  • 超短的游泳衣;短小的比基尼泳
    an abbreviated swimsuit; a brief bikini.
  • 劫持十八小时之後,警方袭击了那所房子并抓获了持枪罪犯。
    After an18- hour siege, the police storm the house and capture the gunman.
  • 例如,在2002年1月,联合国成功地完成了在塞拉利昂的解除武和复原方案,并立即开始进行总统和议会选举的投票登记。
    For example, in January 2002, the UN successfully completed its disarmament and demobilization programme in Sierra Leone and immediately began voter registration for presidential and parliamentary elections.
  • 法衣在弥撒庆典上,执事、红衣主教、主教和修道士穿的套在白长袍上的衣袖宽大的服
    The wide-sleeved garment worn over the alb by a deacon, cardinal, bishop, or abbot at the celebration of Mass.
  • 检验工具一种将矿石或谷物与杂质分离或筛选的工具或
    An instrument or a device that sifts, filters, or separates ore or grain, for example, from impurities.
  • 旋标置飞机控制板上的指示器或观测仪,用来测量角度
    An indicator or a sighting apparatus on a plane table, used in angular measurement.
  • 那时,以共产党的《向导周报》,国民党的上海《民国日报》及各地报纸为阵地,曾经共同宣传了反帝国主义的主张,共同反对了尊孔读经的封建教育,共同反对了封建古的旧文学和文言文,提倡了以反帝反封建为内容的新文学和白话文。
    Using the Communist Weekly Guide, the Kuomintang's Republican Daily News of Shanghai and other newspapers in various localities as their bases of operations, the two parties jointly advocated anti-imperialism, jointly combated feudal education based upon the worship of Confucius and upon the study of the Confucian canon and jointly opposed feudal literature and the classical language and promoted the new literature and the vernacular style of writing with an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal content.
  • 信令链路常常是成对地配在ss7网络中。
    Signaling links are usually equipped in pairs in SS7 networks.
  • 通过灯光或机械地挥舞手臂发出可见信号的置。
    an apparatus for visual signaling with lights or mechanically moving arms.
  • 闪光信号,照明弹一种能产生强光用来发出信号、照明或鉴定物体的
    A device that produces a bright light for signaling, illumination, or identification.
  • 武器备现代化水平显著提高。
    The army's level of modernization in weapons has improved significantly.
  • 用于表明美国内战中的联合武(穿蓝色制服的)。
    used to signify the Union forces in the Civil War (who wore blue uniforms).
  • 代表主权的一种饰性的头饰。
    an ornamental headdress signifying sovereignty.
  • 不吭声;装哑巴
    To keep silence; clam up.
  • 把行李到尾部上;带有方形帆的船随风疾驰而去;船长到船的尾部看看发生了什么事。
    stow the luggage aft; ships with square sails sail fairly efficiently with the wind abaft; the captain looked astern to see what the fuss was about.
  • 钟形圆饰多立斯柱头顶板下的凸出
    A convex molding just below the abacus of a Doric capital.
  • 使船抢风转向通过用帆角索将帆逆转以在船倾侧转动(方帆船)
    To turn(a square-rigged ship) about on the heel by bracing the sails aback.
  • 一种薄的丝绸的女衣料。
    a thin silk dress material.
  • 用这种方法包丝绸经不住海运。
    Silks packed in cartons are not quite sea-worthy.
  • 徐:纸板箱仅是外层的包,里面是用透明聚乙稀包的丝绸。
    The cartons are only the outer packing. Inside is the transparent polyfilm wrapped silks.
  • 那么至于我们的情况,这批丝绸在运之前将由商检人员进行检查,是吗?
    So as to our case, shall the silks be inspected by the surveyors before you conduct the shipment?
  • 徐:我们先用透明聚乙稀膜包,然后再到用两条带子捆扎的纸板箱中。
    We use transparent polyfilm to wrap the silks first and then pack them in cartons with double straps.
  • 我想先谈一下包和包设计的问题,得体的包与产品的质量一样重要,你们用什么来包丝绸呢?
    I'd like to talk about packing and packaging. Proper packaging is as important as the quality of the product itself. What do you use for packing silks?
  • 顾客总是受到包的影响,你们的丝绸在世界市场上声誉很好,如果包得好,在很多商品上你们会有更强的竞争力的。
    Buyers are always influenced by the packages. Your silks enjoy a high reputation in the world market. You can compete successfully in a good many commodities if you pack the goods properly.
  • 为尊重少数民族的风俗习惯和宗教信仰,适应和满足各少数民族生产生活特殊用品的需要,国家不仅确定了涉及服、鞋帽、家具、绸缎、食品、生产工具、手工艺品、饰用品、乐器等16个大类、4000余个民族用品品种,而且还采取建立专门生产基地、优先保证生产资金和原材料供应、减免税收、低息贷款、运费补贴等优惠政策。
    To respect the folkways, customs and religious beliefs of ethnic minorities and satisfy their needs for special articles of daily use, the state guarantees the production of more than 4,000 varieties of ethnic articles, which fall into 16 categories, such as garments, shoes, hats, furniture, silks and satins, foodstuff, production tools, handicrafts, ornaments and musical instruments. It has also extended some preferential policies, such as setting up special production bases, giving priority to the guarantee of production capital and the supply of raw and processed materials, reduction of and exemption from taxes, low-interest loans, transportation subsidies, etc.
  • 他们为了达到模作样的效果故意加强他们角色的愚蠢;二十世纪四十年代模作样的好莱坞音乐剧。
    they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect; campy Hollywood musicals of the 1940's.
  • 用银制造的饰性的工艺品。
    decorative work made of silver.
  • 请装一个银牙进去。
    Please put a silver filling in.
  • 白雪为树林披上了银
    The trees were silvered with snow.
  • 暴风眼中心欺骗性的平静;故意骗人的包;令人误解的相似之处;统计数字可能出现误导人的形式。
    the deceptive calm in the eye of the storm; deliberately deceptive packaging; a misleading similarity; statistics can be presented in ways that are misleading.
  • 动臂置同样构造的有活节的结构,如电力火车上的电力机车或可伸性电话臂
    A similarly jointed framework, such as a power-collecting trolley on an electric locomotive or an extensible telephone arm.
  • 尤弗伊斯体一种流行于16世纪末17世纪初的腔作势追求高雅的文体,以头韵、对句和明喻为特点
    An affectedly elegant literary style of the late16th and early17th centuries, characterized by elaborate alliteration, antitheses, and similes.