  • zài gāi yùn xíng zhěn duàn shì zhí xíng shǐ ds1 tuì chū / huò huī de cāo zuò
    From this page you may run diagnostic tests and perform a remove and/or a restore of the DS1.
  • zhǒng shù zhōng jiān kòng chéng jiǎn yàn chéng yùn xíng shí néng chū xiàn de cuò qíng kuàng shù zhí shàng xiàn xún huán huò cún zhù cún chǔ zhōng shòu bǎo de mǒu xiàn wèn hòujiān kòng chéng shì jìn xíng cuò jiàozhèng zhěn duàn
    A technique in which a monitor checks for error conditions that can occur when a program is being executed(e.g., numerical overflow, infinite loops, or an attempt to access a protected area of main memory). The monitor attempts to provide error recovery and diagnostics.
  • suàn yòng biǎo xiē shù chóngxīn xiǎn shì chū lái
    The computer reproduced the data as a set of diagram
  • hěn duō chǎng shāng gōng néng ràng yòng huà chū liú chéng de gōng
    Many vendors provide tools that let users visually diagram business processes.
  • zhàn lüèjié gòuxíng wéi de guān cóng xià jiě zhōng kàn chū
    The relationships between strategy, structure and behavior can be illustrated by the following diagram:
  • xīn de gōng biǎo tǒng de nèi gōng zuò qíng kuàng zài dòng zuò biǎo zhōng xiǎn shìér wài biǎo yǎn zhě yóu gòu dìng dān ménjiāng chū xiàn zài shǐ yòng 'àn biǎo)。
    For example, the internal workings of a new payroll system would be shown in an activity diagram, whereas external actors, such as the mail order department, would appear in a use-case diagram.
  • zhàn lüèjié gòuxíng wéi de guān cóng xià jiě zhōng kàn chū :
    In sum, the relationships between strategy, structure and behaviour can be illustrated by the following diagram:
  • zhì gòu chū de xíng jié gòu xiáng chǎn míng liǎo zhè huǎn de màohái yòu chǎn méi de pén
    the landscape unit drawn diagrammatically illustrates the gentle rolling relief, with a peat-filled basin.
  • zhǒng huà biǎo shì guī shuō míng gōng yòng liǎo qiàn tào de kuò hào céng lái dài biǎo shū shù zhuǎn huàn chéng shū chū shù de luó ji jié gòu
    A diagramming notation and specification tool that uses nested layers of brackets that represent the structure of thelogic used to transform input data into output data.
  • néng chū pán shàng de shù
    Can you read the number on the dial?
  • pán xiǎn shì chū yòu wēi xiǎo de biàn huà
    The dial records showed a very slight variation in pressure.
  • pán xiǎn shì chū yòu wēi xiǎo biàn huà .
    The dial records very slight variations in pressure.
  • jiǎng huà zhōng shí 'ér jué mào chū fāng fāng yán
    Every now and then he would lapse into the local dialect.
  • chǎn shù de yòu guān detōng guò yǐn dǎo rén men duì yòu biàn zhèng xìng huò luó ji xìng shùn de chuàn wèn zuò chū huí lái tǒng chǎn shì jué chá de guān niàn de fāng de huò fāng yòu guān de
    Of or relating to the aspect of the Socratic method that induces a respondent to formulate latent concepts through a dialectic or logical sequence of questions.
  • biàn zhèng wéi lùn zhī suǒ wéi biàn zhēn zài jīng guò lùn shénme rén de shí jiàn dōubù néng táo chū de fàn wéi
    Dialectical materialism is universally true because it is impossible for anyone to escape from its domain in his practice.
  • èr shí nián de shǐ jiào xùn gào men tiáo zuì zhòng yào de yuán gǎo shè huì zhù dìng yào zūn xún zhù de biàn zhèng wéi zhù shǐ wéi zhù jiù shì máo dōng tóng zhì gài kuò de shí shì qiú shìhuò zhě shuō qiē cóng shí chū
    But the experience of the last 20 years has taught us one very important principle: to build socialism we must adhere to Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism or, as Comrade Mao Zedong put it, in everything we do we must seek truth from facts -- in other words, we must proceed from reality.
  • tián yuán shī tián yuán shīcháng yáng rén zhī jiān duì huà de xíng shì chū xiàn
    A pastoral poem, usually in the form of a dialogue between shepherds.
  • xuè zhōng de fēn zhì fēn chū lái
    a procedure in which blood is drawn and separated into its components by dialysis; some are retained and the rest are returned to the donor by transfusion.
  • dāng liǎng chéng shí de zhèng rén duì tóng jiàn shì zuò chū liǎo jié rán tóng de jiě shì shírén men zěn yàng cái néng zhèng míng gěi chū de zhèng shì yòu niē zào de ?; zhè xiē huà zhōng yòu sān fēn kāi yòu bǎi 'èr shí yīng chǐ de sān zhōng de chǔyú wán quán xiāng fǎn de wèi zhì
    when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?; three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three.
  • chū líng xíng
    Diamond with projecting end( projecting diamond)
  • chū líng xíng zhōng jiā sān
    Three line in projecting diamond.
  • gào shí dàngchéng zuàn shí mào pái chū shòu
    Fobbed off the zircon as a diamond.
  • miàn yuè xiǎn shì chū gāo xīng huò shī wàngyùn
    To exhibit displeasure or disappointment; sulk.
  • zài dài chū xiàn de zhǒng màn xìng wěn luàn zhèngér tóng chéng réndōu néng huàn rǎn
    a chronic disorder that occurs in tropical and nontropical forms and in both children and adults; nutrients are not absorbed; symptoms include foul-smelling diarrhea and emaciation.
  • zhǎo chū liǎo běn jiù
    He hunted out an old diary.
  • yīn rán yīn jiē zhōng gāo huò gěi chū yīn diào de yīn diào
    A tone four degrees above or below a given tone in a diatonic scale.
  • zhì chū tóng děng diǎn de tóu zhì liǎng tóu měi tóu shàng miàn de diǎn shù dōushì tóng shù
    A throw of two dice in which the same number of dots appears on the upper face of each.
  • tōng cháng shì shù xíng shìzhì chū de liǎng tóu dōushì liù diǎn bèi chéng wéi liǎng liù diǎn
    (usually plural) when two dice are thrown and both come up showing six spots the result is called `boxcars'.
  • liǎo mài fēng kǒng zhèngzài huà tǒng qián wán quán shuō chū huà lái
    Dick suffered mike fright and lost his voice completely.
  • shuō chū jiū jìng jiào shénme míng
    I cannot tell what the dickens his name is.
  • zhè chū shì gēn gèng de běn xiǎo shuō gǎi biān de
    This play was taken from a book by Dickens.
  • xiàn zài men yòu chū men de yào qiú
    We are now in a position to dictate our own demands.