  • 夫妻俩正协力推一辆放宝宝的小车。
    The young couple both helping to push the stroller with the baby in it.
  • 人们悠闲的四处游逛;从容不迫的脚步;声音沉、从容不迫的说。
    people strolling about in an unhurried way; an unhurried walk; spoke in a calm and unhurried voice.
  • 在店里徘徊片刻之后,老妇人停在蔬菜罐头架前,她拿了一个玉米粒罐头,双眼使劲盯标签,神情怪异。
    After strolling around the store for several minutes, the old woman stopped in front of the rows of canned vegetables. She picked up some corn niblets and stared with a strange intensity at the label.
  • 正说,巴里走了进来。
    Just then, Bary strolled in.
  • 星期日的傍晚,人人都沿大街遛达。
    On Sunday evening people stroll along the boulevard.
  • 他一路赶牲口一路吹他的绪任克斯笛(或称做潘箫)。
    As he strolled, he blew upon his syrinx or Pandean pipes.
  • 强化警察和消防部门意味我们的社区可以更安全;
    stronger police and fire departments will mean safer neighborhoods?
  • 如可答:“我认为我最大的优点是能够执地尽力把事情办好。
    "I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done.
  • 我突然意识到可能再也见不她了。
    I was struck by the sudden realization that I would probably never see her again.
  • 他挣扎着要逃脱。
    He struggled to get free.
  • 那个窃贼挣扎要逃走。
    The thief struggled to get free.
  • 病人挣扎走出房间。
    The patient struggled out of the room.
  • 他挣扎挣脱了绳子。
    he struggled to get free from the rope.
  • 在水中挣扎但接滑了下去
    Struggled in the water but then slipped under.
  • 矿工们挣扎从唯一的洞口出来。
    The miners struggled along from the only hole.
  • 虚弱的士兵在路上挣扎
    The weak soldiers struggled along on the road.
  • 他顶大风挣扎穿过田野。
    He struggled across a field against a high wind.
  • 那囚犯挣扎要摆脱那些逮他的人,却未能逃脱。
    The prisoner struggled against his captors, but couldn't escape.
  • 老大娘挣扎往家里走去。
    The old woman struggled along the road to her home.
  • 我苦苦思索这个问题,终于找到了答案。
    I struggled with the question and at last found the answer.
  • 她提叁个箱子,步履维艰.
    She was struggling under the weight of three suitcases.
  • 我们随便聊天,但是我心里却很紧张。
    We talk about this and that but I'm struggling.
  • 解放前,农民在饥寒交迫中挣扎
    Before the liberation, farmer is struggling in suffering hunger and cold.
  • 网络管理员总是为保持企业内的和谐而斗争
    Network administrators are always struggling to maintain harmony in the enterprise.
  • 全国人民现在正以热烈的愿望和坚毅的决心,为实现这样的目标而斗争。
    With eager hopes and firm determination the people are struggling for the realization of these objectives.
  • 我队拼搏,但进攻者在下半场最终获胜,赢得3分,
    Our team was struggling, but the strikers came good in the second half and scored three goals.
  • 夏天,男孩们光身子睡觉。
    In the strums; the boys slept in the raw.
  • 水池周围的树上悬挂灯笼.
    Lanterns were strung in the trees around the pool.
  • 他不知自己算老几,在公园里架子十足地踱步,好像这地方归他所有。
    Who does he think he is, strutting about the park as if he owns the place?
  • 这是亚利桑那州图森市以北的沙漠中一个炙热的早晨,阳光烘烤正在步行的十几个人。他们穿行于热带稀树大草原。沼泽地、人造海以及绵延数里的管道、水道、金属支柱和玻璃嵌板中间。
    It is a brilliant hot morning in the desert north of Tucson, Ariz., and the sun blazes down on a dozen or so people as they went their way through a savanna and around a marsh, an ocean, and miles of pipes, channels, steel struts and glass panels.
  • 天空满布闪烁的星星。
    The sky was studded with twinkling stars.
  • 以穿钉有平头钉的笨重的靴子为显著特点的。
    marked by the wearing of heavy boots studded with hobnails.