  • 绝对零度标定的度量或度量单位的,从长度、质量或时的基本单位而得出
    Relating to measurements or units of measurement derived from fundamental units of length, mass, and time.
  • 用来测量时、空和质量的单位叫做基本单位。
    The units used to measure time , space and mass are called fundamental units.
  • 与促进各教派及宗教团结有关。
    concerned with promoting unity among churches or religions.
  • 我们也深信,作为国际一重要经济体系,中国早日加入世界贸易组织,会有助进一步加强世贸组织的实力,并且可令多边贸易体制的涵盖面更为广泛。
    We also firmly believe that as a major world economy, China's early accession to the WTO would enhance WTO and the universality of the multilateral trading system.
  • 宇宙存在于空和时中。
    The universe exists in space and time.
  • 宇宙的万物都在不断地运动着。
    Everything in the universe is in constant motion.
  • 关于我在1月10日到3月31日期离校的事尚未得到校方的正式批准。
    I have not yet been given official permission from the University for my leave from January1 to March31.
  • 他们已长时受着不公正的待遇。
    They have been subjected to unjust treatment for too long.
  • 由于他们父亲的财产分配不公,俩兄弟产生了不和。
    The unjust distribution of their father’s wealth created ill blood between the two brothers.
  • 昨天接到贵函,我们很乐意向您报告有关查询事项。该公司博得此客户极大信赖,特此复函。
    Reply to your letter of yesterday's date, we are happy to inform you that the house refer to enjoy an unlimited credit.
  • 如果你的工作能提供无限制的自愿加班时,那么你的处境很不错-实际上你就可以尽力多挣钱。
    You're on to a good thing if your job offers unlimited voluntary overtime – you can virtually earn as much as you like.
  • 我看见他进了房,打开抽屉的锁,取出文件,照了相,然后又把它放回去。
    I saw him enter the room, unlock a drawer, take out a document, photograph it and put it back.
  • 我被锁在饭店的房门外而必须中人来开门。
    I locked myself out of the hotel room and had to ask them to unlock the door.
  • 他拿了钥匙就上了楼,打开他房的门。
    He took his key and went upstairs, unlocking the door of his room.
  • 他容易忘记时间。
    He is unmindful of the time.
  • 他一直工作,没理会时.
    He worked on, unmindful of the time.
  • 我开始感到在这个愉快的一家人中,我的确是碍事。
    I began to feel unmistakably out of place in that pleasant family circle.
  • 姐妹之不和是不近人情的。
    It is unnatural for sisters go be at variance.
  • 一早上的时都浪费在不必要的工作上了
    Fiddled away the morning with unnecessary tasks.
  • 他乘人不觉溜出房
    He slipped unobserved out of the house.
  • 小办公室空闲着。
    That small office is unoccupied.
  • 享受旅游欧洲之乐的时,是在回来打开行李三星期之后。
    The time to enjoy a European trip is about three weeks after unpacking.
  • 第二十七条 动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物过境期,未经动植物检疫机关批准,不得开拆包装或者卸离运输工具。
    Article 27 Animals and plants, their products or other quarantine objects, in the course of their transit, may not be unpacked or discharged from the means of transport without the approval of the animal and plant quarantine organ.
  • 他们希望享有充足的假日(即使在休假期不付工资)来做自己的事情;希望和家人团聚。
    They want to have plenty of holidays (even if they are unpaid) to do their own thing, spend time with the family.
  • 不管出于什么原因,大量的所谓闲暇时,都用在社区所需的一个又一个既艰难,又没有报酬的工作上了。
    No matter what the reason is, hundreds of thousands of so-called leisure hours are put into hard, unpaid work on one or another community need.
  • 节日期,人们可以看到火车上拥挤不堪,人满为患。
    In the holiday season one finds the trains unpleasantly full of people.
  • 我和经理之有过一点磨擦。
    I had a slight unpleasantness with the manager.
  • 他在同事之名声不隹。
    He is unpopular with his fellow workers.
  • 那位不受欢迎的领导人的照片全被他的敌人在夜撕掉了。
    The photographs of the unpopular leader had been ripped down in the night by his enemies.
  • 这在藏族民文艺遗产的保护以及出版史上都是前所未有的。
    This was an unprecedented achievement in protecting the Tibetan literary and art heritage, as well as in publishing history.
  • 没有规则的时关系,对程序指令的执行是无法预料或不可预测的。
    Without regular time relationship;unexpected or unpredictable with respect to the execution of a program's instructions.
  • 妮娅·瓦达洛斯的《我盛大的希腊婚礼》无疑证明了观众口口相传介绍影片所能达到的效力。
    Nia Vardalos' My Big Fat Greek Wedding unquestionably proves the effectiveness that word of mouth can have.