  • 双扩音器支持两个或多个扬声器放三维效果的音响。
    two microphones feed two or more loudspeakers to give a three-dimensional effect to the sound.
  • 任何不能引新问题的知识都会迅速灭亡;
    They don't want to find out about anything else, since that might diminish their arguments'force.
  • 银的口数量逐渐减少。
    Silver export is gradually diminishing in quantity.
  • 奥运女子体操在过去还从未现过像现在这样由超小年龄、超小个子运动员一统天下的局面。
    The Olympic women's gymnastics have never before been solely the province of very young, very diminutive athletes.
  • 多种小型啮齿动物,特征象小老鼠,有突的嘴、小耳朵、细长的身体和通常无毛的尾巴。
    any of numerous small rodents typically resembling diminutive rats having pointed snouts and small ears on elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails.
  • 半强度的光通常在黄昏、破晓或室内光照弱的时候现的柔和灰暗的光线
    The soft, subdued light seen at dusk or dawn or in dimly lit interiors.
  • 年轻的音乐家急于证明他们的才能;植物显示同种二形性
    Young musicians eager to exhibit their talent; a plant that exhibits dimorphism.
  • 玛丽笑时露两个笑靥。
    Mary has two dimples when she smiles.
  • 脸颊上露他拒绝称作酒窝的深纹。
    The deep cleft.in his cheek he refused to call a dimple.
  • 使现出酒窝
    To produce dimples in.
  • 孩子们发多么大的喧闹声啊!
    What a din the children are making!
  • 我的朋友邀请我去吃饭。
    My friend invited me to dine out.
  • 我每星期一去吃饭。
    I dine out every Monday.
  • 今晚你是在家吃饭还是去吃?
    Will you dine in or out this evening?
  • 琼斯过去常靠着他诗人的声望被人请去吃饭。
    Jones used to dine out on his popularity as a poet.
  • 肯尼在一个布劳经常入的餐馆工作。在那里,布劳对自己的钱公开宣扬。
    Kenny worked at a diner frequented by Brow, who openly talked about the money she had.
  •  第四章版、表演、录音录像、播放
    Chapter IV Publication, Performance, Sound Recording, Video Recor- ding and Broadcasting
  • 当他听说他朋友在橡皮艇上事的经过时,这位年轻人闪显好笑的眼神。
    The young man's eyes glistened with amusement as he heard the story of his friend's accident in the dinghy.
  • 又过了15分钟,正好9点,富爸爸终于走了他的办公室。他什么也没说,用手示意要我跟着他去那间小办公室。
    Finally, fifteen minutes later, at exactly 9 o'clock, rich dad walked out of his office, said nothing, and signaled with his hand for me to enter his dingy office.
  • 我刚才只是主张应该外就餐,以节省时间。
    I am merely putt forward toe opinion(that) we shall dine out to save time.
  • 他们支起帐篷,弄一个饭厅。
    they put up tents for the dining area.
  • 你想过今晚外吃饭吗?
    Have you ever thought of dining out this evening?
  • 匆忙地张罗一顿便饭
    Scramble up a hasty dinner
  • 饭后妇女们退出。
    After dinner the ladies withdrew.
  • 我们有餐具出售。
    We are having a sale on dinnerware.
  • 今天,我们有餐具售。
    We are having a sale on dinnerware today.
  • 研究博物馆展的恐龙
    Studied the dinosaur exhibits at the museum.
  • 人们提种种假设,试图说明恐龙为什么会灭绝。
    People have propose all sort of hypotheses to explain why dinosaur have become extinct.
  • 罗马天主教香港教区每周版中英文《公教报》各一份。
    The diocese publishes two weekly newspapers, Kung Kao Po and The Sunday Examiner.
  • 我谨此向各位致意,感谢你们为拨萃女书院和香港的教育作伟大贡献。
    Here, I would like to pay tribute to your invaluable contribution to education in the Diocese and to Hong Kong generally.
  • 光呼吸(作用)在光合作用过程中,植物释放二氧化碳,同时体内碳氢化合物氧化
    Oxidation of carbohydrates in plants with the release of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.
  • 从空气中吸入氧气呼二氧化碳的过程。
    the process of taking in oxygen from the air and releasing carbon dioxide.