  • 国与其他西方强国结成了贸易及防御联盟。
    Britain have allied itself with other western power for trade and defence.
  • 在两次世界大战中,国都是与美国联盟。
    Great Britain was allied with the United States in both World Wars.
  • 协约国在第一次世界大战期间与欧洲同盟国对抗的结盟国家,有俄国、法国、国,后来又有包括美国的其它很多国家,
    The nations allied against the Central Powers of Europe during World War I. They were Russia, France, Great Britain, and later many others, including the United States.
  • 国和俄国在二次世界大战中是盟国。
    England and Russia are allies in the second world war.
  • 国和俄国在二次世界大战中是盟国。
    England and russia is allies in the second world war.
  • 在美国佛罗里达州,一只澳大利亚布卢·赫勒犬为保护其年迈的主人而与鳄鱼捕斗,被授予“本年度狗雄奖”。
    An Australian Blue heeler dog which fought off an alligator to protect its elderly owner in Florida has been honoured with a "Dog Hero of the Year"award.
  • 政府已经拨给受灾地区一千万镑。
    The Government has allocated ten million pounds to the stricken area.
  • 海克,弗雷德里希·奥古斯特·冯生于1899出生于奥地利的国经济学家,因在能源最佳配置理论方面的研究而获1974年诺贝尔奖
    Austrian-born British economist. He shared a1974 Nobel Prize for work on the theory of optimum allocation of resources.
  • 香港一所大学的副校长过去曾经公开批评,特区政府不能够像港政府时代,抱着“教养别人的孩子”的心态而吝于拨款,缺乏眼光。
    As noted earlier by the deputy vice-chancellor of a Hong Kong university, the SAR government should not grudge allotting funds for education as did the former Hong Kong-British authorities, who were reluctant to spend resources on "the upbringing of other people's children".
  • 给他每年1000 镑的开销
    allowed him £1000 for expenses
  • 允许每人开支为15镑.
    Allow 15 per head for expenses.
  • 国在第一次世界大战中是美国的同盟国。
    Britain was an ally of America in the World War I.
  • 法国和国在这次战争中是同盟国。
    France and England were allies in the war.
  • )在四旬斋、复活节或圣诞节里吃的一种果糕(有时上盖杏泥)。
    (British) a fruitcake (sometimes covered with almond paste) eaten at mid-Lent or Easter or Christmas.
  • 他差不多有六英尺高.
    He's almost six feet tall.
  • 这个雄被人们高擎肩上。
    The hero was borne aloft on the shoulders of the crowd.
  • 她早晨大声读英语。
    She reads English aloud in the morning.
  • 在学习语中朗读是很重要的。
    Read aloud is very important in learning English.
  • 他们保持每天朗读语。
    They keep on reading english aloud every day.
  • 在学习语中朗读是很重要的。
    It is very essential to read aloud in study English.
  • 老师坚决要求学生们早上朗读语。
    The teacher came down on his students to read aloud their English in the morning.
  • “是彬格莱小姐写来的,”吉说,一面把信读出来:
    "It is from Miss Bingley," said Jane, and then read it aloud.
  • 语字母表中有26个字母。
    There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.
  • 文字母表以A开始, 以Z结束.
    The English alphabet begins with `A' and ends with `Z'.
  • 英文的第二个字母
    B second letter of the alphabet
  • 你能倒念文字母吗?
    Can you say the alphabet backwards?
  • p字母现代语字母表中的第16个字母
    The16th letter of the modern English alphabet.
  • h字母现代语字母表中的第八个字母
    The eighth letter of the modern English alphabet.
  • 字母d现代语字母表中的第四个字母
    The fourth letter of the modern English alphabet.
  • v字母现代语字母表的第二十二个字母
    The 22nd letter of the modern English alphabet.
  • i字母现代语字母表中的第九个字母
    The ninth letter of the modern English alphabet.
  • w字母现代语字母表中的第23个字母
    The 23rd letter of the modern English alphabet.