  • 这几个词的用法在英美之有所不同。
    There are differences between British and American usage.
  • 我喜欢用和他们车里使用的同样的仪器。
    I shall like to use the same instrument as be used in their workshop.
  • 我喜欢用和他们车里使用的同样的仪器。
    I shall like to use the same instrument as being used in their workshop.
  • 我喜欢用和他们车里使用的同样的仪器。
    I should like to use the same instrument as is used in their workshop.
  • 他为什么在家具店一逛几个小时?他本可以利用那些时干点有意义的事的。
    Why did he poke along for hours in the furniture shop? He might have spent the time more usefully.
  • 他为什么在旧家具店里一逛几个小时?他本可以利用那些时干点有意义的事的。
    Why did he poke about for hours in the old furniture shop? He might have spent the time more usefully.
  • 里堆满了无用的家具。
    The room was lumbered with useless furniture.
  • 他的房堆满了无用的物品。
    His room is lumbered up with useless artistes.
  • 这种白白浪费时的习惯是整个问题的症结所在;
    This habit of uselessly wasting time, is the whole difficulty;
  • 但对很多用户来说,isdn节省了时
    But for many users, ISDN has saved the day.
  • 铁幕(从西方观点看前苏联及东欧共产党国家与西方之在信息、贸易等方面的屏障)
    The frontier separating the former USSR and other communist countries of Eastern Europe from the West, seen by the West as a barrier to information and trade
  • 我们将在老时会面。
    We will meet at the usual time.
  • 你准备按往常的时回家吗?是的,我将和平常一样准时离开办公室。
    Are you coming home at the usual time? Yes, I shall leave the office at the same time as usual.
  • 跟往常一样的时过来
    Come at the usual time.
  • 可持续发展策略:"数字奥运"建设的各项设施不仅要在奥运会期发挥重要作用,而且在奥运会后仍然要继续长期使用,实现可持续发展。
    Strategy for sustainable development: Various facilities built by "Digital Olympics" will not only play an important role during the Olympic Games, b ut also continue to be used for a long time after the Olympic Games so that sustainable development can be achieved.
  • 筷子尤指用木材或象牙制成的一对长细棍的一根,夹于拇指与其它手指之,在亚洲国家及做亚洲菜的餐馆里被用作餐具。常用其复数形式
    One of a pair of slender sticks made especially of wood or ivory, held between the thumb and fingers and used as an eating utensil in Asian countries and in restaurants serving Asian food. Often used in the plural.
  • 饭盒有盛放餐具和食具的小隔的盒子
    A box with compartments for carrying cooking gear and eating utensils.
  • 空房可用作杂物
    The empty room can be utilized for a utility room.
  • 楼上是杂物,妈妈在那儿洗衣服。
    There is a utility room upstairs where mother does the laundry.
  • 如果说,民主革命没有自己的一定任务,没有自己的一定时,而可以把只能在另一个时去完成的另一任务,例如社会主义的任务,合并在民主主义任务上面去完成,这个叫做“毕其功于一役”,那就是空想,而为真正的革命者所不取的。
    However, it is a utopian view rejected by true revolutionaries to say that the democratic revolution does not have a specific task and period of its own but can be merged and accomplished simultaneously with another task, i.e., the socialist task (which can only be carried out in another period), and this is what they call "accomplishing both at one stroke".
  • 这将是自由的写作,它要用社会主义无产阶级的经验和生气勃勃的工作去丰富人类革命思想的最新成就,它要使过去的经验(从原始空想的社会主义发展而成的科学社会主义)和现在的经验(工人同志们当前的斗争)之经常发生相互作用。”
    It will be a free literature, enriching the last word in the revolutionary thought of mankind with the experience and living work of the socialist proletariat, bringing about permanent interaction between the experience of the past (scientific socialism, the completion of the development of socialism from its primitive, utopian forms) and the experience of the present (the present struggle of the worker comrades).
  • 这完全是浪费时间。
    It's an utter waste of time.
  • 可以,我有一空房
    I have got a vacancy, yes.
  • 这个时恐怕没有空房了。
    I am afraid we have no vacancy at this time.
  • 不知你们有没有住三的天的空房
    I wonder if you have any vacancy for three nights.
  • 请稍等一下女士……对了,我们这段时有房
    Just a moment, ma'am … Yes, we have a vacancy for that period.
  • 行政长官缺位期的职务代理,依照上款规定办理。
    During the period of vacancy, his or her duties shall be assumed according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
  • 如果那个房空着,我们可以在那练习。
    If that room is vacant, we can practice there.
  • 他不知道空闲时该干点什么。
    He does not know what to do with his vacant time.
  • 四楼有几空著的办公室。
    There are some vacant offices on the third floor.
  • 有空房间吗?
    Have you any vacant room?
  • 对不起,没有空的单人房了。
    Sorry. No single rooms are vacant.