  • 影片《偶然相遇》中,艾尔-帕西主演一位公关先生,影片中有这样的镜头:帕西每次前往金融区去买毒品的途中,电影中都会出现世贸中心大楼的镜头。
    People stars Pacino as a New York City publicist, and features the World Trade Center in scenes in which he heads to the financial district to buy drugs.
  • 威克抽水蓄能电站
    Dinorwic Pumped Storage Power Station
  • 所购货物将正常工作或某商品质量好的法律文件。
    Legal document which promise that goods purchased will work properly or that an item is of good quality.
  • 新设的持续发展组于二零零一年四月成立,隶属政务司司长办公室。该组负责落实政府的承,带领香港迈向持续发展的未来。
    A new Sustainable Development Unit was set up in April under the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office in pursuance of the Government's commitment to achieve a sustainable future for Hong Kong.
  • 政府已经履行了他的全部选举言了吗?
    Has the government redeemed all its election promise?
  • 他已经履行完他的言了。
    He had finished the redemption of his promises.
  • 信守诺言
    to be regardful of one's promises
  • 信赖某人的诺言
    put reliance on [in] sb.'s promises
  • 艾迪生美国伊利斯州东北部一村落,芝加哥的居住区及工业区。人口32,058
    A village of northeast Illinois, a residential and industrial suburb of Chicago. Population32,058.
  • 瓦尔堡,奥托・亨利希1883-1970德国生化学家。因其对细胞呼吸的研究而获得1931年的贝尔奖
    German biochemist. He won a1931 Nobel Prize for research on the respiration of cells.
  • 技巧完美但是演奏沉闷的奏鸣曲;沉闷的冒险故事;谨慎、冷漠的傀儡……一个模子倒出来的、沉闷无趣的势利——c·j·罗
    a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata;l a desiccate romance; a prissy and emotionless creature...settles into a mold of desiccated snobbery-C.J.Rolo.
  • 米达尔,阿尔瓦1902-1986瑞典社会主义者和外交家,因在联合国裁减核武器的协商中所作的贡献而获得1982年的贝尔和平奖
    Swedish sociologist and diplomat. She shared the1982 Nobel Peace Prize for her role in the United Nations nuclear disarmament negotiations.
  • 作出庄重有约束力的誓言;发誓
    To make a solemn binding promise; swear.
  • 以誓约约束,允通过庄严的誓言来保证或约束,特别是订婚
    To promise or bind by a solemn pledge, especially to betroth.
  • 他旅行是由思辩护信托基金赞助。此项基金系由他的友人经由邮件、电视及报纸广告所募得。
    He travels under the auspices of the North Defense Trust, which was set up by his friends to solicit money by mail and through TV and newspaper ads.
  • 他们的承对解决我们当前的问题没多大帮助。
    Their promises don't go very far towards solving our present problems.
  • 由此,最高法院拒绝废除《松尼?波著作权期延长法案》(sonnybonocopyrighttermextensionact)。
    As a result, the Court declined to strike down the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act.
  • 前面提到的《松尼?波法案》又将期限延长至作者终身及其死后70年。
    The Sonny Bono Act, as noted above, brought the term to life-of-the-author plus 70.
  • 争议的问题是,国会通过1998年《松尼?波著作权期延长法案》是否超越宪法规定的权限,以及这部法案是否违背了第一修正案。
    At issue is whether Congress exceeded its authority under the Constitution when it passed the 1998 Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, and whether that law violates the First Amendment.
  • 亚就同他的妻子、儿子儿媳们从方舟上走出来。
    So Noah came out with his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives.
  • 他们为推销员动听的承所骗。
    The were deceived by the salesman's fair-sounding promises.
  • 提契河位于瑞士南部和意大利北部的一条流程约248公里(154英里)的河流,大致向南流入波河。公元前218年汉尼拔沿这条河流打败了罗马人
    A river, about248 km(154 mi) long, of southern Switzerland and northern Italy flowing generally southward to the Po River. Hannibal defeated the Romans along the banks of the river in218 b.c.
  • 不轻易许;答应了的事就一定要做。
    2. Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully.
  • 婚姻所包含的长期承看来有着某种特殊的保护意义。
    There appears to be something specifically protective about the long-term commitment that marriage entails.
  • 整个如同亚洪水般壮观的场面仅仅持续了数日。
    The whole Noachian spectacle probably lasted only a few days.
  • 总统的另一位发言人维克多-苏伯查说,两人于当地时间早晨七点半在洛斯皮斯登记结婚。
    The two were married at Los Pinos at 7:30 a.m. local time, presidential spokesman Victor Suberza said.
  • 如果某人对其研究工作没有信心、不感兴趣的话,那任何税务回扣、资金支援、企业赞助或政府鼓励也不能造就出一个贝尔得奖人。
    No amount of tax incentives, financial grant, corporate sponsorship or even government encouragement ever produced one Nobel Prize winner if he or she did not believe in and love his or her scientific work.
  • 全面落实申办中关于奥运建设和活动中生态环境问题的承,在可持续发展思想指导下,把北京奥运会办成一个在环境保护方面作出突出贡献的绿色奥运盛会。
    The environmental commitments made in the bid in connection with the preparation and staging of Olympic Games will be fully performed. In addition, guided by the principle of sustainable development, 2008 Olympic Games should show the world a great green event with outstanding contribution to environmental protection.
  • “我必须弄清楚不装防火警报器的主意是怎么回事,”负责审查消防人员分析报告的第一副市长里兹夫说。“我从小到大就同有离开过防火警报器。”
    "I'd (I would) have to come to grips with the idea of no fire alarm boxes," said First Deputy Mayor Stanley Brezenoff, who will review the fires officials' analysis. "I grew up with them."
  • 贝特,汉斯・阿尔布雷希生于1906德裔美籍物理学家。因其对恒星能量产生的研究而获1967年贝尔奖
    German-born American physicist. He won a1967 Nobel Prize for research on the energy production of stars.
  • 确盘是为通常在约定时限内按照所约定的价格出售货物而作的一种承
    A firm offer is a promise to sell goods at a stated price, usually within a stated period of time.
  • (1874-1965)英国保守派政治家;二战中的英国领导人;在1953年荣获贝尔文学奖。
    (1874-1965) British Conservative statesman; British leader during World War II; received Nobel Prize for literature in 1953.