Chinese English Sentence:
  • 这只尊贵而高雅的孔雀一张嘴时,叫来的竟像是一种杀猪声。
    The dignified and elegant peacock, when it opens its mouth, screams like a stuck pig.
  • 正式会见或接见一种由宗教或由国家要人做的正式听取会
    A formal hearing, as with a religious or state dignitary.
  • 具有或者表现很大尊严或者高贵。
    having or displaying great dignity or nobility.
  • 有他席这一场合就更形庄严.
    His presence lent dignity to the occasion.
  • 具有或显示庄重的或高贵气质的;威严的
    Having or showing lofty dignity or nobility; stately.
  • 当发言人第三次开始扯到题外去时,听众发喊声,使他讲不下去。
    The audience cried the speaker down as soon as he started on a third digression.
  • 5号位队员垫球出界。
    The player at position 5 digs the ball out of bounds.
  • 他要是钻研一个问题,就非钻个水落石不可。
    When he digs into a problem he does not give up until he gets to the bottom.
  • 大坝塌了,洪水喷涌而
    The dike burst, and the flood waters vomited forth.
  • 特别是八十年代以来,国家拨巨款,重修了甘丹寺、雍布拉康、桑嘎果托寺等著名寺庙,抢救维修了年久失修的桑耶寺、夏鲁寺、萨迦寺、昌珠寺、强巴林寺、托林寺等一批著名寺庙。
    Especially beginning in the 1980s, the state has allocated large amounts of money for the reconstruction of some famous monasteries, including the Ganden, Yumbulagang and Sanggagorto monasteries, and the repairing of well-known but dilapidated monasteries, such as the Samye, Shalu, Sakya, Changzhug, Qamba Ling and Toling monasteries.
  • 他首先想的是怎样帮助他们的公司走困境。
    The ideas of how to help their company get out of dilemma occupied the proscenium of his mind.
  • 他的建议差不多使我们走困境。
    His suggestion went very near to resolving our dilemma.
  • 他们的突之点是勤劳和勇敢。
    They are distinguished for their diligence and courage.
  • 大力提倡艰苦奋斗、勤俭建国,反对铺张浪费,坚决压缩一切不必要的行政开支,保证重点支
    We should advocate hard work and plain living and building our country through thrift and diligence, oppose extravagance and waste, cut all unnecessary administrative expenses, and ensure funding for priority areas.
  • 他诚实勤奋,我相信他会有息的。
    He is honest and diligent, I'm sure be'll rise in the world.
  • 从一开始就对政府工作人员提“廉洁、勤政、务实、高效”的要求。
    Since the very beginning of its term, this government has demanded that all government functionaries be clean, diligent, pragmatic and efficient.
  • 你们为社会主义祖国的科学技术的进步,辛勤劳动,做了卓越的贡献。
    You have all worked diligently for the progress of science and technology in our socialist motherland and made outstanding contributions in this regard.
  • 他们经常不是天生才华众的人,而是那些不论在什么行业里都埋头刻苦工作的人。
    not so often the gifted, of naturally bright and shining qualities, as those who have applied themselves diligently to their work, in whatsoever line that might lie.
  • 必须指,进入西南以来,工作是很繁重的,绝大多数同志,无论在农村还是城市,工作都很努力,但是检查我们党和党员的工作,不能只以“努力”二字来衡量。
    It must be stressed that, since we entered the southwest, we have been engaged in difficult tasks and the overwhelming majority of our comrades, both in rural and urban areas, have been working very diligently. However, we cannot use how "diligently" one works as the sole criterion for checking on the work of our Party or Party members.
  • 试想,如所有讲华语的华人都积极张贴“我会讲华语”(今年讲华语运动的宣传贴纸),汽车、德士、小贩中心、咖啡店、办公室与工作场所,到处贴满这贴纸,那些非华人在进这些场合时难免会觉得自己是外人。
    Just imagine the sticker " I Speak Mandarin " (used in the current campaign) being diligently displayed by all Mandarin-speaking Chinese in their cars, on taxis, at hawkerstalls, coffee shops, offices and work places. The sheer (omni-)presence of the sign would make it hard for a non-Chinese to move around without feeling like an outsider and uninvited.
  • 试想,如所有讲华语的华人都积极张贴“我会讲华语”(今年讲华语运动的宣传贴纸),汽车、德士、小贩中心、咖啡店、办公室与工作场所,到处贴满这贴纸,那些非华人在进这些场合时难免会觉得自己是外人。
    Just imagine the sticker " I Speak Mandarin " (used in the current campaign) being diligently displayed by all Mandarin-speaking Chinese in their cars, on taxis, at hawker stalls, coffee shops, offices and work places. The sheer presence of the sign would make it hard for a non-Chinese to move around with feelings like an outsider and uninvited.
  • 我在朦胧中看有两个模糊的影子.
    I made out two dim shapes in the gloom.
  • 我们有各式点心,是用车推来卖的。
    We have various "dim sum" on the "dim sum" trolley.
  • 灯发出暗淡的光。
    The lamp threw out a dim light.
  • 微光发暗淡或柔和的光
    To emit a dim or intermittent light.
  • 发前船长将船舱在灯光调暗。
    The captain dim the cabinlights before take off.
  • 他让我拿一个1角的硬币。
    He instructed me to pick out a dime.
  • 例如,小额储蓄联合银行纽约市分行的一位主管纳员偷盗了150万美元,但只被判了人狱两年,实际上在监狱里只呆了20个月就来了。
    For example, a head teller at the Union Dime Savings Bank Branch in New York City, who stole $ 1.5 million, was sentenced to only two years in prison and served only 20 months.
  • 葛里梅博士又说:“电脑程序设计员俯拾即是,现在需要的是能把轮廓模糊的问题设法澄清并写程序的人才。”
    "Programmers for computers are a dime a dozen, but what is needed are people who can take vaguely formed problems and find ways to make them precise enough to be programmed," Dr. Glymour added.
  • 那个人神鬼没,使人疑心他会消失到虚无之境中去。
    That man in so elusive that one might suspect him of being able to disappear into a fourth dimension.
  • 当重叠时呈现明暗对比强烈的颜色的三维结构的动态或静止的图片。
    moving or still pictures in contrasting colors that appear three-dimensional when superimposed.
  • 在两个稍微不同的角度拍摄的两幅照片当在一起看时呈现三个不同的角度。
    two photographs taken from slightly different angles that appear three-dimensional when viewed together.