| - 他在出国期间他的工作被移交给他的同事。
His duties devolved upon his collegues while he were abroad. - 如选举总统的权利转移到众议院,而该院在次年三月四日前尚未选出总统时,则由副总统代理总统,与总统死亡或宪法规定的其他丧失任职能力的情况相同。
And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. - 他为全人类的利益献出了自己的一生。
He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind. - 要群众拿出他们的全力放到战线上去吗?
Do we want them to devote their strength to the front? - 这时就要全力找出它的主要矛盾。
Then we must devote every effort to finding its principal contradition. - 全党同志,特别是老同志,要为此付出自己的全部精力。
All Party members, especially veteran comrades, should devote their efforts to it. - 我们尽到了作为出版社所应尽的职责。
We devoted what we should do. - 致力于社会主义的科学事业,作出贡献,这固然是专的表现,在一定意义上也可以说是红的表现。
Working devotedly for our socialist scientific enterprises and making contributions to them is, of course, a sign that one is expert; in a sense, it is also a sign that one is "red ". - 热心公益的以公共福利为动机或表现出对公共福利的热爱的
Motivated by or exhibiting devotion to the public welfare. - 他的额头上冒出露水般的汗珠。
The sweat came out in a fine dew on his forehead. - 熟练的作为经历或训练的结果而具有或展示出丰富技能、技巧或知识的
Having or demonstrating great skill, dexterity, or knowledge as the result of experience or training. - 制药行业将已制造出对付糖尿病、高血压、心脏病和精神分裂症的良药。
The pharmaceutical industry would have produced powerful treatments for diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and schizophrenia. - 她在4月出差乘飞机回来后,她的踝关节开始增大到树干大小,但医生起初认为她患了糖尿病,但化验结果却显示为阴性。
Her ankles had swelled to the size of tree trunks after a plane ride back from a business trip in April, but the tests for diabetes -- his first thought -- had come back negative. - 胰岛素制剂含有从动物胰腺提炼出的或通过基因工程制造的此类激素的各种药物制剂,用于药物治疗和控制糖尿病(糖尿病i型)
Any of various pharmaceutical preparations containing this hormone that are derived from the pancreas of certain animals or produced through genetic engineering and are used in the medical treatment and management of diabetes mellitus(type I). - 培育出这些小猪的ppl医疗公司美国分部的研究项目副总裁大卫·阿亚里斯说:"这项科研进展及时解决了目前所面临的人体器官移植来源短缺问题,以及治疗糖尿病所需的生产胰岛素的细胞。"
"This advance provides a near-time solution for overcoming the shortage of human organs for transplants, as well as insulin-producing cells to cure diabetes," says David Ayares, vice president of research at PPL Therapeutics, US division, where the pigs were created. - 一种图形字符,当单独出现或与其它组合时,主要用来表示口语语言的一个发声元素,但不包括单独使用的变音符号和标点符号。
A graphic character that, when appearing alone or combined with others, is primarily used to represent a sound element of a spoken language, but excluding diacritical marks used alone and punctuation marks. - 医生诊断出麻疹.
The doctor diagnosed measles. - 老师找出那孩子阅读上困难的原因。
The teacher diagnosed the boy's reading difficulties. - 整形外科医生诊断出我的病是一种罕见的骨病。
The plastic surgeon diagnosed my illness as a rare bone disease. - 基因学的真正出路在于将医学的诊断和治疗变为预测和预防。
The real promise of genetics is moving medicine from diagnose and treatment to prediction and prevention. - 98%的人对我们能准确判断出他的笔迹而赞叹不已。
Ninetyeight per cent will marvel at the accuracy with which we have been able to diagnose their handwriting. - dna指纹鉴定可用于全世界医院对出生前和新出生婴儿的遗传变异进行诊断。
DNA fingerprint is used to diagnose inherited disorders in both prenatal and newborn babies in hospitals around the world. - ibm公司销售的一种以370系统为基础的特许程序,用它来监视网络的工作情况,管理ibm的计算机网络,以及诊断网络中可能出现的问题。参阅npp。
A system370-based IBM licensed program used to monitor a network, manage it, and diagnose its problems. - 诊断医生做出诊断的人,尤指做出医学诊断的医生
A person who diagnoses, especially a physician specializing in medical diagnostics. - 两位医生对我的病作出了不同的诊断。
The two doctors made different diagnosis of my disease. - 医生们能提供更准确的诊断和开出更有效的处方。
Doctors are able to provide more accurate diagnoses and prescribe more effective treatments. - 仅使它们工作就需要某些相当高的unix专业技能——就像镇上只有一名牙科医生,在一幢没有标记的楼里工作,电话本上没有他的电话号码,而且还只给出用拉丁文写的处方。
Just getting them to work required some pretty serious Unix expertise -- as if the only dentist in town worked in an unmarked building, had no phone listing, and only gave diagnoses in Latin. - 我们焦急万分地等候医生做出诊断。
We waited in great suspense for the doctor's diagnosis. - 只有排除了胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡的可能性之后,才能作出明确诊断。
A positive diagnosis can be made only after ruling out gastric and duodenal ulcer. - 做出诊断
To make a diagnosis. - 症状用于做出诊断的症状或特别的表现
A symptom or a distinguishing feature serving as supporting evidence in a diagnosis. - 活组织检查因诊断目的而从生命体中取出、消除和观察样品组织
The removal and examination of a sample of tissue from a living body for diagnostic purposes.