  • 怪,他还不知道这件事。
    Strangely, he is still ignorant of it.
  • 他们对挂在附近的列奥纳多·达·芬的其他辉煌作品置之不理。
    They ignore other splendid works by Leonardo that are hung nearby.
  • 毛泽东同志在第七次大会所作的政治报告中关于党的作风的部分,刘少同志在第七次大会所作的关于修改党章的报告中关于党章的总纲部分,对于群众路线问题都作了精辟的解释。
    At the same Congress, illuminating explanations of the mass line were given by Comrade Mao Zedong in his political report when he spoke about the Party's work style, and also by Comrade Liu Shaoqi when he dealt with the General Programme in his report on the revision of the Party Constitution.
  • 被认为完美理想化的神的地方。
    an imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal.
  • 由胡乱的怪的想象所产生。
    produced by a wildly fanciful imagination.
  • 幻想特的在构想中表现出创造能力或幻想的;想象的
    Showing invention or whimsy in design; imaginative.
  • 你能很容易想象出我的惊
    You can easily imagine my surprise.
  • 对西南,他用拉拢的办法,正式和我谈判,说刘少同志不成熟,要争取我和他一起拱倒刘少同志。
    So far as southwest China was concerned, he tried to win me over and had serious talks with me in which he said that Comrade Liu Shaoqi was immature. He was trying to persuade me to join in his effort to topple Comrade Liu Shaoqi.
  • 到如今,十多年过去了,老师的解释清晰依然:熔炉在此是指不同文化与种族的人移居到美国,共同生活,融合在一起,创造了我们今天称作美国文化的妙文化。
    Now, even though over a decade has lapsed, the definition our teacher gave is still clearly written in my mind: the melting pot here means that people with different cultural and ethnical backgrounds immigrate to the States, live together, get mixed and build up this wonderful culture that we call American culture today.
  • 小女孩对有关永生的精灵的古老传非常感兴趣。
    The little girl is very interested in the old legend of immortal creatures.
  • 刘少同志的报告中讲到,我们有了反面的经验,就增加了“免疫力”。
    Comrade Liu Shaoqi commented in his report that we have increased our "immunity" as a result of the negative experience.
  • 尼科夫,艾列1845-1916俄国动物学家,因在免疫学方面的发现和贡献而与人共获1908年诺贝尔奖
    Russian zoologist. He shared a1908 Nobel Prize for discoveries and advances in immunology.
  • 可谓金翠珠玉,珍异宝,天下财富,尽聚于此。
    as well as numerous imperial robes and ornaments; textiles; and furniture.
  • 所以,我认为少同志的那个讲话主要是起了很好的作用的,而我所听到的流言就不是这样的。
    Therefore, I think the speeches delivered by Comrade Shaoqi served a good purpose, though I have heard rumors which imply the opposite.
  • 服务员:庐山耸立的山峰和神的迷雾是很有名的。
    Mount Lushan is famous for its imposing peaks and mysterious mist.
  • 王平:出生贫穷家庭的拉维特经常表示,他永远不会忘记巴拉圭贫穷儿童的悲惨遭遇,尤其是巴拉圭首都亚松森街头的贫穷儿童。
    Wang Ping: Bom into a poor family, Chilavert often said that he will never forget the impoverished encounter of the poor children of Paraguay, especially the poor children on the street in the capital city of Asuncion.
  • 王平:出生贫穷家庭的拉维特经常表示,他永远不会忘记巴拉圭贫穷儿童的悲惨遭遇,尤其是巴拉圭首都亚松森街头的贫穷儿童。
    Wang Ping: Born into a poor family, Chilavert often said that he will never forget the impoverished encounter of the poor children of Paraguay, especially the poor children on the street in the capital city of Asuncion.
  • 克鲁格曼:亚洲成就并非
    Paul Krugman: Asia was impressive but still human
  • 令人惊、印象深刻,到了晕倒或者压倒性的程度。
    so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm.
  • 那副怪而又残酷的模样已经铭刻在她的脑海里。
    That strange, cruel look had imprinted itself on her mind.
  • 这是由异的事件的连接造成的。
    it was cause by an improbable concatenation of circumstances.
  • 如果世界八大迹之一的泰姬陵因为压力传播不当而倒塌,那可真是太遗憾了。--<<越狱>>
    It'd be a shame if the eighth wonder of the modern world collapsed because the stress is improperly propagated.
  • 一时冲动的,通常怪的想法;想法
    An impulsive, often eccentric turn of mind; a notion.
  • 反复无常的,多变的具有异念头的特征的或易产生这类念头的;易冲动和不可预料的
    Characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable.
  • 楚亚人南美印第安民族的一员,最初组成了印加帝国的统治阶级
    A member of a South American Indian people originally constituting the ruling class of the Inca empire.
  • 曼特罗一种神圣的语言形式,在祈祷、冥思或咒语中重复,如呼唤神灵、神的咒语或有神秘内涵的经书上的一个音节或一部分
    A sacred verbal formula repeated in prayer, meditation, or incantation, such as an invocation of a god, a magic spell, or a syllable or portion of scripture containing mystical potentialities.
  • 婚姻中最温柔的时刻是特的,亦可能是不协调的那些瞬间。
    The tenderest moments in a marriage can be strange and incongruous.
  • 非常怪或者不同寻常;特点或者外表怪甚至不协调。
    very strange or unusual; odd or even incongruous in character or appearance.
  • 运用或结合用蒙太手法的
    To use or incorporate in a montage.
  • 我们平反了天安门事件,平反了包括彭德怀、张闻天、陶铸、薄一波、彭真、习仲勋、王任重、黄克诚、杨尚昆、陆定一、周扬等同志在内的一大批同志的冤假错案,并且不久就要为刘少同志恢复名誉。
    We have reversed the judgement on the Tiananmen Incident and remedies have been made for the cases of a large number of comrades, including Peng Dehuai, Zhang Wentian, Tao Zhu, Bo Yibo, Peng Zhen, Xi Zhongxun, Wang Renzhong, Huang Kecheng, Yang Shangkun, Lu Dingyi and Zhou Yang, in which the charges were false or which were unjustly or incorrectly dealt with.And very soon we will clear the name of Comrade Liu Shaoqi.
  • 特的喷泉与印在明信片上的美丽景色使黄石国家公园闻名遐迩。
    The incredible geysers and picture postcard landscape brought Yellowstone its fame.
  • 他轻轻地说。继之而来的每一条鳟鱼都是“漂亮的”、“不可思议的”、“美妙的”和“异的”。
    " he said softly, and every trout after that was beautiful, incredible, amazing, fantastic.