  • 他们的船正驶向海。
    Their ship is steering for the open seas.
  • 郑文公碑
    Stele of Zheng Wengong
  • 这些显著的成果促使郑决定在美国开设首家现代汽车司的工厂,尽管具体日期尚未确定。
    The stellar results have prompted Chung to authorize the opening of Hyundai's first U.S. plant, though no date is set.
  • 该理事会还应就此考虑被要求提交的来源于巴黎约1967年文本第六条之3与符合本协议义务的通知所必需的措施。
    The Council shall also consider in this connection any action required regarding notifications pursuant to the obligations under this Agreement stemming from the provisions of Article 6ter of the Paris Convention (1967).
  • 当史瓦布问他为什么这么早来司时,这位储备速记员说他是来看看史瓦布先生是否有什么急的信件或电报要处理。
    There, in the dawn's faint light, was a clerk from the company's stenography pool.When Schwab wondered what he was doing there were any letters or telegrams Schwab wanted sent right away.
  • 她现在被一家美国司雇为速记打字员。
    She is now a stenotypist in the employ of an American firm.
  • 共汽车有两级踏板。
    There are two steps up onto the bus.
  • 请报贵司最新产品的英镑价格.
    Please let us have your prices in sterling for your latest production.
  • 另外一些路使用者对私人汽车驾驶人持严厉态度。
    Some other road-users take a stern view of the private motorist.
  • 史提芬今天早上迟到的说词是车误点了。
    Steven was tardy this morning and alleges that his bus was late.
  • 我是微软司的史迪芬.李,我们经理想请您吃饭。
    This is Steven Lee, from Microsoft.Our manager would like to invite you to dinner.
  • 何国富(本栏是新加坡股票交易所和新加坡投资管理协会联办的众教育计划。
    Stewart Aldcrof(This column has the support of Investment Management of Singapore and the Stock Exchange of Singapore.
  • 斯图尔特说:"甚至有证据表明,一些司合并主要是为了解决人力资源问题。
    "There is even evidence that some mergers are occurring primarily to solve human resources problems," said Mr. Stewart.
  • 《财富》杂志的托马斯·斯图尔特对与会代表说,寻找、培养和留住人才是当今司面临的最大挑战。
    Delegates were told by Thomas Stewart, from Fortune Magazine, that finding, developing and keeping talent was the biggest challenge facing businesses today.
  • 不要在办室放任何值钱的东西,吉姆有偷东西的习惯。
    Don's leave any valuable objects in your office, Jim has sticky fingers.
  • 两年来他一直在向那家司倾注资金,可是该司仍处于困境。
    He's been pouring money into the firm for2 years but it's stilling trouble.
  • 两年来他一直在向那家司倾注资金,可是该司仍处于困境。
    He's been pouring money into the firm for 2 years but it's stilling trouble.
  • 必须提出让工人分享司的利润,以激发他们更加努力地工作。
    The workers must be stimulated into a greater effort by an offer to share in the firm's profits.
  • 北京申办关于改善环境方面的思想,得到了社会众、商界和政府一致的支持。
    Our bid has further stimulated support among the people, business and government for a united approach to environmental improvement.
  • 但该司从未减小过其招聘的力度,也从未减少过对雇员培训的投入。
    Yet the company recruits vigorousl y and never lets up, nor does it get stingy on training.
  • 司没有按合同中规定的日期付款。
    The company fails to pay on the date stipulate in the contract.
  • 中国要求,在别国遗弃化学武器的国家应按约规定,尽快彻底销毁所有遗弃化学武器。
    China demands that, in keeping with the stipulations of the convention, the country leaving chemical weapons in another country destroy all such weapons as soon as possible.
  • 根据《行政诉讼法》规定,中国建立了社会团体支持民起诉和诉权保障的制度。
    In accordance with the stipulations of this law, the system of social organizations supporting citizens to file suit and ensuring that citizens can lodge appeals have been established.
  •  在安、司法工作的各个环节以及司法程序上,中国法律为切实维护和保障人权,作了明确的严格的规定。
    In every link of the work of public security and judicial organs and in the judicial procedure, China's law provides definite and strict stipulations to protect and guarantee human rights in an effective way.
  • 一语即出,股票就下跌了14%,同时也将其他电脑司的股票拉下水。
    word got out, and the stock plunged 14 percent, taking other computer stocks down with it.
  • 投资以知名股票和债券指数为标准的股票的共同基金司。
    a mutual fund that invests in the stocks that are the basis of a well-known stock or bond index.
  • 查特威尔投资司,股票经济人休·惠特布雷德预测这将是一个平静的夏天。
    Sue Whitbread,stockbroker for Chartwell Investment Management, predicts a quiet summer.
  • kirwin说:“支持用windows的办人员与支持用unix的股票经纪人是差别很大的。
    "Supporting office workers on Windows can be quite a different thing from supporting stockbrokers on Unix.
  • 在特殊时期名字被注册在司记名册上享有股份的股东。
    the stockholder whose name is registered on the books of the corporation as owning the shares at a particular time.
  • 一个股东在整个司中占有一部分股息,其价值的多少随着该股票价值的变化而变化,取决于股票在股市上的供求。
    A stockholder owns part interest in the entire corporation. The value of that part varies as the value of the stock changes. This is determined by the supply of and demand for the shares on the market.
  • 司的董事对股票持有人来说是个受托人。
    Directors of a corporation are trustees for the stockholders.
  • 经营者向司的股东通报的会议。
    a meeting at which the management reports to the stockholders of a company.