  • 平地對待他的顧客;總是對我很正直。
    dealt squarely with his customers; always treated me square.
  • 我們希望這事會得到正的裁决。
    We hope the case will be decided fairly and squarely.
  • 他們要嚮球迷證明這場比賽將在平的原則下進行。
    They wanted to prove to the fans that the game was going to be played fairly and squarely.
  • 那紅雞一看見灰雞,就拉開鬥架的姿勢。
    As soon as the red cock squared the gray one, it squared off.
  • 那輛共汽車好不容易塞進了四十個人。
    They managed to squash forty people into the bus.
  • 我們有經驗豐富的企業傢和投資者,也有在寮屋區和共屋恏成長,繼而考進工業學院和大學的青年纔俊。無論世界怎樣改變,前路有何挑戰,憑着他們的才能和幹勁,香港必定可以迭創佳績。
    In our experienced entrepreneurs and investors, and in the children from our squatter homes and public housing estates who go on to technical colleges or universities, we have the talent and the drive to keep on succeeding in whatever the world holds for us.
  • 擠入擁擠的公共汽車
    squeeze oneself into a crowded bus
  • 魯迪先生是這傢司的頭頭。
    Mr Rudy is the main squeeze in the firm.
  • 共汽車已經滿了,可他們設法擠進去了。
    The bus was full, but they were able to squeeze in.
  • 我傢[辦處]的地址是牛津西街3號。
    My home/business address is 3 West St, Oxford.
  • 車輛排了幾公裏長。
    Traffic stacked up for kilometers.
  • 我們司目前情況相當不錯。
    Our firm is stacking up pretty well these days.
  • 共汽車經過體育館嗎?
    Will this bus go past the stadium?
  • 傑夫:世界上最古老的體育場是元前15世紀建於古希臘的一座馬蹄形狹長體育場。
    Jeff: The oldest sports stadium was a U-shaped long and narrow stadium build in the 15th century BC in ancient Greece.
  • 您在街上、園裏、體育館都可以看到。真的很精彩。
    You can enjoy both in the streets, parks, or stadiums. You'll find them very wonderful.
  •  建設一批與體育場館相配套的體育文化設施,包括體育博物館、體育圖書館、體育藝術表演中心、體育雕塑園等。
    Build a number of sports culture facilities as supplementary projects attached to the stadiums, including sports museums, sports libraries, sports art performing centers, sports sculpture parks, etc.
  • 在奧林匹剋園內規劃和建設一批與體育場館相配套的文化設施,充分發揮體育藝術表演中心等文化設施的綜合效能,建設好博物展覽館、青少年宮等益文化設施,使奧林匹剋園成為市民和國內外遊客重要的文化活動場所。
    Many cultural facilities will be planned and constructed in the Olympic Green in support of the various sports stadiums and sports grounds. The comprehensive functions of such cultural facilities as the Sports Art Performance Center will be given full play. Museums, Youth and Children’s Palaces and other public cultural facilities will also be built to make the Olympic Green an important center of cultural activities for residents and tourists, be they foreign or domestic.
  • 在我們大多數辦室任職的是志願人員。
    Most of our offices are staffed by volunteers.
  • 室工作人員5點半下班。
    The office staff stop work at 5: 30.
  • 司有250名拿工資的職員。
    The company had 250 salaried staffs.
  • 司有250名拿工資的職員。
    The company has 250 salaried staffs.
  • 由臨時雇員使用的辦
    An office staffed by temporaries.
  • 辦公室的人員不夠。
    The office is not sufficiently staffed.
  • 本星期我們辦室人手不夠。
    We're very short-staffed in the office this week.
  • “辦室的人員滿滿的。”“問題就在這兒。一有事情要做大傢都往別人身上推。
    "The office is fully staffed." "That's half the trouble. Everybody leaves things for somebody else to do."
  • 貝洛斯,喬治·韋斯利1882-1925美國藝術傢,以其充滿活力的運動情景繪畫而著稱,如夏基斯的鹿(1907年)
    American artist noted for his energetic paintings of sporting scenes, such as Stag at Sharkey's(1907).
  • 鹿的角生小樹枝般的短叉。
    The antlers of stags give off short tines like twigs.
  • 四輪大馬車外部有高的駕駛座的封閉式四輪大馬車;共馬車
    A large, closed, four-wheeled carriage with an elevated exterior seat for the driver; a stagecoach.
  • 他像一個醉漢繞園蹣跚着走來走去。
    He was staggering around the park like a drunk.
  • 在這筆撥款中,超過4,790萬元是用來資助香港業餘體育協會暨奧林匹剋委員會和香港各體育總會在雇員薪金、辦室開支、體育發展經費及主辦大型國際賽事等方面的開支。
    Of this, over $47.9 million was used to support the Amateur Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong and the National Sports Associations (NSAs) in meeting personnel, office,sports programme expenses and financing the staging of major international events.
  • 資産負債表清楚地表明司的經營情況不景氣。
    The balance sheet clearly shows that the company has a stagnant economy.
  • 一發現這種病毒經過一個鼕天還能生存,共衛生部門的官員們就警告大傢清理庭院中蓄有易於蚊子生長的滯水的容器。
    On seeing that the virus had survived the winter, public health officials warned people to clear their yards of receptacles that can hold stagnant water favorable to mosquito breeding.