  • 科学家对4千名男女进行了跟踪调查,发现童年时水果吃得越多,越不易得肺癌、肠癌和乳腺癌。
    A medical study of nearly 4,000 men and women showed that the more fruits the adults had eaten when they were young the less likely they were to suffer from lung, bowel and breast cancer.
  • “不过,夫人,”我弯了弯腰,好不易讲了一句勉强听得清的话,“我有幸早已被人介绍给您过了。”
    'I should perhaps say, madame, ' I said, bowing and managing to make more or less intelligible sounds, 'I have already had the honour of being introduced to you.'
  • 杯状物喝水器中的碗状部分
    The bowl of a drinking vessel.
  • 一满杯这种大杯所纳的总量
    The amount that such a bowl contains.
  • 凹形器皿如碗、大水罐或盘碟等有深度或量的餐具
    Pieces of tableware, such as bowls, pitchers, or serving dishes, that have depth or volume.
  • 这些现代的盒式建筑破坏了古城的美丽市
    These modern boxlike buildings do violence to the beauty of the old city.
  • 摄制组成员:格伦·哥登·卡伦(编剧)、南茜·海(布景装饰/设计)、艾文·温克勒(制片)、查尔斯·纽沃斯(执行制片)、麦克·尼古拉斯(导演)、朱莉叶·泰勒(演员阵)、莱斯利·麦当劳(艺术指导)。
    Nominated for a Tony for "Coastal Disturbances" in 1987.  High School Patrick Henry High, San Diego, CA Parents Live in San Diego. Two brothers Brad & Byron Bening and one sister.
  • 你很易想通过夸耀自己以获得某个人的青睐。
    When trying to impress someone, there's a big temptation to brag.
  • 这块面包很易切割。
    This bread cuts easily.
  • 如果你知道长度和宽度的话,计算面积就很易了。
    The area can easily be worked out if you know the length and the breadth.
  • 较大的,全面的比平均范围、宽度或量大的;广泛的
    Of greater than average scope, breadth, or capacity; comprehensive.
  • 缺少对观点的宽、灵活性或者大度。
    lacking tolerance or flexibility or breadth of view.
  • 的以视野的开阔或接受程度为特点的;宽大量的
    Marked by breadth or tolerance of views; broad-minded.
  • 广泛性统括一切的条件或品质;宽广或包
    The condition or quality of being catholic; breadth or inclusiveness.
  • 如果你知道长度和宽度的话,计算面积就很易了。
    The area can easily be worked out if you know the length and breadth.
  • 鸡蛋容易压碎。
    Eggs crush easily.
  • 脆的东西容易破碎。
    Brittle things break easily.
  • 陶器是易碎的;易碎的物品应该仔细的包装。
    earthenware pottery is breakable; breakable articles should be packed carefully.
  • 我是说纸箱易破裂。
    Well, I just mean they're easily breakable.
  • (化学、物理学、生物学)很易就变化或崩溃的。
    (chemistry, physics, biology) readily undergoing change or breakdown.
  • 正如brian指出的,不管怎样,戒烟是世界上最易的事。
    Anyway, as Brian point out, it is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking.
  • 不要用现金来贿赂或处罚这是个很易掉进去的陷阶。
    Don't use cash to bribe or punish It's an easy trap to fall into.
  • 盗窃国家财产,贪污受贿,这是现钱买卖,清清楚楚,不易搞错。
    The theft of state property, embezzlement and bribe-taking all involve materials and money. This is very clear and it shouldn't be hard to avoid mistakes.
  • 事情的发生就是这样:某个警察想,就接受了这次贿赂吧——仅此一次——用它来还笔债,或作为女儿的结婚费用。可你只要沾惹了坏事就被染污了,你会更易接受第二次贿赂——如此下去,直到最后情败露。
    That's what happens. A police thinks he'll take the bribe, just this once-to pay off a debt, of pay for a daughter's wedding. But you can't touch pitch without being defiled and the second offer is more easily accepted-and so on until he is found out.
  • 易受贿的;一个易驳斥的论点。
    vulnerable to bribery; an argument vulnerable to refutation.
  • 不久克里特将接纳收你,那是养育了我的地方,我们的新房也将安的那里。
    So Crete shall presently receive thee, Crete that was mine own foster-mother, where thy bridal chamber shall be.
  • 给一匹未驯服的马戴龙头实不易。
    It is not easy to bridle a horse that is not well broken.
  • 活泼的、新闻很多的杂志
    A bright, newsy magazine
  • 容易破裂的夫妻关系
    A brittle relationship between husband and wife.
  • 陶瓷是典型的由较大颗粒组成的材料,这使其很易破碎。
    Ceramics are typically made of much larger grains, which makes them brittle.
  • 作为内包含进来;播送或宣扬。
    include as the content; broadcast or publicize.
  • 爷爷满面笑地说:“我把松鼠皮送来了。”
    "I've brought you the squirrel skins," said grandad, smiling broadly.