  • 实践按摩法的临床医专家。
    a therapist who practices naprapathy.
  • 精神和情感上失调的临床医学家。
    a therapist who deals with mental and emotional disorders.
  • 医师进行理的医保健专业人员;理
    A health care professional who administers physical therapy; a physical therapist.
  • 她克制不要频繁打电话给她的治专家。
    She refrains from calling her therapist too often; He should avoid publishing his wife's memoires.
  • 著名的心理治专家和作家约翰·格雷在该书的封面上称赞它是“实用而有价值的工具”。
    Popular therapist and author John Gray praises it, on the front cover, as a " practical and valuable tool.
  • 27岁的朗黛丝说,尽管她每周去理一次,她今年过的大半日子“像个四肢不全的废人。”
    Launders, 27, said she has spent most of the year "like a basket case" despite seeing a therapist once a week.
  • 物理法和芳香法的专家简·贝蒂说:“我们将薰衣草油滴在一块垫子上,晚间放在病人的枕头下,这样他们就不必服用安眠药,醒来时也不会显得困倦无神。”
    Physiotherapist and aroma therapist Jan Beattie says:“We put lavender oil on a pad under patients’pillows at night so they don’t have to take sleeping pills and wake up feeling drowsy.
  • 特殊学校除聘有曾接受特殊训练的教师外,还有教育心理学家、言语治师、听觉学家、物理治师、职业治师、驻校护士及社会工作者等专责人员提供支援服务。
    Besides being staffed by specially trained teachers, special schools are supported by specialists such as educational psychologists, speech therapists, audiologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, school nurses and social workers.
  • 劳拉·多伊尔像许多心理治专家那样,鼓励妇女们尽量做一些让人觉得好的事情,在婚姻生活之外培养一些兴趣爱好和友谊。
    Doyle,like many therapists, urges women to do nice things for themselves and build on their interests and friendships outside of marriage.
  • 训练有素的芳香法专家保证他们每天都会查看每位病人的医记录,以确信这些香精油不会导致其他不适反应。
    The trained aroma therapists make sure every patient ’s medical record is checked to ensure the oils won’t cause a reaction.
  • 中心内不但有医生和护士,还有其他专业人员,包括营养师、职业治师、物理治师和临床心理学家,以照顾长者多方面的需要。
    Professionals like doctors, nurses, dieticians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and clinical psychologists are working together at each centre to look after the various needs of the elderly.
  • 每天上午7点半以前她必须喂饱她的三个孩子,给他们穿衣、洗漱完毕。每隔几小时要分别给他们眼药治。她每天都排满了带孩子去找医生和理医师就诊的活动。
    Her three children must be fed, dressed and washed before 7:30 a.m medication must be dispensed every few hours, and her days are crowded with visits to doctors and physical therapists.
  • 她正在接受治疗。
    She was in therapy.
  • 法一种在医中局部或全部使用低温的方法
    The local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy.
  • 和化交替进行。
    Physical therapy alternates with chemical.
  • 射线法暴露在辐射前的法或冶
    Therapy or treatment by exposure to radiation.
  • 药物或程之后引起的作用。
    a delayed effect of a drug or therapy.
  • 用物理方法治疾病。
    a method of therapy that involves physical treatment.
  • 放射法使她瘦了不少。
    The radio therapy has taken he down somewhat.
  • 那时没有进行放射线治的设备。
    There was not equipment for giving radio therapy.
  • 对特殊治有很高技能的人。
    a person skilled in a particular type of therapy.
  • 演讲混乱的方法。
    any therapy intended to correct a disorder of speech.
  • 属于、关于或采用理方法的。
    of or relating to or used in physical therapy.
  • 在小组法过程中,患者可以在不知不觉中表露出他们的问题指受压抑的情绪。
    In group therapy, patients can act out their problems.
  • 减轻疾病疼痛的治方法。
    a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain.
  • 医生嘱我多走走,以此治我乏力的膝盖。
    The doctor prescribed walking as therapy for my weak knee.
  • 对他来说,交谈和旅行有特殊的治功效。
    The talk and travel is its own kind of therapy.
  • 射线剂量理时用的射线剂量
    The amount of radiation administered as therapy to a given site.
  • 一种治或者预防疾病的药物或者方法。
    a drug or therapy or preventive that cures or prevents a disease.
  • 她接受的治一定很成功,我在十年后见到她时,她挺强健。
    The therapy must have worked, because ten years later she's going strong.
  • 他股骨骨折并进行牵引治,因此护士只得每天给他浑身擦洗。
    He broke his thigh-bone and was put into traction, so that a nurse had go give him a blanket bath every day.
  • 你能继续采用这种法,即运动,直到你变瘦为止吗?
    Will you remain on his course of exercised until you are thinner?