  • 此后,温度、湿度、二氧化碳浓度的半衰期别为0.25小时,1小时和3小时。
    Later, the semi-decay of temperature, humidity and the concentration of carbon dioxide will be 0.25 hour, 1 hour and 3 hours, respectively.
  • 任意一种可以测量、更改或控制的因素或条件(例如温度、压力、流量、液位、温度、重量、化学成、颜色等)。
    Any factor or condition which can be measured, altered, or controlled(e.g., temperature, pressure, flow, liquid level, humidity, weight, chemical composition, color, etc.).
  • 为他效劳令人快乐,虽有几悲哀,却最充最细心——因为他要我帮忙时毫无痛苦的羞愧,抑或沮丧的屈辱。
    And there was a pleasure in my services, most full, most exquisite, even though sad because he claimed these services without painful shame or damping humiliation.
  • 特别是近代以来,中国曾沦为半殖民地半封建社会,中华民族遭受帝国主义侵略、压迫和欺凌,陷入被压迫民族的境地,为捍卫国家的统一和中华民族的尊严,各民族团结奋斗,共御外侮,与侵略者和民族裂主义者进行了不屈不挠的斗争。
    In particular in modern times, when China became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and the Chinese nation suffered from imperialist invasion, oppression and humiliation and was reduced to the status of an oppressed nation, in order to safeguard the unity of the state and the dignity of the Chinese nation, all the ethnic groups united and fought unyieldingly together against foreign invaders and ethnic separatists.
  • 一九九八年的祖国,在江泽民主席领导之下,带领着占世界五之一的人口,行将告别二十世纪的时候,以文明、开放、进步的姿态和举世瞩目的成就,同时告别了压迫中国人近大半个世纪的落后、贫穷和受人欺凌。
    In 1998, under the leadership of President Jiang, our country progresses in an open, civilized and sophisticated manner with achievements, which have captured attention all over the world. As it bids farewell to the 20th century with its people constituting one-fifth of the world population, it also bids farewell to the backwardness, poverty and humiliation which the Chinese people have suffered for more than half a century.
  • 过分谦虚即骄傲。
    Too much humility is pride.
  • 我说的决不过(无意夸张).
    I say this in all humility, ie without wishing to appear boastful.
  • 没有学到谦虚的人,就没有准备好充掌握世界的真理。
    A soul that has not attained humility is not prepared to grasp the truth of the world in its fullness.
  • 他的说法有点过谦,未必充反映事实,这是受过传统教育的人的特点,这种教育强调尊敬、谦虚和强烈的职业道德。
    That is a bit of an understatement, characteristic of a guy who had an old-school upbringing with an emphasis on respect, humility, and a strong work ethic.
  • 我的大部知识都是这样获得的:在寻找某个资料时意外的发现了另上的资料。(美国幽默作家富兰克林.a.)
    A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way .(Adams Franklin , American humorist)
  • 地球表面含有腐殖质和被解的岩石的部
    the part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock.
  • 之出于每一百;每一百
    Out of each hundred; per hundred.
  • 你可百之百的确信?
    Are you sure one hundred pecent?
  • 你可百之百的确信?
    Are you sure one hundred percent?
  • 他的脉搏(每钟)一百次。
    His pulse was at a hundred.
  • 尽管公司推出quicken软件时,市场上已经有了46种与之竞争的同类产品,但quicken不仅赢得了大部客户的青睐,而且将市场规模扩大到原来的100倍。
    Although 46 competing packages were on the market when Quicken was launched, it not only captured the mass of customers, but also increased the size of the market a hundredfold.
  • 之一秒的曝光时间就足够了。
    An exposure of one- hundredth of a second will be enough.
  • 小数0.61代表百之六十一.
    The decimal 0.61 stands for 61 hundredths.
  • 在百之一秒的时间里,光传播了3000千米。
    In a hundredth of a second, light travels 3,000 kilometers.
  • 曝光百之一秒就够了。
    An exposure of one-hundredth of a second will be enough.
  • 价值为百之一基本货币单位的硬币。
    a coin worth one-hundredth of the value of the basic unit.
  • 之一秒的曝光时间就足够了。
    An exposure of one hundredth of a second will is enough.
  • 公制长度单位等于百之一米。
    a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter.
  • 从年起英联邦开始使用的价值百之一英镑的硬币。
    a coin used in Great Britain since 1971 worth one hundredth of a pound.
  • 径赛项目用时间来测定成绩,精确到百之一秒。
    Track races are measured by time, accurate to one hundredth of a second.
  • 厘米长度单位,等于百之一米(10-2)
    A unit of length equal to one hundredth(10-2) of a meter.
  • 厘升容积的公制单位,等于百之一升(10-2)
    A metric unit of volume equal to one hundredth(10-2) of a liter.
  • 曝光百之一秒就够了。
    An exposure of one-hundredth of a second will be enough, ie Exposing the film for that length of time will make a good picture.
  • 所以,在一个农场一年的收获中所耗费的,不过是制作工具劳动的一千二百之一。当把这一数量进一步摊到每袋小麦或每只面包上时,一下子就可看出这种数量在和商品有关的任何实际意义上都是不值得考虑的。
    A twelve-hundredth part of the labour of making his tools, is as much, therefore, as has been expended in procuring one year's harvest of a single farm: and when this fraction comes to be further apportioned among the various sacks of corn and loaves of bread, it is seen at once that such quantities are not worth taking into the account for any practical purpose connected with the commodity.
  • 乌戈尔语包括匈牙利语的芬兰-乌戈尔亚语系的
    The branch of the Finno-Ugric subfamily of languages that includes Hungarian.
  • 参见列宁《共产主义》。在该文中列宁批评匈牙利共产党员库恩·贝拉说:“他忽略了马克思主义的精髓,马克思主义的活的灵魂:对具体情况作具体析。”
    See V. I.Lenin, " 'Communism' ", in which Lenin, criticizing the Hungarian Communist Bela Kun, said that he "gives up the most essential thing in Marxism, the living soul of Marxism, the concrete analysis of concrete conditions".
  • (这是邓小平同志会见匈牙利社会主义工人党总书记卡达尔时谈话的一部。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with General Secretary of the Socialist Workers' Party of Hungary.)