  • 她父母反对她晚间外
    Her parents disapprove of her going out at night.
  • 他们肯定不会让家人在春节时国。
    They would firmly disapprove if their family members went away on this occasion.
  • 十多年来,美国和其它国家一直在付耐心的、卓越的努力,以便不通过战争解除伊拉克政权武装。
    For more than a decade, the United States and other nations have pursued patient and honorable efforts to disarm the Iraqi regime without war.
  • 1991年,中国向联合国裁军审议委员会提交了关于区域裁军的工作文件,提一整套原则立场:双边、区域和多边裁军应相互促进;
    In 1991, China submitted a working paper on regional disarmament to the Disarmament Commission of the United Nations containing a complete set of principles and positions. Bilateral, regional and multilateral disarmament should be mutually promoting.
  • 在国际军控与裁军活动中,中国一贯积极支持广大第三世界国家提的合理建议和主张。
    In international disarmament activities China has consistently given active support to reasonable disarmament proposals and initiatives by the Third World countries.
  • 中国在1978年联合国第一届裁军特别大会上提:两个超级大国不论是核军备还是常规
    In 1978 at the First Special Session on Disarmament of the United Nations, China
  • 我们已经派数以百计的武器核查人员监督伊拉克解除武装。
    We have sent hundreds of weapons inspectors to oversee the disarmament of Iraq.
  • 性爱如闪电般出现;
    Eros strikes out of the blue;
  • 我们时代的一个突事实是被反犹太主义毒害了的国家,至于她们自己的自由却并没有因此而带来幸运;这本书的最显著的特点是一个新的理论;显著的特点;价格的明显上涨;皮堪德里广场最引人注目的东西是中间那座爱神的雕像;父母和孩子之间显著的相似之处。
    an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti_semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom; a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book; salient traits; a spectacular rise in prices; a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center; a striking resemblance between parent and child.
  • 她衣衫不整地从着火的房子里奔了来。
    She rushed out of the burning house with her clothes in disarray.
  • 从这次事件看,工人阶级靠得住,农民靠得住,解放军靠得住,知识分子是工人阶级一部分,也是靠得住的,但是如果中央自己乱了阵脚,那就难说了。
    This incident showed that the working class, the peasantry and the Liberation Army are reliable, and so are the intellectuals, who are part of the working class. But if the central leadership had been in disarray, it would have been hard to say what would have happened.
  • 执政党很显然的是把天时、地利和人和三大因素都考虑到了,除了闪电击,重划选区,也派了一队“奇兵”,那就是去掉四人集选区,增加六人和五人集选区。这使得反对党阵营仓皇失措,阵脚大乱。
    The ruling party had obviously taken into consideration the timing and feelings of the people. In addition to the re-drawing of electoral boundaries and the calling of a snap election, it did away with the four-member Group Representation Constituencies to provide for mega constituencies - the five or six-member GRCs - a move that sent the opposition into disarray.
  • 船出事沉没了。
    A disaster occurred and the boat sank.
  • 这个试验了大问题。
    The experiment went disastrously wrong, ie progressed in an unexpected way with very unpleasant results.
  • 又雇请玄学鬼张君劢提取消共产党、取消陕甘宁边区、取消八路军新四军的反动主张,雇请托洛茨基分子叶青等人做文章骂共产党。
    they have hired that metaphysics-monger Chang Chun-mai to make reactionary proposals for the liquidation of the Communist Party, the abolition of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and the disbandment of the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies;and they have hired the Trotskyite Yeh Ching and others to write articles abusing the Communist Party.
  • 即使今天闭上眼睛,我的眼前仍然能够浮现当时的生动景象:果派慢慢地在空中翻转,然后面朝下掉在了地上,我仰起头,看到的是姐妹们一张张不可思议的脸。
    I can close my eyes today and still see the vivid image of that pie flipping though the air in slow motion and landing up side down on the floor, then looking up and seeing the look of disbelief on my sister's faces.
  • 我现在正等着他的到来,渴望着把心里话说来,并听取他的意见。
    I waited now his arrival; eager to disburden my mind and listen to his advice.
  • 全年金融机构现金收入10577.9亿元,现金支10459.7亿元,收支相抵现金净回笼118.2亿元。
    Cash receipts in financial institutions of Beijing totaled 1057.79 billion yuan in the year, and cash disbursement, 1045.97 billion yuan, with the net amount of currency withdrawn from circulation standing at 11.82 billion yuan.
  • 椎间盘突出症
    protrusion of intervertebral disc
  • 疼痛是因腰椎间盘突引起的。
    The pain was caused by a slipped disc.
  • 医生诊断说他背疼是因腰椎间盘突引起的。
    The doctor diagonised that his backpain was caused by a slipped disc.
  • 第一阶段,拔病人口腔后部的一颗牙齿,将它挖刻成薄薄的圆盘。
    First, one of the patient's back teeth is extracted and carved into a thin disc.
  • 采用这样小的凹坑区,在读盘中可能现错误的数量是很多的。
    With such small pit areas, the number of possible errors in reading the disc is limitless.
  • 如果你插上摄像机,监视器上会显示这样的信息"请装上摄像机的驱动程序光盘。"
    If you're plugging in a camera, your monitor would show the message, "Please load driver disc for your video camera."
  • 你得先打一张牌,才能拿另一张牌。
    You've got to discard before you can pick up another card.
  • 出牌或打(牌)
    To discard or play(a card).
  • 一种玩家可以与牌者换牌的扑克游戏。
    poker in which a player can discard cards and receive substitutes from the dealer.
  • 夏威夷研究人员实质上运用了与克隆多莉相同的方法,即:取了枚卵子,从中取含有脱氧核酸(dna)遗传基因信息的细胞核并将其丢弃。
    The Hawaii researchers use essentially the same recipe used to make Dolly: Take an egg. Scoop out the nucleus, which contains the DNA genetic information, and discard.
  • 公民的通信自由和通信秘密受法律保护,对于陷匿、毁弃和非法开拆他人信件的人,一经发现,要作严肃处理,情节严重的将受到法律制裁。
    freedom and privacy of correspondence are protected by law, and those who hide, discard, damage or illegally open other people's letters, once discovered, shall be seriously dealt with, and grave cases shall be prosecuted.
  • 他在黑暗中只能勉强辨认道路。
    He was just able to discern the road from the dark.
  • 我马上察觉那人在撒谎。
    I soon discerned that the man was lying.
  • 外面一片漆黑他在黑暗中勉强能分辨道路。
    It was so dark outside that he was just able to discern the road in the dark.