Chinese English Sentence:
  • 这定律仍然有效。
    This law still holds.
  • 这条法则仍然有效。
    This law still holds good.
  • 一件然保持原状的织物
    A fabric that holds its shape.
  • 居住在远离家乡但和家乡保持联系的人的团体。
    a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland.
  • 记得我的故乡解放的那天。
    I still memorize the day of our hometown's liberation.
  • 简对乔的到来怀有希望。
    Jane hoped against hope for Joe's coming.
  • 尽管我们的专家们在评估这些建议,但他们对评估几年前倾倒在地下的原料数量的可能性不抱太大希望。
    Although our experts are still assessing the suggestions, they are not very hopeful that it could prove possible to assess the quantities of material poured into the ground years ago.
  • 他怎麽也学不会法语,可是老师锲而不舍地帮助他
    He is hopeless at French, but his teacher perseveres with him
  • 虽作过修正,但是一塌糊涂,如商店可以卖酒,但不许卖婴儿奶粉;可以卖明信片,但不许卖生日卡片;更奇怪的是,店主如果在这个基督教日子(星期日)卖了圣经,可能会被起诉。
    They have been amended, but even so they are hopelessly muddled. For example, a shop can sell alcohol but not powdered milk for babies, postcards but not birthday cards, and oddly enough, if a shop-keeper sells a Bible on this Christian day he could face prosecution.
  • 我们仍抱着希。
    We are still hoping.
  • 尽管技术管理人员可能在若干年内然供不应求,人们还是在议论,从长远看,跳槽会损害求职者的事业。
    While demand for skilled executives is likely to outpace supply for years, word is spreading that job-hopping, in the long run, can hurt a career.
  • 居民对医院服务的需求然殷切。
    Demand for hospital services remained high.
  • 每一所寄宿旅店都由男女舍监(管理员)管理,这些称呼在欧洲至今沿用。
    Every hostel is in the charge of house parents, or wardens, as they are still called in Europe.
  • 虽然群众对裁判的判决提出激烈的异议,但他坚持自己的立场。
    The referee kept his ground although his decision was hotly contested by the crowd.
  • 时间一个小时一个小时地过去了,营救人员然没有来。
    Hour after hour passed without rescue forthcoming.
  • 从教导所或劳教中心释放的年轻男犯,如被鉴定有特殊需要,便须在丰力楼居住最多3个月,才可获准回家或到其他地方居住,但须接受善后监管。
    Young male offenders identified as having special needs are, on discharge from a training centre or the detention centre, housed at Phoenix House for up to three months before they are permitted to live at home or in other places while they continue to receive after-care supervision.
  • 过不起“圣礼拜一”的人是家庭妇女,因为星期一过去是,现在在某种程度上然是“洗衣服日”,是洗衣服合适的日子。
    Someone who can't afford to keep St. Monday is the housewife, for traditionally Monday was-and to some extent still is-- "wash day", the proper day for doing the laundry.
  • 他口口声声支持女权主义,但全部家务然是妻子的事。
    He pays lip-service to feminism but his wife still does all the housework.
  • 不知道记分情况。
    However, I don't know about it.
  • 我在暴风雨呼啸之中听得见她的尖叫声。
    I could hear her scream through the howling of the storm.
  • 尽管中国内地的港口设施有所改进,在下一世纪,香港会是亚太区的枢纽港口。
    Despite the upgrading of mainland China port facilities, Hong Kong is likely to remain the hub port for the region well into the next century.
  • 他听着排风扇发出微弱的嗡嗡声,感到卧室里清晨的空气,然是那么凉爽。
    He listened to the quiet hum of the window fan and felt the still cool morning air that filled the bedroom.
  • 这位医生虽然治好了许多人的病,但他对他的工作很谦逊。
    The doctor was humble about his work, although he cured many people.
  • 幽默家,是在自己感到身体不好而然对此保持着好心情的人。
    A humorist is a man who feels bad but who feels good about it.
  • 尽管我们然有数份待发货订单要赶完,但是我们已完成任务过半。
    We're over the hump at work although we've still got several back orders to catch up on.
  • 艾琳旧是那样凝神地望着他,静静地说:“他托我替他办一点事情!”“哼!”索姆斯说。“托你办事!你如果担任起这种事情来,你就会忙得不可开交!”
    Irene, looking at him again with that intent look, said quietly: "Something he wanted me to do for him!" "Humph!" said Soames. "Commissions! You'll have your work cut out if you begin that sort of thing!"
  • 杰夫:即使如此,她夺得了100米的金牌,并打破亚洲纪录;在400米栏比赛中,获得银牌。
    Jeff: She won the 100 meter gold medal and broke the Asian record though she was wounded. She won the 400-meter hurdle silver.
  • 赫斯脱太太姐妹同意他这种看法──可是她们然羡慕她,喜欢她,说她是个甜姐儿,她们并不反对跟她这样的一位小姐做个深交。
    Mrs. Hurst and her sister allowed it to be so -- but still they admired her and liked her, and pronounced her to be a sweet girl, and one whom they should not object to know more of.
  • 但是那个当初并非她自己选择的丈夫然是哈瓦心里的一根刺。
    But the unchosen husband still smarts.
  • 已收获或在田地里的带壳的稻谷。
    rice in the husk either gathered or still in the field.
  • 稻谷稻谷,尤指有壳的,不管是收割了还是在田地里
    Rice, especially in the husk, whether gathered or still in the field.
  • 尽管催眠在医疗上成功地取得广泛运用,但对其工作原理缺乏共识。
    Although hypnosis has been successfully put to a range of medical uses, there is little clear agreement as to how hypnosis works.