tianjin is under 5.6.
  • ‘ant'是‘antacid(抗性的)’的前缀;‘anti’是‘antihistamine(抗组胺剂)’和‘antifreeze(防冻剂)’的前缀。
    `ant' is a prefix in `antacid'; `anti' is a prefix in `antihistamine'and `antifreeze'.
  • 在有性的液体中保存食物;例如蔬菜。
    preserve in a pickling liquid; as of vegetables.
  • 小的苹果;适合储存。
    small sour apple; suitable for preserving.
  • 亚洲野生苹果,种类繁多,小且的红色果实,可储存。
    Asian wild crab apple cultivated in many varieties for it small acid usually red fruit used for preserving.
  • 又硬又;主要用于烹饪。
    hard and tart; used primarily in cooking.
  • 可是地球也有不利于氨基生存的恶劣条件:虽然地球在其形成初期也可能有条件合成复杂的有机物,但那些促使进行这种化学反应的能量也足以破坏氨基有机分子本身。
    But the terrestrial environment poses some of the same prob lems for building such molecules: although complex organic compounds could readily have been synthesized under primordial conditions, the energy that drives those chemical reactions is also enough to break the organic molecules apart.
  • 和碱通过相差一个质子而相互关联的
    Pertaining to an acid and a base that are related by the difference of a proton.
  • 经过反复比较实验,科学家们终于选定了高模数硅钾,即ps,为最理想的固沙剂。
    After repeated comparisons and experiments, scientists have at last chosen the high-modulus potassium silicate, or PS, as the ideal sand fixing agent.
  • 仙人球毒 和麦角二乙基 胺都是迷幻药.
    Mescalin and LSD are psychedelic drugs.
  • 大的心形的热带水果,果肉柔软,味
    large heart-shaped tropical fruit with soft acid pulp.
  • 鸟嘌呤一种嘌呤碱,分子式为c5h5on5,为核糖核和脱氧核糖核的主要组成部分
    A purine base, C5H5ON5, that is an essential constituent of both RNA and DNA.
  • 黄嘌呤一种黄白色结晶的嘌呤硷,c5h4n4o2,它是尿的前身,常见于血液、尿液、肌肉组织和某些植物中
    A yellowish-white, crystalline purine base, C5H4N4O2, that is a precursor of uric acid and is found in blood, urine, muscle tissue, and certain plants.
  • 可以和碱起反应而生成盐。
    An acid can react with a base to form a salt.
  • 她样子寒, 客人不禁暗自发笑.
    Her shabby appearance drew sniggers from the guests.
  • 在…上镀锡把(金属)浸在中或镀锡,使之变白
    To whiten(a metal) by soaking in acid or by coating with tin.
  • 一种用于肥料和肥皂的:hpo。
    an acid used in fertilizers and soaps: H3PO4.
  • 斜长岩三斜晶长石系列中一种普通的成岩石,由钠和钙铝硅盐组成
    Any of a common rock-forming series of triclinic feldspars, consisting of mixtures of sodium and calcium aluminum silicates.
  • 一种用肥皂和脂肪形成的富含肥皂沫的在剔须之前软化胡须的准备物。
    a preparation of soap and fatty acids that forms a rich lather for softening the beard before shaving.
  • 一种可溶的晶状,用作试剂和消毒剂。
    a soluble crystalline acid; used as a reagent and disinfectant.
  • 有些樱桃是甜的,有些樱桃是的。
    Some cherries are sweet and some are sour.
  • 服食麦角二乙基酰胺的人。
    someone who takes LSD.
  • 我的肌肉因打垒球而感到痛。
    My muscles are sore from playing baseball.
  • 我由于昨天打排球,所以肩膀痛。
    I have sore shoulders from playing volleyball yesterday.
  • 动物的脱氧核糖核可能遭到了各种各样的突变破坏。
    All sorts of mutational damage to animals' DNA would have occurred.
  • 炎热的天气使牛奶变了。
    The hot weather has soured the milk.
  • 大多数未熟的水果都是的。
    Most green fruits are sour.
  • 这牛奶发酸了。
    The milk has turned sour .
  • 这水果太了,几乎不能吃。
    The fruit was too sour to eat.
  • 如果把牛奶放在阳光下,它会很快变
    If you leave milk in the sun, it goes sour quickly.