  • 我们以经济为主的价值观念已经根深蒂固,一父母的心态也不会在一夜间改变。
    However, the culture that babysits economic excellence is deeply ingrained and so are the mindsets of many parents.
  •  第十三条同一顺序继承人继承遗产的份额,一应当均等。
    Article 13 Successors same in order shall, in general, inherit in equal shares.
  • 代位继承人一只能继承他的父亲或者母亲有权继承的遗产份额。
    Descendants who inherit in subrogation generally shall take only the share of the estate their father or mother was entitled to.
  • 老城、大学城、新城这三大块,街道无数,像大理石上密密麻麻的花纹一
    The three blocks, city, university, and town, marbled with innumerable streets.
  • 美洲热带的食虫鸟,嘴长而尖,羽毛呈彩虹的绿色或青铜色。
    tropical American insectivorous bird having a long sharp bill and iridescent green or bronze plumage.
  • 通过一的感觉和洞察力运用知识和经验的能力。
    the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight.
  • 你怎能允许这无礼?
    How can you permit such insolence?
  • 资助人——一是以傲慢的态度出钱而赚回恭维话的可怜虫。
    Patron: commonly a wretch who supports with insolence, and is paid with flattery.
  • 资助人——一是以傲慢的态度出钱而赚回恭维话的可怜虫。
    Patron: commonly a wretch who support with insolence , and is pay with flattery.
  • 来说我们不接受分期付款方式。
    As a rule, we do not accept payment by installment.
  • 处于世俗的位置;一指公共机构或建筑物。
    reduce to lay status; of institutions and buildings.
  • 属于或包含在尿中的过多的含氮废物(一因肾机能不全引起)。
    of or involving excess nitrogenous waste products in the urine (usually due to kidney insufficiency).
  • 电子设备制造商使用氯氟化碳清洗金属,并且一都利用氯氟化碳作为制冷剂和制造泡沫绝缘材料。
    Electronic equipment manufacturers use CFC's to clean metal, and CFC's are commonly used as refrigerants and to make foam insulation.
  • 来说,单纯的风险是可以投保的,而投机的风险则不能。
    Generally, pure risks are insurable; speculative risks are not.
  • 人都会认为输出结果肯定先是true,再是false,因为两个integer对象都是相同的。
    Surely the output should be true and then false, since both Integer objects are the same.
  • 一个常见的(或者说是一性的)错误是把及物动词‘lay(放置)’用作了不及物动词‘lie(躺)’。
    a frequent (or common) error is using the transitive verb `lay' for the intransitive `lie';.
  • 公司成立十周年纪念时贺电潮水地涌到公司办公处来。
    The company office was inundated with telegrams of congratulations on the tenth anniversary of its foundation.
  • 而言,合资企业的外方投资比例不得少于25。
    Generally speaking, the proportion of investment by foreign investor in a joint venture will not be less than25%.
  • 不过,对于他们的回教徒朋友无辜的成为众目焦点,非回教徒一似乎抱着同情的态度。
    But on the whole, many non-Muslims seemed to sympathise with their Muslim friends for being thrust into the limelight involuntarily.
  • 涉及从一原则开始的推论。
    involving inferences from general principles.
  • 体型中等,皮毛为金属褐色;在爱尔兰培育。
    medium-sized breed with a wiry brown coat; developed in Ireland.
  • 天鹅绒黑色的澳大利亚天堂鸟,头部和尾部有绿色和紫色的虹彩。
    velvety black Australian bird of paradise with green and purple iridescence on head and tail.
  • 非洲南部的鼹鼠,细软的绒毛中混杂有彩虹的保护性毛发。
    mole of southern Africa having iridescent guard hairs mixed with the underfur.
  • 赵:我们一都要求保兑的,不可撤消的信用证支付。
    We usually accept a confirmed irrevocable L/C payable against shipping documents.
  • 非回教徒如果相信一的成见或不正确的说法,就会对回教和回教徒有错误的认识。
    If non-Muslims were to believe in stereotypes and inaccuracies about Islam and Muslims, their understanding would be based on a false image of Islam.
  • 书本外面的包装;上面一印有促销性质的信息。
    a paper jacket for a book; a jacket on which promotional information is printed.
  • 术语,行话在一个职业、学科或阶层的成员间能被理解的特殊术语,但对一大众来说却晦涩难懂;专门术语
    The special terminology understood among the members of a profession, discipline, or class but obscure to the general population; jargon.
  • 用石头来清洗以显得颜色破旧;一用于洗牛仔服。
    wash with stones to achieve a worn appearance; of blue jeans.
  • 为了漂白而用酸进行清洗;一用于牛仔服。
    wash with acid so as to achieve a bleached look; of blue jeans.
  • 例如,用28.8kb/s调制解调器接收的压缩图像一以不稳定的每秒4~5帧的速度到达,而电视为每秒30郑
    The compressed image received by a 28.8K bit/sec. modem, for instance, typically arrives at a jerky four to five frames per second vs. television's 30 frames per second.
  • 他口若悬河地谈着。
    Talk poured from him in a jet.
  • 天空镶着一颗颗珠宝的星星。
    The sky was jeweled with stars.