  • 举世瞩目的西藏羊卓雍湖水电站,从项目的确定、设计到施工建设,均充考虑了生态环境保护。
    With respect to the hydropower station at Yamzhoyumco Lake, which has attracted the attention of the world, full consideration was given to the protection of the ecological environment, starting from the decision to build the station to its design and construction.
  • 形成地球水圈主要部的巨大水体。
    a large body of water constituting a principal part of the hydrosphere.
  • 每个子中含两个羟基的一类醇。
    any of a class of alcohols having 2 hydroxyl groups in each molecule.
  • 医学中有关妇女疾病与卫生的支。
    the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and hygiene of women.
  • 建筑物日久失修,卫生欠佳,而居民对社区也缺乏归属感。
    Buildings are run-down, hygiene is poor and there is a lack of social cohesion.
  • 五个事务委员会别负责建设工程、文化艺术、环境卫生、财政施政及康乐体育等事宜。
    The five select committees were responsible for capital works, culture and arts, environmental hygiene, finance and administration, and recreation and sports.
  • 卫生和卫生推广方案使各项设施得到改善,并使学校环境安全,日益成为国家方案的重要组成部
    Sanitation and hygiene promotion programmes resulting from improved facilities and making school environments safe are an increasingly important part of the country programmes.
  • 冲洗液为了卫生或治疗的目的而,用于人体一部或体腔的通常含有药剂或清洁剂的液体
    A stream of water, often containing medicinal or cleansing agents, that is applied to a body part or cavity for hygienic or therapeutic purposes.
  • 诗行,诗节诗节韵文的一部,例如诗节或独唱部
    A division of a metrical composition, such as a stanza of a poem or hymn.
  • 一旦宣传热潮降下温来,我们就能更客观地区数据仓库和数据集市之间差别的说法。
    Once the hype fades away, we can more objectively sort through the claims for the differences between data warehouses and data marts.
  • 虽然析师们对隐蔽的成本和管理负担提出了警告,但对一个大肆广告宣传和言过其实的做法而出名的行业来说,用户们在短短时间内接受了内部网是惊人的。
    And although analysts warn of hidden costs and management burdens, the acceptance of intranets in a short time among users is remarkable in an industry notorious for hype and exaggeration.
  • 如果你认为创造个人品牌的宣传有点过,那就想想有那么多的熟人、同事、合伙人塞满了每个人的大脑,大多数人可能只认出你一两个特征。
    If you've thought that the hype around creating Brand seems a little much, consider this: With so many contacts, co? workers, and colleagues jamming everyone's mind, most people likely assign you only one or two attributes.
  • 如果任何90年代后期的乐队能够宣称自己完全是依靠实力而兴起的话,它便是"信念"。它是一支诞生于佛罗里达的4人乐队,凭借表达大众心声的歌曲和火爆的现场表演,而非大量华而不实的媒体吹嘘,由零点升至60(或更确切地说,从白手起家到发行了4张销量超过100万的铂金唱片)。
    If any late -'90s band can claim to have ascended strictly on its own merits,it's Creed,a Florida?bred foursome that went from zero to sixty (or,more accurately,zero to nearly 4x Platinum)by virtue of a combination of finger-on-the-pulse songs and powerful live performances,rather than a raft of hype.
  • 如果任何90年代后期的乐队能够宣称自己完全是依靠实力而兴起的话,它便是"信念"。它是一支诞生于佛罗里达的4人乐队,凭表达大众心声的歌曲和火爆的现场表演,而非大量华而不实的媒体吹嘘,由零点升至60(或更确切地说,从白手起家到发行了4张销量超过100万的铂金唱片)。
    If any late '90s band can claim to have ascended strictly on its own merits,it's Creed,a Florida? bred foursome that went from zero to sixty (or,more accurately,zero to nearly 4x Platinum) by virtue of a combination of finger on the pulse songs and powerful live performances,rather than a raft of hype.
