  • 分区在层面应用环境中也是有长处的。例如在企业资源计划或数据仓库的应用中,应用程序常常按功能划分到个桌面客户、应用程序服务器和数据库服务器中。
    Partitioning is also advantageous in multitier application environments, such as enterprise resource planning or data warehousing, where the applications are often functionally divided across multiple desktop clients, application servers and database servers.
  • 的维修费用都花在了更换煞车方面。
    A lot of the cost of maintenance go into renew brake.
  • 有利的环境适宜或有利的环境或种因素
    A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.
  • 我们在分裂二十年后又新生了友谊。
    We renewed our friendship after a hiatus of twenty years.
  • 这所大学近来更新了一直适用到2010年的管理合同,并且开始修建更的寝室,打算把这块地址当作它的西校区;
    The university recently renewed its management contract through 2010 and began building more dorms. referring to the site as its western campus;
  • 新加坡人,包括受高深教育、地位优越的社会精英,仍然积习难改,时时表现出漠视他人感受的举止。若在文明的社会里,这些行为即使不受到直言谴责,至少也是要遭人白眼的。
    Many Singaporeans, including the highly-educated and socially-advantaged elites, still routinely display tardy and inconsiderate character traits which would have been frowned upon, if not outright condemned, in a more polite society.
  • 而我不是在这里哭泣的仅有的波伦亚人:不,这地方是这样地充满着我们,在萨维拿河和累诺河之间也没有这么的人说‘西巴';
    I'm not the only Bolognese who weeps here - hardly! This place is packed with us; in fact, there are more of us here than there are living tongues, between Savena and Reno, saying"Sipa";
  • 要使一个世界共和国(按照亨利四世和圣皮埃尔神甫所理解的)、也就是世界各国彼此承认有同等权利、放弃单独采取纠正行动的广泛同盟成为现实,只有数国家在工业与文化、政治修养与权力达到尽可能近于同等的程度时,才能办到。
    A universal republic (in the sense of Henry IV and of the Abb?St.Pierre), i.e. a union of the nations of the earth whereby they recognize the same conditions of right among themselves and renounce self-redress, can only be realised if a large number of nationalities attain to as nearly the same degree as possible of industry and civilisation, political cultivation, and power.
  • 111年前奉行摩门教的犹他州宣布放弃一夫妻制,但一夫妻并未消失,它只是隐蔽起来了。
    Mormon Utah renounced polygamy 111 years ago; It's simply hidden.
  • 他指挥过许世界著名的管弦乐队。
    He has conducted many a world-renown orchestra.
  • 要是能走遍北京所有的名胜该少啊!
    How wonderful it would be that we could see all places of renown in Beijing.
  • 年轻时列奥纳以其形体健美和强壮有力而驰名。
    As a young man Leonardo was renowned for his physical beauty and his great strength.
  • 妇女认为这是男人的优越之处。
    Many women think this is an advantage for men.
  • 作为一名著名的色彩顾问,苏珊娜·凯吉尔生前曾为许知名人士设计房间和个人服装。
    As a renowned color consultant,the late Suzanne Caygill designed the homes and wardrobes of celebrities.
  • 此时的列奥纳作为一位神秘人物甚至魔术师而远近闻名。
    By this time Leonardo was renowned as a figure of great mystery, almost a magician.
  • 法例规定,现有公共屋的租金最每三年检讨一次,而所有屋区的整体租金与入息比例中位数在调整租金后不得超过10%。
    There is a statutory requirement that rents for existing public housing estates cannot be adjusted more frequently than every three years, and that the overall Median Rent-to-Income Ratio for all estates following rent adjustment should not exceed 10 per cent.
  • 尽管近几年,市政负责人努力把商业色情产业限制在芭堤雅海滩南部的一个地区,芭堤雅海滩的服务样性和快乐自由的夜生活,还是闻名于世的。
    Pattaya beach is world renowned for the variety and unrestrained hedonism of its nightlife, though city leaders have in recent years made an effort to confine the commercial sex industry to an area of south Pattaya beach.
  • 如果我的租车期限过了,这将要加少钱呢?
    How much will it is if I go over the rental period?
  • 政府在二零零一年八月推行长者租金津贴试验计划,以租金津贴代替公屋单位,让合资格的长者申请人有一个选择。
    A pilot Rent Allowance for the Elderly Scheme was introduced in August 2001 to give eligible elderly applicants an additional option of rental subsidy in lieu of public rental flats.
