  • 一种落叶的蔓延灌木,花芳香、黄色、在叶腋处轮生。
    deciduous climbing shrub with fragrant yellow-white flowers in axillary whorls.
  • 锦葵任一种属于锦葵属的植物,开有粉色或色腋生花朵,长有掌状叶和圆盘状离果果实
    Any of various plants of the genus Malva, having pink or white axillary flowers, palmate leaves, and disklike schizocarpic fruits.
  • 新西兰的一种灌木或小乔木,许多小花密生于叶腋内,有蜜的味道,树皮可作绳索。
    small tree or shrub of New Zealand having a profusion of axillary clusters of honey-scented paper-white flowers and whose bark is used for cordage.
  • 夏枯草,筋骨草属植物一种唇形科筋骨草属和石松属的草本植物,有对生的叶子,直茎,腋生的紫色到色花簇
    Any of several herbs of the genera Ajuga and Lycopus in the mint family, having opposite leaves, square stems, and axillary clusters of purplish to white flowers.
  • 非洲西部的大乔木,叶大,掌状,有裂片,腋生聚伞花序,小花形成圆锥花序,单翅种子;木材色至淡黄色,柔软。
    large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose panicles of small white flowers and one-winged seeds; yields soft white to pale yellow wood.
  • 夏至草一种芳香的生长于欧亚大陆的(欧夏至草欧夏至草属)植物,其茎宽阔;生有对生叶,上有色短柔毛;有无数呈腋生聚伞花序的色花。从其叶可提取一种苦涩的液体,用作调味品或咳嗽药
    An aromatic Eurasian plant(Marrubium vulgare) having square stems, opposite leaves with white pubescence, and numerous white flowers in axillary cymes. The leaves yield a bitter extract used in flavoring and as a cough remedy.
  • 簇生的多年生植物,花亮粉色至色。
    tufted perennial of western Europe and Azores having bright pink to white flowers.
  • 云与蓝天融为一体。
    White clouds and an azure sky melded.
  • 水下能见度有时可以超过30米,加上色的海底沙石的装扮,更突出了冲绳深蓝色的海水。
    Underwater visibility,sometimes greater than 30meters,and the white sand sea floor work together to paint the Okinawan waters a deep azure blue.
  • 他塑造了各种观众喜爱的人物形象,如《十五贯》中的娄阿鼠、《孙悟空三打骨精》中的猪八戒、《长生殿》中的高力士、《枯井案》中的胡图、《潘金莲》中的西门庆,以及《下山》、《相梁刺梁》、《芦林》、《醉皂》等。
    He protaryed many characters like Lou A-Su in Fifteen Strings Of Coins, Gao Li-Shi in Longevity Palace, Zhu Ba-Jie in King Monkey, Hu Tu in The Case About A Dry Well, Xi Men-Qing in Pan Jin-Lian, etc who were loved by a large number of audience and also performed other plays like Went Down The Mountian, Reeds, etc.
  • 因为谁肯向一个喋喋多言的人自呢?
    for who will open himself to a blab or a babbler?
  • 旧域猴;长尾猴;狒狒;疣猴;叶猴;短尾猴;山魈;眉猴;长鼻猴。
    Old World monkeys: guenon; baboon; colobus monkey; langur; macaque; mandrill; mangabey; patas; proboscis monkey.
  • 结核菌素从结核培养菌中提取含有蛋质的无菌液体,用于肺结核测试
    A sterile liquid containing proteins extracted from cultures of tubercle bacilli and used in tests for tuberculosis.
  • 这种小食品的包装袋的独特之处就是上面的这位"卡通阿拉法特"。只见在巴勒斯坦旗帜背景下,阿拉法特身穿卡其布军装,头戴标志性的黑方格头帕,张开着嘴,似乎在向人们说着些什么。
    The bags feature a cartoon of an open-mouthed Arafat in khaki military dress and his trademark black-and-white checkered headscarf against the backdrop of a Palestinian flag.
  • —有时是一队队的穿色制服的兵士,穿灰色制服的兵士,和佩着金黄色的肩章的军官,踏步前进,发生战斗,最后又退却了,那些穿色制服的兵士突然换上了橙黄色的制服,那些穿灰色制服的兵士似乎换上了紫色制服,而背景却满布着火焰般的金黄的虹色。
    now showing armies of white-clad and gray-uniformed armies and officers with golden epaulets, marching and counter-marching and united in combat and retreating again. As the battle and the chase were going on, the stage-lights changed, and the soldiers in white uniform burst out in orange and the soldiers in gray uniforms seemed to don purple, while the backdrop was a flaming iridescent gold.
  • 他有个主意,以纯为背景给他们拍摄。
    He had the idea of shooting them against a complete plain white background.
  • 她的衣服底子上有粉红花朵。
    Her dress has pink flowers on a white background.
  • 南非求变的压力升高,人的敌意也加深。
    White backlash increase as the pressure for change in south africa mount.
  • 曾获得多个金唱片的组合backstreetboys获得了年度艺人奖,年度艺人唱片奖和年度二重唱/组合唱片奖。
    The multi-platinum[2] boy band Backstreet Boys received awards for Artist Of The Year, Albums Artist Of The Year, and Albums Artist Duo/Group Of The Year.
  • 尸碱一种含氮的有机化合物,由蛋质被细菌感染导致腐烂而产生
    A basic nitrogenous organic compound produced by bacterial putrefaction of protein.
  • 有毒蛋质从某些植物及培养的细菌中提取出来的有毒蛋
    Any of various toxic proteins obtained from certain plants and bacterial cultures.
  • 从结核培养菌中提取含有蛋质的无菌液体,用于肺结核测试。
    a sterile liquid containing a purified protein derivative of the tuberculosis bacterium; used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
  • 由耐盐性细菌混合在盐和玉米粉或马铃薯果肉里而发酵的麦面包。
    white wheat bread raised by a salt-tolerant bacterium in a mixture of salt and either cornmeal or potato pulp.
  • 嘌呤霉素一种抗生素,c22h29n7o5,从放线菌中获取,实验性地用作蛋质合成的抑制剂
    An antibiotic, C22H29N7O5, obtained from the soil bacterium Streptomyces alboniger, that is used experimentally as an inhibitor of protein synthesis.
  • 一条鲸每游半英里就得浮出水面换气,而巴芬湾的未冻水域还有13英里之遥。
    A beluga needs to surface for air about every half mile; free flowing water was more than 13 miles away in Baffin Bay.
  • 最重要的是,基于血红蛋的氧携带体可被用在真正血液不能获得的情况下和地点,像灾难发生地、某些国家或战场。
    Best of all, HBOCs can be used in situations and locations where real blood is not avail able, as at disaster sites, some countries or baffle zones.
  • 看着微波炉里烤薯都比这有趣。
    Watching a potato bake in a microwave is more exciting.
  • 乳糖一种从乳清中提炼出的色结晶物质,用作婴儿食物、面类制品、糖果和药的稀释剂和赋形剂
    A white crystalline substance obtained from whey and used in infant foods, bakery products, confections, and pharmaceuticals as a diluent and excipient.
  • 烘蛋糕之前先给铁器皿底部涂上一层黄油。
    Grease the tin with butter before baking the cake.
  • 《关于中美贸易平衡问题》皮书
    On Sino-US Trade Balance
  • 蒙面的妇女;有篷大马车;封闭的阳台;雪覆盖的田野。
    women with covered faces; covered wagons; a covered balcony; snow-covered fields.
  • 变秃、变瞎、变疯、变苍、破产
    Go bald, blind, mad, pale, bankrupt