| - 它不是私人信,所以请你用公司信笺打字。
It isn't a personal letter, so please type it on company stationery. - 她丈夫是个推销员,我想他是旅行推销办公用品的。
Her husband is a salesman of some kind. I think he travels in office stationery. - 就读公营学校和直接资助计划下的本地学校的小一至中七学生,如能通过入息审查,便可获现金书簿津贴,以购买必需的课本和文具。
The School Textbook Assistance Scheme provides cash grants, on a means-tested basis, to eligible Primary 1 to Secondary 7 students in public sector schools and local schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme for the purchase of essential textbooks and stationery. - 表二:转口及香港转口增加值导致美方高估对华贸易逆差 单位:亿美元19921993美公布自华进口257.3315.4香港转口增加值-52.3-63调整后美方进口205252.4美公布对华出口74.287.7经香港转口美方与香港统计差额1823调整后美方出口92.2110.7美公布对华逆差183.1227.7调整后美方逆差112.8141.7资料来源:《中美商贸联委会贸易和投资工作组贸易统计小组工作报告》
Table 2 The United States' Over-estimated Trade Deficit against China as the Result of Neglecting Re-exports and Added Value from Re-exports via the Hong Kong Region (in billions of US dollars) 1992 1993 US published imports from China 25.73 31.54 Value added via Hong Kong's re-exports -5.23 -6.3 Adjusted US imports 20.5 25.24 US published exports to China 7.42 8.77 US and Hong Kong statistic difference over re-exports via Hong Kong 1.8 2.3 Adjusted US exports 9.22 11.07 US published deficit against China 18.31 22.77 Adjusted US deficit 11.28 14.17 Data source: Work report of the Trade Statistics Subgroup of the Trade and Investment Working Group ofthe Sino-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade - 他有满头的数学公式。
he has a headful of baseball statistics. - 保险公司统计员计算保险风险和保险费的统计员
A statistician who computes insurance risks and premiums. - 这座雕像可以追溯到公元前500年
This statue dates from500 b.c. - (1)本联盟两个或两个以上国家之间对本公约的解释或适用有争议不能依谈判解决时,有关国家之一可以按照国际法院规约将争议提交该法院,除非有关国家就某一其他解决办法达成协议。
Any dispute between two or more countries of the Union concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention, not settled by negotiation, may, by any one of the countries concerned, be brought before the International Court of Justice by application in conformity with the Statute of the Court, unless the countries concerned agree on some other method of settlement. - 审计署署长也负责审核香港房屋委员会、五个营运基金及六十多个法定和非法定基金,以及其他公共团体的帐目。
The Director also audits the accounts of the Hong Kong Housing Authority, five trading funds and more than 60 statutory and non-statutory funds and other public bodies. - 医院管理局是一个法定机构,于一九九零年根据《医院管理局条例》成立,负责管理本港所有公立医院。
The Hospital Authority is a statutory body established in 1990 under the Hospital Authority Ordinance to manage all public hospitals. - 反对党应给政府一个公平的机会去表现,而不应为难政府。
In stead of making the government's job harder the opposition should give them a fair crack of the whip. - 由于第145节的规定,有很多常驻董事想辞职而不能辞(例如对有关公司的财务状况感到不妥时,却因无人愿接替而不能辞),因此被迫继续担任董事。
In the light of Section 145, there have been many instances where a resident director, one of the two directors appointed, wishes to resign from the office of director (for instance, when he is uncomfortable with the financial position of the relevant company) is nevertheless unable to do so because no one is willing to accept the appointment as director in his stead. - 由于第145节的规定,有很多常驻董事想辞职而不能辞(例如对有关公司的财务状况感到不妥时,却因无人愿接替而不能辞),一名被逼的董事身处困境,因为在他决定要辞职时,往往情形对他已经很不利了。
In the light of Section 145, there have been many instances where a resident director, one of the two directors appointed, wishes to resign from the office of director (for instance, when he is uncomfortable with the financial position of the relevant company) is nevertheless unable to do so because no one is willing to accept the appointment as director in his stead. He is thus compelled against his personal wishes to remain as a resident director of a company. By the time he decides to resign, the situation would have become rather unsatisfactory. - 多年来阅读和分析西方媒体的评论和报道,我的看法是,除了少数例外的情形,因为新加坡拒绝受它们支配,它们便一直不公平的对待我们,刻意的歪曲新加坡的国际形象。
Having had the benefit of reading, viewing and analysing their commentaries and reports on Singapore over the years, my view is that, with some exceptions, they have done our country grave injustice by deliberately distorting its image internationally because it steadfastly resists being dominated by them. - 中国政府始终不渝地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,主张在和平共处五项原则和其他公认的国际关系准则基础上,同所有国家建立和发展友好合作关系,并愿同各国一道,为维护世界和平、促进国际安全与稳定作出不懈努力。
The Chinese government steadfastly follows an independent foreign policy of peace, and stands for establishing and developing relations of friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and other commonly recognized international relationship norms. China is willing to make unswerving efforts to safeguard world peace and promote international security together with other countries. - 他持有的美国运通公司旅行支票被偷走了。
His American express traveller' cheque be steal. - 他们发现他盗窃公共财产。
They discovered him stealing public property. - 轮船公司提供给游客的低票价将促使乘船观光的人数增加。
The low price at which excursion tickets are issued by the steamboat company will tend to swell the ranks of the excursionists. - 船公司应对因粗暴装卸而造成的货物损坏承担责任。
The steamship company shall be responsible for the damage of goods caused by rough handling. - 船公司应对因粗暴装卸而造成的货物损坏承担责任。
The steamship company shall is responsible for the damage of goods cause by rough handling. - 我的老太公(我祖父的祖父)就是受骗从新加坡被装进荷兰船转口到邦加去的。
My great-great-grandfather was tricked in Singapore and was put on a Dutch steamship to Bangka. - 敝公司与轮船公司和铁路公司联系广泛,能为您提供特殊货运送便利。
Have a large connection with both the steamship and railway company, we can offer special facilities. - 做为各船运公司的代理人,我们能提供各种货物的最低运价。
Be an agent for various steamship company, I am able to quote specially low rate for all classes of cargo. - 做为各船运公司的代理人,我们能提供各种货物的最低运价。
Being an agent for various steamship company, I am able to quote specially low rate for all classes of cargo. - 考虑到损坏是由于船公司粗暴装卸所致,我们向船公司提出索赔。
Considering the fact that the damage is due to rough hand by the steamship company, we claim with them for the loss. - 武汉钢铁公司
Wuhan lron and Steel Company - 公共汽车艰难地爬上陡峭的山岗.
The bus toiled up the steep hill. - 公路越来越陡地伸向山顶
The road climbs steeply to the top. - 这条公路陡峭地通上小山。
The road climbed steeply up the hill. - 那个公园好像不安全,孩子们应该避开。
Kid shall steer clear of that park, it do not seem safe. - 那个公园好像不安全,孩子们应该避开
Kid shall steer clear of that park, it does not seem safe - 同意在灯光明亮的公共场合见面,避免相会于昏暗的电影厅。
Agree to meet in a well-lit public area, steer clear of dark movie houses.