  • 这些小店主们很清楚那个超级市场将会抢走他们的部生意。
    The small shopkeepers realized that the hypermarket will take away some of their trade.
  • 身体的某个部(腿或阴囊)过于肥大。
    hypertrophy of certain body parts (usually legs and scrotum); the end state of the disease filariasis.
  • 一种能产生生孢子的特殊真菌菌丝。
    a specialized fungal hypha that produces conidia.
  • 以连字号连接用连字号离或连接(音节、词素或名字)
    To divide or connect(syllables, word elements, or names) with a hyphen.
  • 在排版与字(词)处理技术领域,当一个字在现在的一行中无法排进时将该字为两部的操作。在字(词)处理系统中设计有各种处理连字符的方法,其中的一种需要使用一种例外字典。
    In typesetting and word processing, the practice of dividing a word into two parts if it cannot fit on the current line. Word processing systems are designed to handle hyphenation in various ways, one of which may call for the use of an exception dictionary.
  • 只要把德国和日本对待历史的态度比较一下,人们便很容易发现诚实与虚伪之,智慧与愚昧之别。
    The attitudes of Germany and Japan towards history, for instance, demonstrate clearly the difference between honesty and hypocrisy as well as wisdom and stupidity.
  • 要做到这一点,就必须离出这种假想的元素。
    To do that the hypothetical elements had to be isolated.
  • 一种假想的气体,其子的大小可以忽略,不会产生子间力。
    a hypothetical gas with molecules of negligible size that exert no intermolecular forces.
  • 板块构造学说中一个假想的大陆,后来裂成亚、欧、北美的古大陆。
    a hypothetical continent that (according to plate tectonic theory) broke up later into North America and Europe and Asia.
  • ‘proto’在‘protolanguage(原始母语)’中是构词成,意即另一种语言或者语言群的假设起源。
    `proto' is a combining form in a word like `protolanguage' that refers to the hypothetical ancestor of another language or group of languages.
  • 劳亚古大陆北半球的原始大陆,一片假想中的大陆板块,根据板块构造理论,它裂为北美洲、欧洲和亚洲
    The protocontinent of the Northern Hemisphere, a hypothetical landmass that according to the theory of plate tectonics broke up into North America, Europe, and Asia.
  • 泛古陆假定的古代超大陆,包括三叠纪时期前的地球所有的大陆。当大陆漂移开始时,泛古陆裂为劳拉西亚和冈瓦两块古陆
    A hypothetical supercontinent that included all the landmasses of the earth before the Triassic Period. When continental drift began, Pangaea broke up into Laurasia and Gondwanaland.
  • 夸克一组假想的电粒子中的任一个,它带有电子的三之一或三之二的电荷量,被认为是所有强子的组成要素
    Any of a group of hypothetical elementary particles having electric charges of magnitude one-third or two-thirds that of the electron, regarded as constituents of all hadrons.
  • 歇斯底里的大笑;一群疯狂的私刑行动子。
    hysterical laughter; a mob of hysterical vigilantes.
  • 古代一个地区,是古罗马帝国在伊伯利亚半岛的一个省份;大致相当于今天的葡萄牙加上西班牙的一部
    ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian peninsula; corresponds roughly to modern Portugal and parts of Spain.
  • 特区政府代表亦以中国代表团成员身,出席超过150个限以国家为单位参加的国际会议,包括国际电讯联盟、世界知识产权组织、国际民用航空组织、国际货币基金组织、万国邮政联盟及国际劳工组织举办的会议。
    HKSARG representatives also participated as members of the PRC delegation in more than 150 international conferences limited to states, including those organised by international organisations such as the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Universal Postal Union (UPU) and International Labour Organisation (ILO).
  • 冰山的大部在水面以下.
    Most of the iceberg is under the water.
  • 现在我们的问题是我们什么时候才可能发现冰山的其他部
    The question before us, all my friends, is when will we see the rest of the submerged iceberg?