  • 詹姆斯·邦德(特工007)的最新使命是这样开始的:在割南北朝鲜的一段非军事地带的雷区,邦德与敌人展开了一场惊心动魄的高速气垫船追逐--其情节扣人心弦,直到出现片头字幕。
    The newest mission for James Bond(Agent 007)begins with a spectacular high-speed hovercraft chase,through a minefield in the demilitarized zone separating North and South Korea--and the action doesn't let up until the credits roll.
  • 詹姆斯·邦德(特工007)的最新使命是这样开始的:在割南北朝鲜的一段非军事地带的雷区,邦德与敌人展开了一场惊心动魄的高速气垫船追逐--其情节扣人心弦,直到出现片头字幕。
    The newest mission for James Bond (Agent 007) begins with a spectacular high-speed hovercraft chase,through a minefield in the demilitarized zone separating North and South Korea--and the action doesn't let up until the credits roll.
  • 我们就是这样手的。
    That is how we parted.
  • 我仍不知道记情况。
    However, I don't know about it.
  • b.业务控制点(scp)用作网络集线器的组交换机
    b.Service Control Point (SCP)Packet switch acting as a network hub
  • 日本的贸易集团企业在香港也十活跃,而香港对这些企业起重要的作用,是它们在华南地区,很多时候甚至是在东南亚地区探索资源和拓展市场的重要枢纽。
    Japanese trading conglomerates are also very active in Hong Kong, which serves as their principal sourcing and marketing hub for southern China and, in many cases, Southeast Asia.
  • 我们需要拥抱、大笑,与我们的家人、朋友、甚至我们的宠物享我们的情感。
    We need to hug,laugh,and share our feelings with family,friends,and even our pets.
  • ”他还会详细地告诉你最近他为什么离婚了,邀请你去他家吃饭,提出要借给你钱,别时还会热烈地拥抱你。
    , explain his recent divorce in intimate detail, invite you home for dinner, offer to lend you money, and wrap you in a warm hug on parting.
  • 一块巨大的岩石使溪水流。
    A huge rock parts the stream.
  • 船身靠内侧最低的部
    The lowest inner part of a ship's hull.
  • 船底在水线下的船身部
    The part of a ship's hull below the water line.
  • 水上舷侧在齐水线以上船体的表面部
    The surface of a ship's hull above the water line.
  • 尖舱在船首或船尾船舱的较窄的一部
    The narrow portion of a ship's hull at the bow or stern.
  • 水翼一个类似翅膀的结构,其与船身相连,当船前驶时有助于减小阻力使整个或部船只浮出水面
    A winglike structure attached to the hull of a boat that raises all or part of the hull out of the water when the boat is moving forward, thus reducing drag.
  • (通常是复数形式)它是船体的一部,是指高出吃水线的那一部
    (usually plural) the part of a ship's hull that is above the waterline.
  • 舭形成船底与船侧之间的船体的圆曲部
    The rounded portion of a ship's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides.
  • 新中国成立以后,人民政府建立了新型的社会主义监狱,把犯人当人看待,尊重他们的人格,保证罪犯的人身安全,给予充的人道主义待遇。
    After the founding of the People's Republic, the people's government established a new type of socialist prison, where the prisoners are regarded as human beings, and where their dignity is respected, their personal safety is ensured and where they receive fully humane treatment.
  • 于是,在科学家眼中,墙上的壁画便不再只是生动的人文景象,而成了具有不同子式的化合物涂层。
    So in the eye of a scientist, a fresco on the wall is no longer a graphic humanistic picture but a coat of compounds of different molecular formulae.
  • 这个城市的现实里多的是灵魂放假的人,执著地坚持人文知识子理想的郭宝崑,却始终在质疑和“回答今天”。
    While there are many “soulless” people here, Kuo Pao Kun stuck stubbornly to his humanistic ideals and was always questioning and seeking “answers for the here and now”.
  • 一些人基于盲目的人道主义立场,逢战必反,反而把事态引向恐怖主义子想看到的局面。
    People who are blinded by humanitarianism and thus against war are in fact helping to create a situation favourable to terrorists.
  • 各国根据联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,以合法的军事手段,包括使用杀伤人员地雷,保护本国人民的安全,这本身就是人道主义的重要组成部
    To safeguard the safety of their people by sovereign states through legitimate military means, including the use of APLs in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations itself is part and parcel of humanitarianism.
  • 在新加坡,人文精神对很多人来说十陌生。
    Few Singaporeans are familiar with the term humanity.
  • 至于所谓“人类之爱”,自从人类化成为阶级以后,就没有过这种统一的爱。
    As for the so-called love of humanity, there has been no such all-inclusive love since humanity was divided into classes.
  • 人种学是人类学中研究各人种的起源、布和各自特征的支科学
    The branch of anthropology that deals with the origin, distribution, and characteristics of the races of humankind.
  • 人类学中有关人种的起源,布,和辨识的特征。
    the branch of anthropology that deals with the division of humankind into races and with their origins and distribution and distinctive characteristics.
  • 若要求提供报价和其他条款,则可能需要稍长一些的说明。这些说明应当清楚而准确,但是要重申的是,不要用冗长和过客气的词句,更不要过于谦卑。
    A request for a quotation of price and terms may need a little longer description, which should be clear and exact, but here again, there is no need for long, over-polite phrases and still less for humbleness (.
  • 湿热的温暖且十潮湿的
    Warm and extremely humid.
  • 黄昏时,既闷热,又潮湿,我坐下来,满脑子翻腾起伏的问题似乎找不到解决办法。
    As I sat down on that hot and humid evening, there seemed to be no solutions to the problems thrashing around in my brain.
  • 湿度是空气内含水多少的量度.
    Humidity is a measure of moisture in the atmosphere.
  • 湿度和水分测量仪表
    humidity and moisture measuring instrument
  • 潮湿空气中的水;潮湿
    Moisture in the air; humidity.
  • 的湿度未必意味着要下雨。
    A hundred percent humidity doesn't necessarily mean rain.