  • 一九九七/九八年度,约有3700个租户自愿交还公屋单位,当中很都购买了居者有其屋计划的单位。
    In 1997-98, some 3700 households surrendered their public rental flats voluntarily. Many of them purchased flats under the Home Ownership Scheme.
  • 通常帧窗口大于包窗口,以便数据流允许窗口重新打开之前让更的帧送出去。
    The frame window is normally larger than the packet window, allowing more frames to be transmitted before data flow allows the window to be reopened.
  • 中国对外开放,也让许美国人有机会亲身体验,这个文明古国的风采。
    This coincided with its reopening up to the outside world which has enabled an increasing number of Americans to travel there in order to experience at first hand the splendours of this venerable civilisation.
  • 从1992年初到1999年8月,中国政府先后在中越边境中国一侧进行了两次大规模扫雷行动,共排除各种地雷和爆炸物220万枚,销毁废弃弹药700余吨,完成扫雷面积300平方公里,打通边贸通道和口岸290个,恢复弃耕地、弃荒牧场和山林6万公顷,消除了边境冲突遗留地雷对当地平民的威胁。
    From early 1992 to August 1999, the Chinese government launched two large-scale demining operations on Chinese territory along the Sino-Vietnamese border. Over 2.2 million landmines and explosive devices of various kinds were removed, and more than 700 tons of abandoned ammunition were destroyed. An area of over 300 square kilometers was cleared. Some 290 border trade paths and ports of entry and exit were reopened, and 60,000 hectares of deserted farmland, pastures and forests were restored to their original state. Thus, the threat posed to the local people by the landmines left over from the border conflict has been eliminated.
  • 从1992年初到1999年8月,中国政府先后在中越边境中国一侧进行了两次大规模扫雷行动,共排除各种地雷和爆炸物220万枚,销毁废弃弹药700余吨,完成扫雷面积300平方公里,打通边贸通道和口岸290个,恢复弃耕地、弃荒牧场和山林6万公顷,消除了边境冲突遗留地雷对当地平民的威胁。
    From early 1992 to August 1999, the Chinese government launched two large-scale demining operations on Chinese territory along the Sino-Vietnamese border. Over 2.2 million landmines and explosive devices of various kinds were removed, and more than 700 tons of abandoned ammunition and explosive devices were destroyed. An area of over 300 square kilometers was cleared. Some 290 border trade paths and ports of entry and exit were reopened, and 60,000 hectares of deserted farmland, pastures and forests were restored to their original state. Thus, the threat posed to the local people by the landmines left over from the border conflict has been eliminated.
  • 在pid级上,数据流可以重新定次序,再合并到另一个mpts中,这个过程被看作重新路复用。
    At the PID level, streams can be reordered and combined back into another MPTS.This process is referred to as remultiplexing.
  • 这个利差,就是投资者接受了福特债券比新加坡政府债券出一些风险的回报。
    This rep-resents the reward to the investor for ac-cepting the somewhat higher risk attached to Ford as opposed to the government of Singapore.
  • 在我们看来,目前福特和新加坡政府债券的利差是1.2%左右。这个利差,就是投资者接受了福特债券比新加坡政府债券出一些风险的回报。
    At the moment, as we see, the spread between Ford and Singapore gov-ernment bonds is around 1.2%. This rep-resents the reward to the investor for ac-cepting the somewhat higher risk attached to Ford as opposed to the government of Singapore.
  • 科技不断在进步,也老早就让许机器能够“开口说话”了。
    Machines that "talk" are now commonplace, thanks to advances in technology.
  • 侵略性地向女子情地求爱的男人。
    a man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women.
  • 不过贷款终究是贷款,条件不管“宽厚”还是别人的钱。
    But whether the loan comes from NTUC Thrift or the loan sharks, it still has to be repaid.
  • 下一步所需要的是一个铁一般的承诺:在各共和国实行一贯的市场改革以后,给予实际的援助。援助须充分,但不必过以免以为[受援国的]重负。大部分可用长期贷款方式,一旦各共和国能自力更生时便偿还。
    What's needed next is an ironclad commitment of substantial aid to be delivered after the republics coherent market reforms. The aid, while large, won't be onerous. And much of it can be in the form of long-term loans to be repaid by the republics once they're on their feet.
  • 在数据处理过程中会有许发现。
    Many of the advances will come in data processing.