  • 〔5〕冯国璋(一八五九——一九一九),直隶(今河北省)河人。他是袁世凯的部下,袁世凯死后,成为北洋军阀直系的首领。
    [5] Feng Kuo-chang was one of Yuan Shih-kai's underlings.After Yuan's death, he became the leader of the Chihli (Hopei) group of the Northern warlord clique.
  • 在持续了一段时的低工作强度的工作之后,突然到来的高峰会对一个要求注意力和警觉的工作产生负面的影响。
    Following an extended period of underload, a sudden shift to higher workload can have negative effects on efficiency for tasks that require sustained attention.
  • 英国人彼此听得懂,可我就是听不懂他们的话!
    The English understand each other, but I don't understand them!
  • 突然之,这种在本地已失去实际应用价值与“社会地位”的语文,竟然与举世注目的诺贝尔文学奖挂上钩,作家们难免感到莫名的兴奋,尽管这里面或许有一种一厢情愿的情结。
    Now, out of the blue, a writer who uses a language that has lost its practical purpose and "social status" here, has won the Nobel Literature Prize. Their excitement is understandable though there may be some wishful thinking on their part.
  • 我们之有深刻的了解。
    There was deep understanding between us.
  • 政治权力之的友好理解。
    a friendly understanding between political powers.
  • 但是,这件事要办好,却需要时,不是一朝一夕所能成就;
    However, the work we have undertaken requires time and cannot be accomplished overnight;
  • 其方法和通常的拔河一样,只不过比赛是在两个人之进行。
    Its method is the same the ordinary method. Only it is undertaken between two people.
  • 而要找这种替身,世还真不乏一些雄心勃勃的冒昧之徒,只要能获得权位,这种人不惜付出任何代价。
    And for that turn there are never wanting, some persons of violent and undertaking natures, who, so they may have power and business, will take it at any cost.
  • www使保存信息的服务器以及客户机或用户之能够传递和显示多媒体文档。
    The WWW enables transfer and display of multimedia documents between servers, which hold the information, and clients or users.
  • 比赛结果后,加比克脱掉球衣,赤膊上阵,将南斯拉夫国旗围在腰
    After it was over, Grbic stripped to his underwear and wrapped the Yugoslav flag around his waist.
  • 一个人只要将自己的大脑与计算机连接起来,进入Cyberspace,就可以体验在该空的一切遭遇。
    Once his brain was linked with the computer, a man would undergo all experiences in??the space.
  • 的,冥府的有关地狱中的神和幽灵的
    Of or relating to the gods and spirits of the underworld.
  • 普路托死亡之神和阴的统治者
    The god of the dead and the ruler of the underworld.
  • 串话在电话或其它传输设备中由于传送线路的耦合作用而产生的不希望出现的信号和声音
    Undesired signals or sounds, as of voices, in a telephone or other communications device as a result of coupling between transmission circuits.
  • 本来意义的社会主义和共产主义的体系,圣西门、傅立叶、欧文等人的体系,是在无产阶级和资产阶级之的斗争还不发展的最初时期出现的。关于这个时期,我们在前面已经叙述过了(见《资产阶级和无产阶级》)。
    The Socialist and Communist systems properly so called, those of Saint-Simon, Fourier, Owen and others, spring into existence in the early undeveloped period, described above, of the struggle between proletariat and bourgeoisie (see Section 1. Bourgeois and Proletarians).
  • “秀才不出门,全知天下事”,在技术不发达的古代只是一句空话,在技术发达的现代虽然可以实现这句话,然而真正亲知的是天下实践着的人,那些人在他们的实践中取得了“知”,经过文字和技术的传达而到达于“秀才”之手,秀才乃能接地“知天下事”。
    The saying, "without stepping outside his gate the scholar knows all the wide world's affairs", was mere empty talk in past times when technology was undeveloped. Even though this saying can be valid in the present age of developed technology, the people with real personal knowledge are those engaged in practice the wide world over. And it is only when these people have come to "know" through their practice and when their knowledge has reached him through writing and technical media that the "scholar" can indirectly "know all the wide world's affairs".
  • 解开那件包裹要费一点时
    The undoing of the parcel took some time.
  • 在字符识别中,文卷未变形表面与打印字符的指定部分之的距离。
    In character recognition, the distance between the undistorted surface of a document and a specified part of a printed character.
  • 假如我知道我的时不多了,那些没来得及做的小事会让我恼火。
    It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew that my hours were limited.
  • 在夜里这么不适当的时来访!
    What an unearthly time of night to call!
  • 计划的取消使她下午有了一大块空闲的时
    the cancellation left her unengaged a good part of the afternoon.
  • 父母对子嗣之的慈爱往往是不平均的,而且有时是不合理的。
    The difference in affection of parents towards their several children is many times unequal; and sometimes unworthy;
  • 中国广袤领土上的适合人们居住和从事经济活动的空有限,人口分布极不平衡。
    Over the vast territory of China, the space suited for people to live and engage in economic activities is limited and population distribution is extremely uneven.
  • 中国人口多、底子薄,地区发展不平衡,生产力不发达的状况在相当长一段时内还会继续存在。
    The situation in which China has a large population, a poor foundation, uneven regional development and underdeveloped productive forces will continue for a comparatively long period of time to come.
  • 他们的时不均匀地分于游戏兴读书方面。
    Their time was unevenly divided between play and study.
  • 大气升温是不均衡的,夜、冬天以及纬度高于50度的地区气温上升得最高。
    the atmosphere is heating unevenly and is showing the biggest rises at night, in winter and at latitudes higher than about 50 degrees.
  • 拳卷的,旋卷的卷成线圈样式,其尖端在中的,如未展开的蕨叶的
    Rolled up in the form of a coil with the tip in the center, as an unexpanded fern frond.
  • 由于想不到的原因,我不知道是否可以把约会时由星期二改到星期五。
    Because of something unexpected, I wonder if I can change my appointment from Tuesday to Friday.
  • 中国是一个自然灾害较为频繁的国家,年度的粮食产量波动难以避免,对粮食市场的稳定产生不利影响。
    China is a country with frequent natural disasters, so it is hard for it to avoid the fluctuation of grain output, which has an unfavorable impact on the stability of grain markets.
  • 猛然我心头一亮:为什么不可以展出那些未完工的服装?。
    Then it dawned on me. Why not show the clothes unfinished?
  • 我们必须把各车未完成的产品记个准确数。
    We must keep an exact account of the unfinished products in the workshops.