Chinese English Sentence:
  • 新闻记者对太多的事情碰都不敢碰。
    Some newspapermen respected too many sacred cows.
  • 他们获得许多知识分子和一严肃的音乐家们的尊敬。
    They were respected by many intellectuals and by some serious musicians.
  • 大妈,大娘对那因智慧或年老而受人尊敬的女人的称呼
    Used as a title for a woman respected for her wisdom and age.
  • 若想客气、尊敬,可用。
    If one wishes to be polite and respectful, one can describe old people asBelderly.
  • 然而在一万份竞赛文章中她的文章被认为是最优秀的10篇文章之一。一位竞赛评委写了这样一段话:“她的成就值得受到那对移民问题持不同观点的人们的尊重和重视。”
    Yet out of 10,000 submissions, hers was deemed one of the 10 best, and a contest judge wrote, "Her achievement seems worthy of respectful attention by persons who have views on either side of the immigrant question."
  • 我的目光也要敬重地停留在那我读过的阳文书籍上,但应更热切地对那能看见的人所能读的出版物感兴趣,因为在我生命的漫漫长夜里,我读过的书和别人对我读过的书已筑成一座巨大的闪光的灯塔,对我显示了人类生活和人类精神的最深的航道。
    My eyes would rest respectfully on the books in raised type which I have read, but they would be more eagerly interested in the printed books which seeing people can read, for during the long night of my life the books I have read and those which have been.
  • 2.国会有权处置合众国之属地及其它产业,并制定有关这属地及产业的一切必要的法规和章则;
    Clause 2:The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States;
  • 音乐家都演奏得极好。
    All of the musicians performed admirably.
  • 企业大都是重点企业和企业集团,不少是行业排头兵企业。
    Most of those enterprises are the key enterprises and enterprise groups. Quite a few of them are the leading enterprises in their respective sectors.
  • 巴黎圣母院这座令人叹为观止的教堂,我们在前面曾试图为看官尽量恢复其原貌,简要指出了这座教堂在十五世纪时诸多美妙之处,而这妙处恰好是今天所见不到的。
    We have just attempted to restore, for the reader's benefit,that admirable church of Notre-Dame de Paris. We have briefly pointed out the greater part of the beauties which it possessed in the fifteenth century, and which it lacks to-day;
  • 凡尔赛宫中有地方可能要停止对公众开放,以期能保存下来。欧洲有一以有三万年历史的古画而著称的洞窟已经关闭了,因为那画已受到人类呼出的空气的损坏。
    Parls of the palace of Versailles may have to be closed to the public in order to preserve them, and some European caves, famous for their thirty-thousand-year-old paintings, have already been closed because the paintings were damaged by human respiration.
  • 伯承同志可供同志们学习的地方太多了,这不过是其中的一枝一叶。
    Comrade Bocheng has so many admirable traits for us to emulate that the ones I have mentioned are only like a branch or a leaf of the tree.
  • 你的心脏有呼吸性杂音。
    There's some respiratory murmur in your heart.
  • 你的心脏有呼吸性杂音。
    There 's some respiratory murmur in your heart.
  • 气管昆虫和一其它陆生节肢动物的内部呼吸管道之一
    One of the internal respiratory tubes of insects and some other terrestrial arthropods.
  • 呼吸根,载气体在某水生植物中的一种特殊的起呼吸作用的根结构,如落羽松
    A specialized respiratory root structure in certain aquatic plants, such as the bald cypress.
  • 最近,有研究者们一直在恐龙鼻腔内寻找呼吸鼻甲骨。
    More recently, some researchers have looked for respiratory turbinates in the nasal passages of dinosaurs.
  • 血蓝蛋白一种浅蓝色的含铜的呼吸色素,类似血红蛋白,出现在某节肢动物及软体动物的血液之中
    A bluish, copper-containing respiratory pigment similar to hemoglobin, present in the blood of certain mollusks and arthropods.
  • 栉鳃,栉齿一种梳子状的结构,如软体动物的呼吸器官或者某昆虫的一排刺
    A comblike structure, such as the respiratory apparatus of a mollusk or a row of spines in some insects.
  • 受到这些限制:
    be subject to the restrictions
  • 使得法律权利丧失的限制使他失去了公民资格。
    certain disabling restrictions disqualified him for citizenship.
  • 限制对于那福利申请人来讲实在太刻薄了
    Restrictions that were hard on welfare applicants.
  • 人傲慢得不得了。
    The arrogance of these people knew no restrictions.
  • 他不赞成这死板的限制。
    He did not hold with all these hard-and-fast restrictions.
  • 美国人并不知道来自不同种族或有不同宗教信仰的人的饮食禁忌。
    Some Americans don't knwq about the dietary restrictions of various ethnic and religiors groups.
  • 我最担心是,这法例会带来一不必要的雇佣常规、条款和条件,使本港的竞争力受到削弱。
    My main concern is that these laws could hurt our competitiveness by bringing in unduly restrictive employment practices and terms and conditions.
  • 为了不违反伊朗有关妇女服饰的严格的法律,她们只能参加其中的一项目。
    The women were limited in the events in which they were allowed to participate, so they would not violate their country's restrictive laws regarding women's clothing.
  • 在‘每个人都列出了曾经影响过自己的书’一句中限制性从句只限于将从句指定的那特殊的书。
    the restrictive clause in `Each made a list of the books that had influenced him' limits the books on the list to only those particular ones defined by the clause.
  • 囚犯的命运操在法官手里。
    The fate of these prisoners rests with the judge.
  • 对这类型的任何一个进行算术运算,都会获得一个int结果。必须将其明确“造型”回原来的类型(缩小转换会造成信息的丢失),以便将值赋回那个类型。
    Each arithmetic operation on any of those types results in an int result, which must be explicitly cast back to the original type (a narrowing conversion that might lose information) to assign back to that type.
  • 金融风暴和随之在金融市场引起的动荡,加快了我们的调整步伐。由於香港存在着泡沫经济,这调整无论如何也是必要的。
    The financial turmoil and the resultant instability of our financial markets have accelerated the pace of our adjustment which would in any case be necessary because of the existence of a bubble economy in Hong Kong.
  • 拉美一国家的地方行政长官
    A district administrator in some countries of Latin America.