  • 如在市区电车或车上找给顾客的零钱
    The fare charged a passenger, as on a streetcar or bus.
  • 我搭乘电车再改乘共汽车。
    I took the streetcar and transferred to the bus.
  • 乘坐共汽车或有轨电车的费用。
    the fare charged for riding a bus or streetcar.
  • 共场合,英国人极力避免与生人有肌肤的接触,即使无意的接触也要避免。
    In public places, the English make strenuous efforts not to touch strangers even by accident.
  • 该测试认为,尽管许多军职专业的工作强度不会高于办室工作,但是,绝大多数职务却需要不同程度的体能。
    MEPSCAT recognized that while many military jobs were no more strenuous than office work,most required varying degrees of physical ability.
  • 经过20年的艰辛努力,中国己初步形成了社会主义市场经济体制,出现了以有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展的格局。
    After 20 years of strenuous efforts, China has initially formed a socialist market economic structure, and developed a pattern with the public ownership as the main form and the joint development of diversified forms of ownership.
  • 一般资本主义国家考法官、考警察,条件很严格,我们更应该严格,除了必须通晓各项法律、政策、条例、程序、案例和有关的社会知识以外,特别要求大无私、作风正派。
    Generally speaking, capitalist countries are quite strict about requirements for law-court and police personnel. We should be even stricter. Apart from being well versed in laws, policies, regulations, procedures and precedents and relevant social data, such persons must be particularly public-minded, honest and upright.
  • 诚实的,正的严格地坚守道德规范的;正直的,正的
    Adhering strictly to moral principles; righteous.
  • 我们看他大步跨过了路。
    We watched him striding across the road.
  • 那是那他们今年二次要求杰里米搬办室了,但是他似乎很从容地处理了此事。
    That's the second time they have asked Jeremy to move office already this year but he seems to take it all in his stride.
  • 这使这个五十年代曾见证最激烈政治斗争、最精彩的政治演讲的芳林园,再次肩负一个新时代的使命。
    This will give a new lease of life to Hong Lim Park, which witnessed the most heart-stirring political strife and brilliant orations during the 1950s.
  • ibm的tspaces无论是在概念上还是实际实现上都与sun司的javaspaces非常相像。
    IBM's T Spaces is strikingly similar, both in concept and implementation, to Sun's JavaSpaces.
  • 路中间标明车道的白色条纹。
    a white stripe in the middle of a road to mark traffic lanes.
  • 他被剥夺一切荣誉之后,就从共生活中消声匿迹了。
    Having been stripped of all his titles, he disappeared from public life.
  • 美国和中国为加强我们之间的纽带,为两国人民享有更高度的繁荣而合作,为争取世界更可靠和正的和平,曾接受过时代的挑战。
    America and China accepted the challenge to strengthen the ties that bind us, to cooperate for greater prosperity among our people, and to strive for a more secure and just peace in the world.
  • 民奋力反抗压迫者。
    The citizens strove against their oppressors.
  • 由于我的契友与合伙人t。w。先生去世,我们的w。w。司宣告解散。
    In consequence of the death of Mr. T. W., my much valued friend and partner, our late firm of w.& w. was dissolved.
  • 他们正在园里散步。
    They are just strolling inside the park.
  • 我们去了园在那里度过了一个愉快的下午,而且还不花一分钱。
    We went to the park and spent a happy afternoon strolling around, and it didn't cost a penny.
  • 司拟改变只售高档商品的形像, 以吸引青少年顾客.
    The company is prepared to trade off its up-market image against a stronger appeal to teenage buyers.
  • 这两家司合并,变得实力更强。
    The two companies merged to become stronger.
  • 高速路上隔一段距离就有一个示警牌。
    Warning notices were strung out along the motorway.
  • 这位农夫打死了两只鸡,挂在了篱笆上。
    The farmer shot two crows and strung them on the fence.
  • 他在街上大摇大摆地走,像一只绚丽好斗的鸡。
    He strutted about the street like a gaudy fighting cock.
  • 他不知自己算老几,在园里架子十足地踱着步,好像这地方归他所有。
    Who does he think he is, strutting about the park as if he owns the place?
  • 司这么吝啬,害得我们得把铅笔用到这么短。
    The company is so cheap we have to sharpen our pencil until they are down to little stub like this.
  • 司这么吝啬,害得我们得把铅笔用到这么短。
    The company is so cheap we have to sharpen our pencil until they is down to little stub like this.
  • 学生资助办事处管理多项帑资助的计划,确保学生不会因经济困难而丧失接受教育的机会。
    The Student Financial Assistance Agency administers several publicly funded schemes which ensure that no students are deprived of education for lack of financial means.
  • 因此,特选学校学生和30年前的华中、中正或教生的分别是:今天他们所用的语文、所念的教科书和新加坡女子学校、莱佛士女中或其他英校的学生一样。
    So the difference between a SAP school student and a student who went to Hwa Chong or Chung Cheng or Catholic High School 30 years ago is that they (now) speak the same language, use the same textbooks as students who go to SCGS or RGS or any of the other English schools.
  • 一个月后巴伯拉加入该制片司,随即他们开始了事业上的合作。
    A month later Barbera joined the studio; they were soon collaborating on projects.
  • 我们的办公室很闷。
    Our office is really stuffy.
  • 室里十分闷热,由于知道主任出去了,这个秘书脱得剩衬衫。
    The office was so stuffy that, knowing the Chief was away, the Secretary stripped to the shirt.