  • 那冰山的九之一是在水面之上而九之八则在它的下面。
    Nine of that iceberg on the one hand above the surface of the water but 8/9th are below it.
  • 每月报案的入室盗窃案超过百起,而这只不过是已知的一小部.
    Over 100 burglaries are reported every month, and that's just the tip of the iceberg, ie many more occur but are not reported.
  • 这则新闻只报道了事情表面的小部。隐而未露的是美、英两国工程人员的严重状况。
    The news article reported only the tip of the iceberg. Hidden is a serious situation for engineers in the United States and Great Britain.
  • 在美国的大部地区,茶意味着冰茶,尤指甜冰茶,更确切地说,是加柠檬的甜冰茶。
    Tea in most parts of the country means iced tea, specifically sweetened iced tea, and more specifically, sweetened iced tea with lemon.
  • 由高糖冰酒饮料和水果制成的酒。
    tall sweetened iced drink of wine or liquor with fruit.
  • 北冰洋的冰岛以北那一部
    part of the Arctic Ocean north of Iceland.
  • 一种绝迹的旧挪威语方言布于公元1600年前的冰岛。
    the extinct dialect of Old Norse that was spoken in Iceland up until about 1600.
  • 雷克雅未克是冰岛的首府,夜半不落的太阳或冰与火交织而成的神奇景观成为冰岛特色的一部
    Reykiavík, the capital of Iceland, is just a part of the Icelandic experience with its midnight sun or the magical landscapes forged by ice and fire.
  • 车辆十小心地结冰的路上行驶。
    The cars went along with great care on the icy roads.
  •  而此时,琳达的大女儿在秋季也将成为杨百翰大学的新生,二女儿将上杨百翰大学在爱达荷州的校。
    As it happened, Linda's eldest daughter would also be a sophomore at BYU that fall, and her next eldest daughter would be at the branch campus in Idaho.
  • 结果看来十分理想
    The result seems to be ideal.
  • 新房子的位置十理想
    The location of the new house is ideal.
  • 乐观的改革者;不切实际的理想主义。
    a starry-eyed reformer; starry-eyed idealism.
  • 如果我们不引导我们的孩子们真心地热爱知识、发挥个性,他们的天将得不到发挥,理想将难以实现。
    If we do not turn the hearts of children toward knowledge and character, we will lose their gifts and undermine their idealism.
  • 形而上学是唯心主义世界观的组成部
    Metaphysics is part and parcel of the idealist world outlook.
  • 就好消息来说,布式对象的复杂但理想的目标已经超出了常规,这里单一的对象模型让您通过装配和购买可互用的对象来重建公司的应用程序。
    The good news is that the complex but idealistic goal of distributed objects -- where a single object model lets you rebuild corporate applications by assembling and buying interoperable objects -- has been blown off course.
  • 最理想的是军方仅封锁有助于敌人的消息。可是新闻简报官有时做得过。最初几名美国飞行员被俘,而发言人即使在俘虏已出现在伊拉克电视以后仍拒绝肯定这件事。
    Ideally, the military should withhold only data that aid the enemy. But briefers occasionally go to odd lengths. When the first U.S. fliers were captured, spokesmen refused to confirm the fact even after the captives had been shown on Iraqi television.
  • 验明事故遇难者身的工作费了不少时间
    The identification of the accident victims took some time.
  • 分清敌我
    identification of friend or foe
  • 确认少数民族成分。
    Identification of Ethnic Minorities
  • 请给我看看你的身证件行吗?
    Can I see some identification, please?
  • 对原文的析研究鉴定出作者是莎士比亚。
    Textual analysis identified the author as Shakespeare.
  • 区域内两个或更多的相对部或地方中的一个,相对于中心或指定地点的位置关系来区别。
    a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location.
  • 类学是一个标识符类法。
    Number taxonomy is an identifier taxonomy.
  • ecp*2)(ecpid)该字段表示另一个系统交叉运营扩展系统标识的ecp部
    ECP*2) (ecpid) This field represents the ECP portion of an Extended System Identifier of another system.
  • switch*1)(dcsid)该字段表示另一个系统交叉运营扩展系统标识的交换机部
    Switch*1) (dcsid) This field represents the switch portion of an Extended System Identifier of another system.
  • ecp*2)(ecpid)该字段表示另一个系统交叉运营扩展系统标识的ecp部
    ECP*2) (ecpid) This field represents the ECP portion of an Intervendor Extended System Identifier of another system.
  • unchecked:将一个tmodel归于这个类类别下即表示这样一个类类别tmodel,或是标识符tmodel,或是命名空间tmodel没有一个合法性检验服务
    unchecked: Marking a tModel with this classification asserts that it represents a categorization, identifier, or namespace tModel that does not have a validation service.
  • 该消息的通常用法是去检验指定的类类别或标识符(检查提供的keyvalue属性)是否存在于指定的类法或标识符系统中。
    The normal use is to verify that specific categories or identifiers (checking the keyValue attribute values supplied) exist within the given taxonomy or identifier system.
  • atm边缘设备或是把mpeg-2多程序传输流(mpts)或是把单一程序传输流解到程序级、最终到包识别符(pid)级。
    ATM edge devices deconstruct either an MPEG-2 multiple program transport stream (MPTS) or single program transport stream to the program level and ultimately to the packet-identifier (PID) level.
  • uddi规范2.0版中提供了一种机制,使得第三方实体能够注册新的类法或标识符模式,而对于校验流程也是完全由这样的第三方控制,uddi注册中心将会使用第三方提供的机制来处理对内容的检查。
    UDDI version 2 provides the ability for third parties to register new taxonomies and identifier schemes, and then control the validation process used by UDDI to perform such checks.
  • checked:将一个tmodel归于这个类类别下即表示这样一个类类别tmodel,或是标识符tmodel,或是命名空间tmodel有一个合适的已注册的合法性检验服务(可参阅uddi操作入口规范2.0版的附录a部)。
    checked: Marking a tModel with this classification asserts that it represents a categorization, identifier, or namespace tModel that has a properly registered validation service per the UDDI Version 2.0 Operators Specification Appendix A.