  • 我们要考察的容之一是生命起源前的自组织,化学自组织。
    One of the things we're trying to look at is prebiotic seif-organisation, chemical seif-organisation.
  • 在十五世纪,塞纳河在巴黎城廓流经五个河洲:鲁维埃洲,那时树木葱茏,如今只剩下柴禾了;
    In the fifteenth century, the Seine bathed five islands within the walls of Paris: Louviers island, where there were then trees, and where there is no longer anything but wood;
  • 为了存护渔业资源,地农业部渔政渔港监督管理局于六月和七月在南中国海实施休渔期,在这两个月禁止所有使用拖网、围网和掺缯的捕鱼作业。
    To conserve fisheries resources, the Bureau of Fisheries Management and Fishing Port Superintendence of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Mainland implemented a fishing moratorium in the South China Sea in June and July. All fishing operations using trawl net, purse-seine and hang trawl were banned during the two-month period.
  • 不过,第一眼便可看出,这三大部分还是形成一个整体的,只见两条平行的长街,不断延展,毫无阻碍,几乎一溜笔直,从南向北,正好与塞纳河垂直,一起贯穿三城,加以连接,加以混合,把这一座城市的人流不停地注入、倾入和移入另一城,由此三城合而为一。
    Nevertheless,at first sight, one recognized the fact that these three fragments formed but one body. One immediately perceived three long parallel streets, unbroken, undisturbed, traversing, almost in a straight line, all three cities, from one end to the other;from North to South, perpendicularly, to the Seine, which bound them together, mingled them, infused them in each other, poured and transfused the people incessantly, from one to the other, and made one out of the three.
  • 天文台在香港境设有8台短周期地震计,用以监测香港邻近地区的地震。
    To monitor earthquake activities in the vicinity of Hong Kong, the Observatory operates a network of eight short-period seismograph stations.
  • 1.卫星遥感。中国从二十世纪七十年代初期开始利用国外遥感卫星,开展卫星遥感应用技术的研究、开发和推广工作,在气象、地矿、测绘、农林、水利、海洋、地震和城市建设等方面得到了广泛应用。
    1. Satellite Remote-Sensing: China began to use domestic and foreign remote-sensing satellites in the early 1970s, and eventually carried out studies, development and promotion of satellite remote-sensing application technology, which has been widely applied in meteorology, mining, surveying, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, oceanography, seismology and urban planning.
  • 1.卫星遥感。中国从二十世纪七十年代初期开始利用国外遥感卫星,最后开展卫星遥感应用技术的研究、开发和推广工作,在气象、地矿、测绘、农林、水利、海洋、地震和城市建设等方面得到了广泛应用。
    1. Satellite Remote-Sensing: China began to use domestic and foreign remote-sensing satellites in the early 1970s, and eventually carried out studies, development and promotion of satellite remote-sensing application technology, which has been widely applied in meteorology, mining, surveying, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, oceanography, seismology and urban planning,and so on .
  •  (5)如果一国法律不准许在输入时扣押,应代之以禁止输入或在国扣押。
    If the legislation of a country does not permit seizure on importation, seizure shall be replaced by prohibition of importation or by seizure inside the country.
  •  (6)如果一国法律既不准许在输入时扣押,也不准许禁止输入或在国扣押,则在法律作出相应修改以前,应代之以该国国民在此种情况下按该国法律可以采取的诉讼和救济手段。第十条〔虚伪标记:对标有虚伪的货源或生产者标记的商品在进口时予以扣押〕
    If the legislation of a country permits neither seizure on importation nor prohibition of importation nor seizure inside the country, then, until such time as the legislation is modified accordingly, these measures shall be replaced by the actions and remedies available in such cases to nationals under the law of such country.Article 10
  • 二零零一年,该署对非法屠房采取444次扫荡行动,并定期及突击抽查肉档,共搜获超过30公吨生猪、肉壳及脏。因藏有来历不明肉类而遭检控的个案有13宗。
    In 2001, it carried out 444 raids on suspected illegal slaughterhouses, and made both regular and surprise checks on meat stalls, resulting in the seizure of more than 30 tonnes of live pigs, pig carcasses and offal, and 13 prosecutions involving the possession of meat coming from unapproved sources.
  • 他欣赏陈老的作法,在没有昂贵礼物时让儿子吟唱《渭阳曲》,以2000年的古老文体向弟告别。
    He likes the way Chen Senior overcomes his lack of precious material gifts by asking his sons to sing the Weiyang Song to honour his brother-in-law with a 2000 year old literary accolade.
  • 香港回归祖国以来,“一国两制”方针得到全面贯彻落实,中央政府严格按照基本法办事,不干预香港特别行政区自治范围的事务,确保香港特别行政区实行“港人治港”、高度自治,赢得了广泛的赞誉。
    Since the return of Hong Kong to the embrace of the motherland, the principle of "one country, two systems" has been comprehensively implemented. The central government has acted in strict accordance with the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) without interfering in affairs that would fall within the stipulated range of autonomy of the HKSAR government and ensured the implementation of the principle of "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" with a high degree of autonomy, winning wide acclaim in this regard.
