Chinese English Sentence:
  • 穷人忍饥挨饿,另一些人都过花天酒地的生活。
    The poor people starved, while a few lived off the fat of the land.
  • 沃尔特并不真正渴望爱情,他只是装没有人爱他,在利用你的同情心而已。
    Walter is not really starved of affection; he’s just playing on your feelings of sympathy by pretending to be unloved.
  • 那些饥饿的人向他们的首领喊要面包。
    The starving people cried to their chief for bread.
  • 她红脸说出了自己的名字。
    she stated her name blushingly.
  • 七月一日零时,英国国旗降下,中国国旗随升起。
    It was a solemn, stately and emotional moment, as the Union Jack was lowered and the Chinese flag raised at midnight on June 30.
  • 发动机转动汽车仍然保持静止。
    the car remained stationary with the engine running.
  • 对于自己的产品只有在驾驶时才能保证安全,汽车制造商感到不太满意,他们打算添加一些安全设施,在汽车停时也能工作。
    Not content that their products should be safe merely when they are being driven, car makers plan ot add safety features that operate when they are stationary.
  • 越来越多的国际经济学家和统计学家认为,目前国际通行的这种统计原则,存在不合理性,特别是对于转口贸易和加工贸易的统计,往往存在较大误差。
    A growing number of international economists and statisticians believe, however, that there are irrationalities in this currently widely-used international statistical principle, especially because big errors might occur when it is applied to calculating entrepot trade and processing trade.
  • 这座雕像衬树丛,轮廓特别鲜明。
    The statue stands out against the trees.
  • 自由女神象征什么。
    What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?
  • 在特德·特纳的位于亚特兰大闹市区14层楼上的国际总部,沿墙陈列一排排奥斯卡金像。
    The walls of Ted Turner's international headquarters,14floors above downtown Atlanta,are lined with Oscar statuettes.
  • 年内,该署向业主发出共359份法定命令,令进行斜坡改善工程。
    During 1998, 359 statutory orders were served on building owners, requiring slope upgrading works to be carried out.
  • 但是,我坚定地相信,凭香港市民坚毅的意志、灵活的应变能力、勇於创新的精神、加上香港稳健的经济基础、敢於承担责任的政府、以及有祖国作为强大的后盾,我们一定能够克服困难,复苏经济,朝振兴国家、振兴民族的目标进发。
    However, I am confident that with the tenacity, flexibility and creativity of the Hong Kong people, together with our sound economic fundamentals, a responsible government and the staunch support of our motherland, we can overcome these challenges and revive our economy. We will resolutely advance towards our goal of enhancing the prosperity of our country and our people.
  • 遵循我们的目标,我们在勇往直前。
    Steadfast in our purpose, we now press on.
  • 保持自己的立场;保持某种姿势;坚定地直立
    hold one's ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright.
  • 人类幸福之路就是坚定不移沿做好事的大道前进;
    The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing;
  • 人们向来认为只有男人才会为精湛的球艺疯狂,女人只会为球星俊俏的脸孔迷。
    It used to be a steadfast belief that only men go crazy over football footwork. Females are only responsible for going crazy over football faces.
  • 只有坚持我们党历来坚持的四项基本原则,坚决克服妨碍实现三中全会方针政策的不良倾向,我们才能坚定地向我们的宏伟目标胜利前进。
    Only by upholding the four cardinal principles to which our Party has always adhered, and by firmly correcting the unhealthy tendencies which hamper the implementation of the principles and policies set forth at the Third Plenary Session can we advance steadfastly and victoriously towards our great objective.
  • 瓢泼大雨不停地下
    The rain poured steadily down.
  • 一道稳定的光线从灯塔上指引
    A steady light beaconed from the tower.
  • 我回想起参观隐形飞机的经历,紧接我又想起有关战略防卫构想的大规模展览——这些在未来仍然具有强大的生命力。
    I recall my visit to see the stealth aircraft: and later I remember viewing an extensive exhibition of work on the Strategic Defense Initiative which is still vital to our future.
  • 汽船呼啸到了河的下游。
    The steam boat screamed down.
  • 他们坐小汽船沿海岸旅行。
    They traveled on the steamboat along the coast.
  • 火车喷汽驶向月台。
    The train steamed up to the platform.
  • 我们看汽船的船尾消失。
    We watched the stern of the steamer disppear.
  • 徐:我们马上手了解衔接船只的情况。
    We'll check the situation about the connecting steamer right away.
  • 今天有一些工人带一台蒸气压路机来了。
    Some workmen arrived today with a steamroller.
  • 人类面临一个机会,他们要决定是阻挡科技的进展,还是控制、指导科技的发展方向。”
    "Here is an opportunity for human beings to decide if we're simply going to stand in the path of the technological steamroller or take control and help guide its direction."
  • 他硬头皮进去道歉。
    He steeled his heart to go in and say he was sorry.
  • 这座红色的建筑物有丰富的历史经历。
    This red building is steeped in history.
  • 沿陡峭河岸慢慢前行
    Picked her way down the steep bank.
  • 衣服正泡着呢。
    The clothes are steeping.