  • 人事部经理把手伸进口袋掏钱来为同事们买饮料。
    The head of the personnel department dipped into his pocket and bought drinks for his fellows.
  • 要进那房间他不得不稍微低下头。
    He had to dip his head to enter the room.
  • 把你受伤的手指浸在消毒剂里,把毒浸泡来。
    Dip your injured finger in the disinfectant to soak out the poison.
  • 受损的油槽里喷了污浊的原油。
    The damaged sump spouted dirty oil.
  • 他们对他下流的笑话发不满之声。
    They groaned at his dirty joke.
  • 对全市五类残疾人进行了普查登记,建立档案,并对残疾儿童的致残原因作了调查,提了预防措施。
    and conduct a general survey and registration of five kinds of disabled persons in Beijing, building files, finding out the causes of child disability and recommending preventive measures.
  • 没有理由而拖延诉讼的申诉;可以通过质疑司法也可以声称被告无能等(这通常现在被告的抗辩中)。
    a plea that delays the action without settling the cause of action; it can challenge the jurisdiction or claim disability of the defendant etc. (such defenses are usually raised in the defendant's answer).
  • 他把货亏本卖出去。
    He sell his goods at a disadvantage.
  • 他们权衡利弊之後才作决定。
    They weigh the advantage and disadvantage before make the decision.
  • 现某些不同意见,她就生气。
    There was some disagreement, and she got on her high horse.
  • 校对仔细地检查对比以便注不同点
    To examine and compare carefully in order to note points of disagreement.
  • 关于她的消失产生了许多神秘的传说。
    Myths and mystique grew around the disappearance.
  • 我们不知道他的失踪是於自愿或是另有原因。
    We don't know if his disappearance was voluntary or otherwise.
  • 影象或声音的逐渐消失,如电影、电视或收音机中
    A gradual disappearance of an image or a sound, as in cinema, television, or radio.
  • 原子消失一半所需的时间,即半排期,是每一种放射性元素的基本特征。
    The time necessary for the disappearance of half the atoms, called the half-life, is a fundamental characteristic of each radio-element;
  • 然而,仔细的考察揭示任何一个物种的灭绝会破坏食物链,一种植物的消失造成有可能生成治疗癌症的药物的关键成分的缺失。
    Careful examination , however , reveals that the extinction of any one species disrupts the food chain , and the loss of a plant species leads to the disappearance of a key ingredient which might yield a cure for cancer.
  • 他已从家出走。
    He has disappeared from his home.
  • 她的考试成绩令人失望,但却装若无其事的样子。
    Her exam results were disappointing but she tried to put a brave face on it.
  • 那是一位第一流作家写来的令人失望的作品。
    That is a disappointing work by a writer of first magnitude.
  • 结果不能去,真扫兴。
    It was disappointing not to be able to go out after all.
  • 她的考试成绩令人失望,但却装若无其事的样子。
    Her exam result is disappointing but she tried to put a brave face on it.
  • 她的考试成绩令人失望,但却装若无其事的样子
    Her exam result was disappointing but she tried to put a brave face on it
  • 最近几个月,泰恩经历了一系列失败的捕捞,老板对他非常不满,于是他决定在捕鱼季节结束前再一次海。
    For several months Tyne has had a run of disappointing catches, and his boss was quite dissatisfied with him. So he decides to make one more trip before the end of the fishing season.
  • 氩的发现者,威廉.拉姆齐先生,看起来并不众,真让人失望。
    the discoverer of argon, Sir William Ramsay, looked disappointingly ordinary.
  • 那出戏令人失。
    The drama was a disappointment.
  • 从焦虑和失望中解脱来的自由的感觉。
    a feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment.
  • 她脸上显失望[又惊又喜]的样子。
    A look of disappointment[startled joy]came over her face.
  • 极度伤心的遭受或表现极度悲痛、哀伤或失望的
    Suffering from or exhibiting overwhelming sorrow, grief, or disappointment.
  • 我留意到他轻轻皱了一下眉, 露不赞成的样子.
    I noticed a slight frown of disapproval on his face.
  • 他的语调显示他的不同意
    His tone implied disapproval.
  • 他怒声提出反对。
    He growled out his disapproval.
  • 对某人感到、表示或表达不满或有敌意
    Feel, show or express disapproval or hostility towards sb