  • 他和一个朋友利用数学知识开发了一个在赛马比赛中选拔冠军的识别系统,然后开始推销他们的"马童筛选器"的部消息传单,但因为无许可证被迫关停。
    He and a friend used math to develop a system for picking winners in horseracing and started selling their"Stable-Boy Selections"tip sheets until they were shut down for not having a license.
  • 我深信贵学院必能完成使命,成为香港,甚至亚太区卓越的师资培训和持续专业发展中心。
    I strongly believe that the Institute is able to fulfil its tasks and earn the acclaim as a centre of excellence for teacher education and continuing and professional education in Hong Kong as well as the Asia-Pacific Region.
  • 还开设有临时展厅,举办各种主题性展览,如近年来的《古书画真伪对比展》、《古陶瓷真仿品对比及古窑址资料展》、《清代宫廷包装艺术展》、《五十年入藏文物精品展》等,都是广受社会各界欢迎的展览。同时也引进国各兄弟博物馆和国外的收藏文物展。为满足广大群众的要求,故宫博物院还组织小型文物展到各省市博物馆展出,并应邀到国外举办各种形式的展览,特别是改革开放以来,此类展览愈见频繁。
    A number of thematic shows have been held in galleries devoted to temporary exhibitions; in recent years these have included such acclaimed ones as "A Comparison of Authentic and Counterfeit Paintings and Calligraphy", "Genuine and Imitation Examples of Ancient Porcelain and Materials from Ancient Kilns", "The Art of Packaging in the Qing Court" and "Selections from the Finest Acquisitions of the Last Fifty Years". Moving exhibitions have also graced various provincial museums and museums abroad.
  • 使到规模浩大的新机场工程,能够在预算费用如期完竣。这一点蠃得世界各国的称誉,亦是香港人觉得非常骄傲的一点。
    We take immense pride in the completion of the new airport on time and within budget, which has won the acclaim of the world.
  • 但采用旧形式必须以表现现实容为主,方法则应是批判的有选择的利用。
    However, a critical and selective approach should be adopted in using them, depending on how well they can help portray reality.
  • 霎时间,我感到非常疚,责备自己如此自私。
    Suddenly I felt very guilty and selfish.
  • 在美国,每年约有1500名病人体留有糊涂医生做手术时忘记收拾的钳子、纱布及其他工具。
    Surgical teams accidentally leave clamps, sponges and other tools inside about 1,500 patients nationwide each year.
  • 我偶然听到他们的谈话容。
    I accidentally overheard what they were saying.
  • nas设备采用一个部操作系统,该操作系统起到了管理数据存储、语义和控制磁盘数据读写等控制作用。
    The NAS device uses an internal operating system, which acts as a control mechanism for managing data storage, semantics and control for reading and writing data onto its disks.
  • 不能真实反映事物在本质的外表。
    an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something.
  • 西尼奥拉说,“我们永远完全受到以色列军力的控制。他们可以在半小时到达约旦河。我们不能维持任何开工的军事部署。”
    "We would always be at the mercy of Israeli arms," Siniora said. "They can reach the Jordan River in half an hour. We would not be able to maintain any semblance of a military machine."
  • 此外,塔希尔博士说,在取自谢泼德太太阴道精液的两个显微镜涂片中发现了埃伯林的dna类型。
    In addition, Dr.Tahir said Mr.Eberling's DNA type was found in semen on two slides of vaginal smears taken from Mrs.Sheppard.
  • 蒙古女牧民来晓带头采用冷冻精液配种和常温人工授精技术,成功后在全区迅速推广,妇女实行良种养殖的比例已达51%。
    Lai Xiao from Inner Mongolia took the lead to use the techniques of breeding with freeze semen and artificial breeding under ordinary temperature and spread the technique to the whole region after she was succeeded. Now, about 51 percent of women in the area have applied fine breed breeding.
  • 包括杰西·雷诺兹在的15名考虑主修医学预科的新生,这学期花了一个月的时间和佛蒙特州村子里的医生们一起生活和工作。
    Fifteen freshmen considering premed majors, including Jessie Reynolds, spent a month this semester living and working with doctors in the villages of Vermont.
  • 譬如,如果在殖民地时期文学这门课程上还未读过任何布置阅读的作品,即便一周把整个学期的学习容硬塞进脑子里,也无济于事。
    For example, if you haven't done any reading for your colonial literature class, you probably won't get much out of trying to cram the whole semester's worth of material into your brain in a week.
  • 短缺原材料和资源性产品
    Raw and semi-finished materials and resource products which are in short supply in China
  • 小囊,椭圆囊位于耳迷路的细胞膜的囊,与半规管相连
    A membranous sac contained within the labyrinth of the inner ear and connected with the semicircular canals.
  • 壶腹通管或导管的小的膨起,尤指耳朵的半规管
    A small dilatation in a canal or duct, especially one in the semicircular canal of the ear.
  • “语句”要么是用分号结尾的一个简单语句,要么是一个复合语句——封闭在括号的一组简单语句。
    The statement means either a simple statement terminated by a semicolon or a compound statement, which is a group of simple statements enclosed in braces.
  • 为了在半导体中选定的区域扩散或沉积,在半导体圆片蚀刻氧化层或隔离层形成的孔。
    A hole formed by etching through an oxide or insulating layer on a semiconductor wafer for the purpose of permitting diffusion into or deposition onto aselected area of the semiconductor.