  • 弗尔南多,你也知道我母亲去世已一年多了,我几乎完全靠大伙儿救济才得以维持生计,你有时装要我帮你的忙,好借此让我分享你捕鱼得来的收获,我接受了,弗尔南多,因为你是我的表兄,我们从小一起长大的,更因为,假如我拒绝,会伤了你的心。
    She has been dead a year, and you know, Fernand, I have subsisted almost entirely on public charity. Sometimes you pretend I am useful to you, and that is an excuse to share with me the produce of your fishing, and I accept it, Fernand, because you are the son of my father's brother, because we were brought up together, and still more because it would give you so much pain if I refuse.
  • 颜料,涂料用作色剂的物质
    A substance used as coloring.
  • 临时代替者的作用。
    serving temporarily especially as a substitute.
  • 三是手解决党政不分、以党代政的问题。
    Third, it is time for us to distinguish between the responsibilities of the Party and those of the government and to stop substituting the former for the latter.
  • 这种三块设计,也称三层体系结构,随软件设计人员经验的积累和设计理论的完善,就自动让位于n层体系结构。
    The partition designs, also known as three-tier architectures, are themselves giving way to n-tier layered architectures as software designers gain experience and design theory gains subtlety.
  • 他正沿地铁台阶跑下去。
    He is running down the subway steps.
  • 他在顺利地处理这难题。
    He is meeting the tickler successfully.
  • 一种肉质的成地毯状的植物,花小而美丽、粉中透微红;产自美国西南部。
    succulent carpet-forming plant having small brilliant reddish-pink flowers; southwestern United States.
  • 她试着于婴儿吸奶。
    She tried to get the baby to suck her breast.
  • 它们用舌头吮吸绿色食品。
    They use their tongues to suck in the green food.
  • 我开车30年了,用不你提醒我。
    I've been driving a car for thirty years, do don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
  • 它倒吊在水面薄膜下,不过你看到的是它的倒影,水蜘蛛正在吮吸战利品。
    He hangs suspended from the surface film-- what you see above is just his reflection--and suck out its juices.
  • 它倒吊在水面薄膜下,不过你看到的是它的倒影,水蜘蛛正在吮吸战利品。
    He hangs suspended from the surface film -- what you see above is just his reflection -- and suck out its juices.
  • 你还在吃奶时我就处理这类问题了,所以用不你来教训我。
    I was dealing with this sort of problem when you were still a baby, so don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
  • 除此以外,塞斯顿对人有纯厚的兴趣,他告诉我,许多魔术家,看观众而对他自己说:这些傻瓜、乡巴佬,我要好好的骗他们一下。
    But, in addition to that, Thurston had a genuine interest in people. He told me that many magicians would look at the audience and say to themselves,“Well, there is a bunch of suckers out there, a bunch of hicks; I’ll fool them all right.
  • 我看到一大群人正用麦管从啤酒桶里吸喝酒。
    I saw a group of men sucking beer from a big barrel through straws.
  • 他忙巴结自己的顶头上司。
    He is busy sucking in with his immediate superior.
  • 那个婴儿在继续吸吮空奶瓶。
    The baby was sucking away at the empty feeding - bottle.
  • 苍蝇的脚藉吸力可附於物体表面上.
    Flies' feet stick to surfaces by suction.
  • 当看到她的脸的影像的时候,他猛然一动,将帽沿上的雨水仄楞流下,顺他的脖子淌了下来。
    The suddenness with which he moved when he saw the reflection of her face tipped the water out of his hatbrim in such a way that some of it ran down his neck.
  • 玛丽表演地最好,约翰和休追随她。
    Mary plays best, with John and Sue following.
  • 苏懒洋洋地向后靠,享受阳光。
    Sue lolled back in her seat, enjoying the sunshine.
  • 虽然在一九八一年前被诊断患上肺尘埃沉病的人士不受该条例保障,但他们可以根据肺尘埃沉病特惠金计划,获得由政府发放的特惠款项。
    Pneumoconiosis sufferers diagnosed before 1981 are not covered by the ordinance. They receive ex gratia benefits from the Government under the Pneumoconiosis Ex Gratia Scheme.
  • 在巴涅尔的病人中间,有一位公爵的女儿,她不仅害跟玛格丽特同样的病,而且长得跟玛格丽特一模一样,别人甚至会把她们看作是姐妹俩。
    Among the other sufferers there, was the Duke's daughter who not only had the same complaint but a face so like Marguerite's that they could have been taken for sisters.
  • 以前那种封建的或行会的工业经营方式已经不能满足随新市场的出现而增加的需求了。
    The feudal system of industry, under which industrial production was monopolised by closed guilds, now no longer sufficed for the growing wants of the new markets.
  • 发展福利服务的主导原则,是建设一个充满爱心与关怀的社会,人人可以自给自足,过有尊严、和洽共处、幸福美满的生活。
    The guiding principle in developing welfare services is to build a caring community in which there is self-sufficiency, dignity, harmony and happiness.
  • 提供理由使…有充足的理由;证明
    To be sufficient grounds for; justify.
  • 他们要自己种吃的,完全过一种自给自足的生活。
    They were to grow their own food, to live entirely self-sufficiently.
  • 因为我充分了解我姨娘,我知道她心里一定是惦记什么重要的事情。
    I knew aunt sufficiently well to know that she had something of importance on her mind.
  • 我大为愤怒,便向这老流氓走去,打算把他踢出门外。
    and, sufficiently enraged, stepped towards the aged rascal with an intention of kicking him out of the door.
  • 天空泛黎明的曙光。
    The sky was suffused with the pale light of dawn.
  • 这有重要影响,因为在每年的收获季节,该糖厂每天加工4800吨甘蔗,生产约500吨标准糖。
    This had a significant impact, considering that during the annual harvest season, the plant processes 4,800 tons of sugarcane and produces about 500 tons of standard sugar each day.