  • 你看人家的媒体,为了竞争和生存,出尽法宝,花招百出,动不动就你“颜色”——红的、黄的、灰的和黑的都有,相比之下,我们的确是逊“色”多了。
    Just look at their counterparts in other countries, they would say. For survival and success, the media out there would balk at nothing and resort to everything, with products representing a wide spectrum of contents and styles, ranging from the radical red through the sensational yellow and undefinable grey down to the dubious black. Our domestic media, they lament, just pale by comparison.
  • 不知怎的,我感觉出他会教我,甚至会予我去再次尝试、再次结婚、再次奉献出爱情所需要的勇气。
    Somehow I sensed he could teach me,or even lend me,the courage I needed in order to try again,to marry again and to love again.
  • 当我坚持把苹果递他时,我觉得他踌躇了一会。以他自己的方式放弃了我们初次见面时彼此所扮演的角色。
    As I continued to hold out the apple toward him, I sensed him struggling for a moment, in his own way letting go of the roles in which we had met.
  • 提供或予以表示同意。
    offer or present for acceptance.
  • 人带来愉悦感的性质。
    the qualities that give pleasure to the senses.
  • 不能人的感官带来愉悦感受的属性。
    qualities that do not give pleasure to the senses.
  • 我提的建议很有道理。
    She gave me some sensible advice.
  • 来自各种传感器的情报信息可以迅速提供正在天上飞行的飞行员、或坦克驾驶员、或正在进行武器发射的人员。
    So the intelligence information from the various sensors could make it rapidly available to the people flying airplanes, or tanks, or the people firing weapons.
  • 他们寻求的新项目包括:能够穿透伪装的人造卫星摄像系统、可以监视军队和车辆行动的太空雷达、可以士兵提供如同打手机一样方便联络的强大通讯卫星,以及可以跟踪弹道导弹的轨道传感器。
    New assets in the works include satellites that can see through camou-flage, space-based radar that can monitor the movements of troops and vehicles, more powerful communications satellites to give soldiers cellphone-like connections, and orbiting sensors that can track ballistic missiles.
  • 她有一副沉静的嗓子,她的弹奏人以快感,就她这个年龄的歌手而言,她具有惊人的宽广的历史感。
    She has a hushed voice,a sensual touch at the keyboard and amazing historical breadth for a singer of her age.
  • 奥基夫,格鲁吉亚1887-1986美国画家,以其人感官享受的花卉特写绘画而著名
    American painter known especially for her sensuous close-up paintings of flowers.
  • 经久不疲的探戈表演出能人以美的享受,而不像当今的现代舞厅的探戈舞那样断续而不连贯。
    His version of the tango was more sensuous and less stacatto than the modern ballroom tango of today!
  • 他给她寄了一封信。
    He sent her a letter.
  • 我送比尔一张照片。
    I sent Bill a photo.
  • 我把它们送给他。
    I sent them to him.
  • 约翰寄玛丽一个包裹。
    John sent Mary a parcel.
  • 她给我拍了封电报。
    She sent me a telegram.
  • 我们把它送了乔治。
    We sent it to George.
  • 乔治把支票瓦特寄去了。
    George sent the cheque to Watt.
  • 他自己寄了个包裹。
    He sent a package to himself.
  • 他把那个包裹邮寄了。
    He sent the parcel by post.
  • 他寄我们一张填迟日期的支票。
    He sent us a postdate cheque.
  • 给犯人判的刑罚很轻
    Gave the offender a light sentence.
  • 分析家说,虽然朕邦储备委员会不大可能改变货币政策,不景气已在减缓而全盘通货膨胀却在加速的现象可能联邦储备委员会一个警讯。
    The acceleration in wholesale inflation as the recession winds down may send warning signals to the Federal Reserve Board, although a change is its monetary policy seems unlikely, analysts said.
  • 卡片一种寄情人、朋友或家庭成员的一种充满感情的或幽默的问候卡片,如在圣瓦伦丁节日时所寄
    A sentimental or humorous greeting card sent to a sweetheart, friend, or family member, for example, on Saint Valentine's Day.
  • 当顺序写操作超出文件原长度时,在文件末端另分配该文件的空间量。
    The amount of space to be allocated at the end of a file each time a sequential write exceeds the allocated length of the file.
  • 对物体施加力以改变其运动,意味着物体一个加速度。
    To exert a force upon a body to change its motion means to give it an acceleration.
  • 磁道又分为扇区,为了区分这些扇区,用0、1、2等扇区按顺序编上地址号,一个扇区是一个基本的存取单位。
    A track is subdivided into sectors. To distinguish the sectors, they are sequentially addressed by natural numbers 0,1,2and so on.A sector is a primitive access unit.
  • 磁道又分为扇区,为了区分这些扇区,用0、1、2等扇区按顺序编上地址号,一个扇区是一个基本的存取单位。
    A track is subdivided into sectors. To distinguish the sectors, they are sequentially addressed by natural numbers 0, 1, 2 and so on. A sector is a primitive access unit.
  • 调解人精通化解争端的程序,因此被视为双方的顾问。他们所受的训练是:不提供解决方案或意见,也不任何形式的建议,只是不偏不倚地从旁协助。
    Their training includes guiding the parties sequentially through their tasks, keeping parties attuned to the ground rules and focused on reaching an agreement.The mediators are seen as a resource person for the parties, someone knowledgeable and skilled in a process for resolving conflicts.They are trained not to offer solutions, opinion any other type of advice, and to remain impartial facilitators.
  • 接着上帝带他到山上一个湖沼边去,指他看水的光辉,石头的宁静,和湖沼中的美丽的反影,他听大风吹过松树的声音,可是那个人说,他还是不感到兴奋。
    Next God took him to a mountain lake and showed him the light of the water, the sound of winds whistling through a pine forest, the serenity of the rocks and the beautiful reflections in the lake, and the man said that still he could not get excited over it.
  • 一名中士挨家挨户地战士们征集弹药。
    A sergeant went from door to door requisitioning bullets for the men.