  • 为什么我们司都是一些古板的中年人?
    How come everyone in our company is middle aged and stuffy?
  • 室在热浪袭击下非常闷热,秘书知道老板不在,就脱掉外衣,只穿衬衣。
    The office was so stuffy in the heat wave that, knowing the boss was away, the secretary stripped to the shirt.
  • 当下属无法执行好上司的命令时,司的经营管理就会出现严重失误。
    When troops below fail to respond to orders from on high, company performance may stumble badly.
  • 从医院传来的好消息;好成绩单;她好的时候非常非常好;好刀就是适合于切割的刀;这个木桩会是个好野餐桌;能兑现的支票;好笑话;优质的外墙涂料;好秘书;适合于办室的裙子。
    good news from the hospital; a good report card; when she was good she was very very good; a good knife is one good for cutting; this stump will make a good picnic table; a good check; a good joke; a good exterior paint; a good secretary; a good dress for the office.
  • 西藏地区的森林和草原得到了有效保护,森林面积达717万顷,活立木蓄积量20.84亿立方米,草原面积达8207万顷,其中可利用草地7077万顷。
    Forests and grasslands are under effective preservation. The forest area in Tibet totals 7.17 million hectares and the stumpage, 2.084 billion cubic meters. The total grassland area amounts to 82.07 million hectares, of which 70.77 million hectares are usable.
  • 站在镜子前,连续5遍不间断地说:"这就是我们司的未来"。
    Stand in front of the mirror and say, "Here is our future" five times without stuttering.
  • 雕像符号,如共招牌上的具有风格的人形,用以传达非言语信息
    A symbol, such as a stylized human figure on a public sign, that imparts information nonverbally.
  • 例如一部经济型号的车子用一加仑油便可开三十五里。
    Say, a sub compact can run thirty five kilometers one gal on of gas.
  • 该科辖下的海外共关系组负责统筹政府海外宣传工作。
    Its Overseas Public Relations Sub-Division co-ordinates the government's international publicity efforts.
  • 华为司在北京、上海等城市设立了研究分部,把研究机构设在大学。
    Huawei Technologies set up research sub-stations in universities in cities like Beijing and Shanghai.
  • 次重量级拳击手重量级中拳击手的一个分级,该级别的体重上限为190镑(86斤)
    A boxer in a subcategory of the heavyweight division, having an upper weight limit set at190 pounds(86 kilograms).
  • 这是指一加仑汽油可开多远,例如一部经济型号的车子用一加仑油便可开三十五里。
    That's how far on a gallon of gas. Say, a subcompact can run thirty-five kilometers on one gallon of gas.
  • 司承接转包(二包)工作时会得到优惠待遇。
    Subsidiary company get preferential treatment when it come to subcontract work.
  • 电工工作已转承包给史密斯有限司。
    The electrical work has been subcontracted to Smith Ltd..
  • 纳税人:事实上,我司把工程转包给其他分包商了。
    Taxpayer: In fact, my company transfer the project to some subcontractors.
  • 这座大楼的一部分隔开用作办室了.
    Part of the building has been subdivided into offices.
  • 我按出生是法国人,因结婚而成为英国民。
    I am French by birth and a British subject by marriage.
  • 中国共产主义者对于马克思主义在中国的应用也是这样,必须将马克思主义的普遍真理和中国革命的具体实践完全地恰当地统一起来,就是说,和民族的特点相结合,经过一定的民族形式,才有用处,决不能主观地式地应用它。
    Similarly, in applying Marxism to China, Chinese communists must fully and properly integrate the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution, or in other words, the universal truth of Marxism must be combined with specific national characteristics and acquire a definite national form if it is to be useful, and in no circumstances can it be applied subjectively as a mere formula.
  • 司把寓分租给大学生.
    The company subleases flats to students.
  • 他们从市中心分租了一个小办室。
    They sublease a small office in the centre of town.
  • 我无法忍受如此不正的待遇。
    I cannot submit so such unfair treatment.
  • 几千名民在请愿书上签名。
    Thousands of citizens subscribed the petition.
  • 那新司你认了多少股份?
    How many shares did you subscribe for in the new company?
  • 众发行新股前,股东有优先认购的权利。
    the right of a shareholder in a company to subscribe to shares of a new issue of common stock before it is offered to the public.
  • 贫农团是动员群众发展合作社、购买债的一个有力的基础,区政府和乡政府要用大力去领导它。
    The poor peasant leagues are powerful bases for mobilizing the masses to build up co-operatives and subscribe to bonds, and they should be given vigorous leadership by district and township governments.
  • 中国电信数据通信总用户达到153.5万户。其中,计算机互联网(chinanet)用户达到68万户,中国众多媒体用户达到52.5万户。
    Subscribers to data communication services of China Telecom totaled 1,535,000, including 680,000 users of CHINANET, and 525,000 subscribers to public multi-media service.
  • 图书馆的经费是由众捐款提供的。
    The library was paid for by public subscription.
  • 本港的新闻传播媒介,除了每日印行50份报章,以及定期出版693份刊物外,还包括两间私营电视司、一间提供收费电视服务的有线电视司、一间为亚太区提供卫星电视服务的司、一个兼备广播和电视部的政府电台和两个商业电台。
    Hong Kong's news media include 50 daily newspapers, 693periodicals, two commercial television companies, a subscription television service, a regional satellite television service, one government radio-television station, and two commercial radio stations.
  • 卫星电视有限司(简称"卫视")是以本港为基地,主要透过亚洲卫星1号、2号,以及巴拉巴c2等卫星装置,为亚洲、印度及中东等地区约2.6亿观众提供以25条频道、7种语言广播的45项免费及收费电视节目服务。
    Hong Kong is the home base for Satellite Television Asian Region Limited(STAR TV). It transmits more than 45 programming services in seven languages on 25 channels and has an audience reach of approximately 260million people across Asia, India and the Middle East, using Asia Sat 1 as its primary satellite platform with additional services available on Asia Sat 2and Palapa C2. The STAR TV network offers subscription and free-to-air television services.
  • 其后,临时立法会根据《共财政条例》第29条制定和通过决议,成立土地基金。
    Subsequently, the Land Fund was established by resolution made and passed by the Provisional Legislative Council under section 29 of the Public Finance Ordinance.
  • 私人彩票频繁的欺骗操作导致其在许多国家遭禁,随后大多数共彩票也停止发行。
    The frequency of fraud in the operation of private lotteries resulted in their prohibition by many countries,and subsequently most public lotteries also were discontinued.
  • 集团的大部分利润是由远东的子司缴纳。
    Most of the group profit is contributed by the subsidiary in the far east.