  • 一个满力量及激情的演说
    A speech delivered with energy and emotion.
  • 戴尔是公司的巨人,而戴尔也是满爱心的丈夫和四个孩子的父亲。
    Dell the corporate titan is also Dell the love-struck husband and father of four.
  • 因为delphi是一个本机代码编译器,它能分利用windows95和windowsntapi中的所有设备。
    Because delphi is a native code compiler it can take advantage of all facilities in the window 95 and window nt api.
  • 全港市民都行动起来,分表现香港人奋勇自强、互相扶助的能力和意志。
    The whole community is in action to demonstrate in full - to demonstrate in full our ability and commitment to help ourselves and help each other.
  • 证明有足的合法理由(做某事)
    To demonstrate sufficient legal reason for(an action taken).
  • 努力形成广纳群贤、人尽其才、能上能下、满活力的用人机制,把优秀人才集聚到党和国家的各项事业中来。
    Efforts should be made to form a vigorous personnel mechanism under which we can gather large numbers of talented people, put them to the best use and get them prepared for both promotion and demotion, calling them to the service of the Party and state.
  • 这个贫民窟里的小酒吧是一个满罪恶的场所。
    The bar in the slum is a den of iniquity.
  • 在亚洲金融风暴的影响之下,香港经济放缓稍令我们愉快的心情受损,但我们仍然满希望。
    Even though the euphoria has been somewhat dented by the economic downturn as a result of the Asian financial turmoil, hope remains high in Hong Kong.
  • 香港顺利回归中国,令我们满信心,无比振奋,但在一片欢欣愉快的气氛中,香港却受到亚洲金融风暴的冲击,经济陷於低迷。
    The confidence and the euphoria of the successful return of Hong Kong to China has been dented by the economic downturn of the Asian Financial turmoil.
  • 我们退出《反弹道导弹》条约,使得我们能够分地研究和试验导弹防御技术和部署导弹防御系统,保护我们的领土和城市。
    Our withdrawal from the ABM Treaty has made it possible to develop and test the full range of missile defense technologies, and to deploy defenses capable of protecting our territory and our cities.
  • 使填积;使淤高通过沉淀淤积而填或升高(河床)的高度
    To fill and raise the level of(the bed of a stream) by deposition of sediment.
  • 石油斥压低了天然气的价格。
    The glut of oil depressed gas prices.
  • 思考问题分而又彻底。
    think about at length and in depth.
  • 海涅,亨利希1797-1856德国作家,自1831年之后生活在巴黎。他的浪漫主义诗歌及社会论文满了他对自己祖国土地和人民的热爱,对众多德国现代研究机构的嘲笑
    German writer who lived in Paris after1831. His romantic poems and social essays are marked by his love for the German land and people and derision for many modern German institutions.
  • 这本书我读了好多遍,为的是从它的字里行间得到分的益处。
    I read the book many times in order to derive the full benefit from its pages.
  • 所有这些人的劳动最终都从面包或其售价那里获得报酬,制犁匠也和其余人一样,其原因是犁除了翻土外,没有别的用处,因而除非犁地能增加土地的收益,使制犁匠的劳动得到分报酬,否则谁也不会制作或使用犁。
    All these persons ultimately derive the remuneration of their labour from the bread, or its price: the plough-maker as much as the rest; for since ploughs are of no use except for tilling the soil, no one would make or use ploughs for any other reason than because the increased returns, thereby obtained from the ground, afforded a source from which an adequate equivalent could be assigned for the labour of the plough-maker.
  • 被配偶遗弃是离婚的足理由.
    Desertion is a ground (ie legally sufficient reason) for divorce.
  • 以诗的感情说来,作者在这诗中,分地表现了刚忿、软忧、两种交错的复杂感情,前者是“横眉指责”,曰:“祖龙休拔坑灰火,吾道长城有学宫1
    As for the poet's feelings, we can sense that he was exhibiting two sets of conflicting feelings: firm and angry, soft and sad. First, he angrily raised his thick eyebrows ( 横眉), pointing his finger and ordered, ''Emperor Qin, desist! Burn no more books; bury no more scholars. Mighty as the Great Wall is our cause;the Hall of Learning stands.''
  • 要做到这一点,当然首先必须对所有权和资产阶级生产关系实行强制性的干涉,也就是采取这样一些措施,这些措施在经济上似乎是不够分的和没有力量的,但是在运动进程中它们会越出本身,而且作为变革全部生产方式的手段是必不可少的。
    Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on the conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appear economically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionising the mode of production.
  • 满了琐碎的细节,十分混乱。
    overcrowded or cluttered with detail.
  • 分的详细而且细节精确。
    fully detailed and specific about particulars.
  • 我已写出报告的梗概,但我必须补细节。
    I've written the skeleton of my report, but I have to fill in the details.
  • 满琐碎细节的枯燥演讲
    A dry lecture filled with trivial details.
  • 这部侦探小说满了谋杀和暴力。
    This detective novel is full of blood and thunder.
  • 在这前所未有的时间与空间发展平台上,分、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,乃成了争先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space,sufficient, accurate, on-time and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 在这前所未有的时间与空间发展平台上,分、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,乃成了争先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space, sufficient, accurate, on-time and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 在这前所未有的时间与空间发展平台上,分、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,乃成了争先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space, sufficient, accurate, timely and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 我们满着必胜的决心。
    We are full of determination to win.
  • 内阁资政李光耀1996年在北京为《21世纪论坛》发表演讲时说,“在这个满核威慑力量的世界里,武力的用途是有限的。
    In a speech delivered at the 21st Century Forum in Beijing in 1996, Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew said: "In a world of nuclear deterrence, the usefulness of force is limited.
  • 未能引爆的;尤其是没有满剧烈爆炸的。
    failing to detonate; especially not charged with an active explosive.
  • 假定在燃烧室中形成分的湍流,就不可能产生爆燃。
    Given sufficient turbulence in the combustion chamber, detonation is unlikely to occur.
  • 未长成的,未分发展的生长或发展不完全的
    Not fully grown or developed.