  • 司在法国,但母司在美国。
    The subsidiary is in France but the parent company is in America.
  • 司为美国最大的石油生产厂家之一的麦卡锡石油天然气司的分司。
    Our companyis a subsidiary company of Mccarthy oil and gas corporation, one of the largest oil producer in the united state.
  • 但我总是告诉自己,胜安是新航的子司,这类意外是不会发生在新航客机的。
    But I have been telling myself that SilkAir is a subsidiary of SIA and that similar misfortunes will never happen to SIA.
  • 已经决定在一家子司的连锁商店试销罐装布丁6个月。
    It was decided to give the tinned puddings a trial run of six months in the chain stores of a subsidiary company.
  • 司为美国最大的石油生产厂家之一的麦卡锡石油天然气司的分司。
    Our company is a subsidiary company of Mccarthy Oil and Gas Corporation, one of the largest oil producers in the United States.
  • 组建这个新的子司花了一些时间,但第一年的利润表明我们至少在取得进展。
    It has taken some time to organize the new subsidiary company but a first year profit shows that at lest we're making headway.
  • 交易时似乎两者之间无关系,如当一司从它自己子司购买服务时这样做。
    To deal as if there is no connection between the parties as when a companone buy a service from one of its own subsidiary.
  • 真实故事:前任牛顿(newton)掌上电脑的负责人莎迪.伯耐特(sandybenett)曾告诉他的手下人说,其子司将被并入apple司--此事发生在乔伯斯尚未就此发表正式声明之前。
    True story: Former Newton palmtop chief Sandy Benett told his underlings that the subsidiary would be folded back into Apple--before Jobs had made an official announcement.
  • 同时,司也正在用它设在香港的一家叫thinergy的子司生产一些使用这种超薄电池的纸类产品。
    In the meantime, Power Paper is using its own subsidiary in Hong Kong called Thinergy Ltd., to provide some paper-based products using the company's thin battery design.
  • 资助赠款基金为扶助一项共事业拨给州或地方政府的联邦基金
    A giving of federal funds to a state or local government to subsidize a public project.
  • 共交通应当受到资助吗?
    Should public transport be subsidized?
  •    民的劳动权利是获得生存权的必要条件。
    A citizen's right to work is the essential condition for his right to subsistence.
  • 保障民的生命安全,维护人民的生存发展,是中国政府的崇高责任。
    Safeguarding citizens' lives, and protecting the people's subsistence and development are the lofty responsibilities of the Chinese government.
  • 司1993年资产负债表表明该司亏损严重。
    The company balance sheet for 1993 shows a substantial loss.
  • 第i期工程已大致完成,约开拓了568顷土地。
    Phase I has been substantially completed, with about 568 hectares of land formed.
  • 到那时,办室职员的工作方式会发生重大的变化。
    Then it will be possible to change substantially the way people work in an office.
  •  所谓“共经济”,老实说,它的内容应当没有别的,只是属于某些指定国家的经济,也就是真正的政治经济;如果萨依在向我们说明他所说的政治经济是什么(实际上没有别的,只是世界主义的、世界范围的或属于全人类的经济)以后,使我们知道当他谈到一些学说的原则时他唤作“共经济”的是什么,那么这种在名词上的代用,原也可以存而不论。
    This substitution of terms might be passed over if Say, after having explained what he calls political economy (which, however,is nothing else but cosmopolitical or world-wide economy, or economy of the whole human race), had acquainted us with the principles of the doctrine which he calls '閏onomie publique,'which however is, properly speaking, nothing else but the economy of given nations, or true political economy.
  • 年底时,创新及科技基金连同已纳入其中的工业支援资助计划及服务业支援资助计划,已拨款约10.99亿元资助248个由工业支援组织、工商协会、高等教育院校、专业团体及本地注册司推行的项目。
    By the end of 1999, the fund, including the Industrial Support Fund and the Services Support Fund that had been subsumed under it, had provided financial support of some $1,099 million to 248 projects undertaken by industry-support bodies, trade and industry associations, higher-education institutions, professional bodies and locally incorporated companies.
  • 他没病,这只是遁词;控股司只是一个挡箭牌。
    he wasn't sick--it was just a subterfuge; the holding company was just a blind.
  • 美国人就像孩子似的:吵吵闹闹,好奇,不能保守秘密,体会不到微妙之处,在共场所还常常举止不当。
    Americans are like children: noisy, curious, unable to keep a secret, not given to subtlety, and prone to mis-behave in public.
  • 埃弗格来兹美国佛罗里达州南部的一片亚热带沼泽地区,内有大沼泽国家园,以其内的野生动物,特别以鳄鱼、短吻鳄鱼和白鹭而闻名
    A subtropical swamp area of southern Florida including Everglades National Park. It is noted for its wildlife, especially crocodiles, alligators, and egrets.
  • 他在广场下车,换乘一辆郊区共汽车。
    He dropped off at the square and changed to a suburban bus.
  • 我该乘地铁还是共汽车?
    Shall I take the subway or bus?
  • 戴明继两位非家族老总之后,于1994年年底接任首席执行官,从而成为第一位管理该司的第三代家族成员。
    Deming took over as chief executive in late1994,succeeding two nonfamily chief executives and becoming the first third-generation family member to run the company.
  • 她新开办了一家司,我希望她取得成功。
    She's just started up a new company; I hope she makes a success of it.
  • 由於他在众中的良好形象,他已连续竞选获胜。
    Because of his good public image he have successively gained office.
  • 司总裁最近的继承者
    Is an immediate successor to the president of the company.
  • 今天他把办室的工作移交给了他的继任者。
    He gives over charge of his office to his successor today.
  • 今天他把办室的大权移交给继承人。
    Today he delivered up charge of his office to his successor.
  • 高尚的灵魂;诚实的民;可敬的人;可敬的继任者。
    a noble spirit; a solid citizen; an upstanding man; a worthy successor.
  • 她要与他对簿公堂。
    She will sue him at law.
  • 司打算提起要求获得损害赔偿金的诉讼。
    The company intends to sue for damages.