  • 不愿意丧失一部土地,结果丧失了全部土地。
    Reluctance to give up part of our territory resulted in the loss of it all.
  • 今天我们的社会精英清楚而不得已地告诉我们,在他心目中,我们被类了,而且,是他相对不重视的一类。
    Today we are told by some of our social elite with reluctance but clarity that, in their mind, we are classified as a category that deserves less attention.
  • 另一方面,共产党内理论水平的不平衡,许多党员的缺乏北伐战争时期两党合作的经验,党内小资产阶级成的大量存在,一部党员对过去艰苦斗争的生活不愿意继续的情绪,统一战线中迁就国民党的无原则倾向的存在,八路军中的新军阀主义倾向的发生,共产党参加国民党政权问题的发生,抗日民主根据地中的迁就倾向的发生,等等情况。
    On the other hand, we have the uneven theoretical level among Communists; the fact that many of our Party members lack the experience of co-operation between the two parties gained during the Northern Expedition; the fact that a large number of Party members are of petty-bourgeois origin; the reluctance of some Party members to continue a life of bitter struggle; the tendency towards unprincipled accommodation with the Kuomintang in the united front; the emergence of a tendency towards a new type of warlordism in the Eighth Route Army; the emergence of the problem of Communist participation in the Kuomintang government; the emergence of a tendency towards excessive accommodation in the anti-Japanese democratic base areas; etc.
  • 同时,中国政府也清楚地看到,由于历史和自然地理等因素的制约和影响,中国中西部少数民族较为集中的地区与东部沿海地区相比,在发展上还存在着较大差距,有部少数民族地区人民还未解决温饱问题,有些地区因生产条件较差严重影响持续发展。
    In the meantime, however, the Chinese government is well aware of the fact that, due to the restrictions and influences of history, physical geography and other factors, central and western China, where most ethnic minority people live, lag far behind the eastern coastal areas in development. In some ethnic minority areas, the people are inadequately fed and clothed, and while in some other areas sustained development has been adversely affected by poor production conditions.
  • 新老师可能被派到电脑教学刚刚启步的学校,大家必须从头学起,一齐开步走;资深的老师空有丰富的教学经验,在运用电脑教学的大前提下,却突然无法施展,不但士气受挫,也可能影响教学表现,得不偿失。
    Hence, all teachers -- including the seniors who are very experienced in teaching, but who are suddenly at a loss when it comes to computers -- will have to start from scratch and will have to progress together.Eventually, they will become frustrated and their teaching performance may be adversely affected. Based on this scenario, the cons seem to outweigh the pros.
  • 吝啬的;不大方的在给予、原谅或配上慢的或勉强的;吝啬的
    Slow or reluctant in giving, forgiving, or sharing; stingy.
  • 别时,我极不情愿地道了再见。
    When the time came, I said a reluctant good-bye.
  • 他对这些充证据的任何部都不愿承认其有效。
    He was reluctant to admit any of the ample evidence.
  • 许多地方党部,还不愿意吸收知识子入党。
    Many of our local Party branches are still reluctant to let intellectuals join.
  • 当然,还有其他原因造成回教徒不愿意被称为中庸子。
    There are other reasons why Muslims are reluctant to be called "moderate Muslims".
  • 对于反动派中的动摇子和胁从子,应有宽大的处理。
    Vacillating elements and reluctant followers among the reactionaries should be dealt with leniently.
  • 他不愿意开始,但他一旦开始了,你就会看到他干得十卖力。
    He's reluctant to begin, but when he does you should see him go into action.
  • 我们上班的地方离家不过5钟的车程,埃里卡心中想着,就勉强上班去了。
    We're just five minutes away,Erica told herself now as she reluctantly left for work.
  • 但一条巨头鲸在一个单独的夜里被记录有6钟的眼的迅速跳动。
    But a pilot whale was noted as having six minutes of REM in a single night.
  • 这一过程的剩余部用备份盘来进行。
    Use the backup disks for the remainder of this procedure.
  • 库存的剩余部将以半价卖掉。
    The remainder of the stock will be sold off at half price.
  • 但也有自己占有一部土地,另租入一部土地的。
    But some rich peasants own only part of their land and rent the remainder.
  • 模数一个整数,当别被两个给定整数除时,得到相同的余数
    A number by which two given numbers can be divided and produce the same remainder.
  • 在红色区域,土地大部配了,小部在配中。
    In the Red areas the greater part of the land had been distributed and the remainder was being distributed.
  • 巴布亚新几内亚的最北部的部岛屿;形成了英联邦所属的独立政府。
    the northernmost islands are part of Papua New Guinea; the remainder form an independent state within the British Commonwealth.
  • 每个玩家得到洞牌,其余的依次发;每出一张牌后都要下赌注。
    poker in which each player receives hole cards and the remainder are dealt face up; bets are placed after each card is dealt.
  • 大多数印刷厂(71.3%)从事一般的散页印刷,其余大部从事与印刷事务有关的工作,例如排字和书籍钉装等。
    Most of the printing factories (71.3 per cent) are engaged in general jobbing work, and most of the remainder deal with related work such as typesetting and book-binding.
  • 变种一个种类的细小支,由自然发生或选择繁殖的群体或个体而组成,在一定的较小的特点上不同于此类的剩余者
    A taxonomic subdivision of a species consisting of naturally occurring or selectively bred populations or individuals that differ from the remainder of the species in certain minor characters.
  • 只需要花一部时间来获取食物,其余时间既毋须为将来担忧。也毋须用于劳累后的歇息。
    Only a portion of time is required for procuring food, and the remainder is not engrossed by anxious thought for the morrow, or necessary repose from muscular activity.
  • 一国的生产物中,只有一部注定要用于满足生产性消费,其余的生产物则用来满足生产者的非生产性消费和非生产性阶级的全部消费。
    Of the produce of the country, a part only is destined to be consumed productively; the remainder supplies the unproductive consumption of producers, and the entire consumption of the unproductive classes.
  • 脱落将献血者的血抽出来并成各部,其中的一些成,如血浆和血小板留下,其余成通过输血回到献血人身上的过程
    A procedure in which blood is drawn from a donor and separated into its components, some of which are retained, such as plasma or platelets, and the remainder returned by transfusion to the donor.
  • 双方在还剩下几钟时比持平
    Tied the game with minutes remaining.
  • 迷走神经过敏迷走审经过兴奋或过敏,对血管,胃和肌肉的功能有不利影响
    Overactivity or irritability of the vagus nerve, adversely affecting function of the blood vessels, stomach, and muscles.
  • 半部与余下的部大致相当的部
    One part approximately equal to the remaining part.
  • 他将剩余的食物给工人。
    He parceled out the remaining food to the workers.
  • 他在紧急关头十镇静为此感到骄傲.
    He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency.
  • 资方与劳工同意仲裁调停他们尚存的
    Management and labor agreed to arbitrate their remaining differences.