  • 假设股价到年底时跌了50%,他仍可以拿着7000美元走人--比起他没有期出货所能剩下的,要多出40%。
    Assume that the stock drops by 50% at the end of year one. If he bails entirely at that point, he'll still walk away with $ 7,000 -- 40% more than he would have been left with if he hadn't been paring his holdings all along.
  • 皮卡地区法国北部一个历史上著名的地区,濒临英吉利海峡。这个名字最先用于13世纪,用来指一些小的封建领地。在英法百年战争期间,皮卡地区曾是英法争夺的地方,1477年成为法国王室领地的一部
    A historical region of northern France bordering on the English Channel. The name was first used in the13th century for a number of small feudal holdings. Picardy was contested by France and England during the Hundred Years' War and became part of the French crown lands in1477.
  • 最惹人注目的顽固子乃是约旦国王候赛因。他最近表示不再过问[约旦河]西岸之事,现在同意[参加中东和平的努力]。
    The conspicuous holdout was Jordan's King Hussein, who, by his latest gesture of washing his hands of the West Bank, is now coming along.
  • 如贵公司希望能把握此市场,则应迅速办理我方订购之交货事宜,这一点十重要。
    If you wish to keep your hold on this market, prompt delivery of order we police with you is essential.
  • 他第二次轻击使球入洞,使他得6
    His second putt holed him out for a six.
  • 他的大部假期是在旅行中度过的。
    He spent most of his holidays travelling.
  • 第五,坚持“因地制宜、突出重点,全面规划、步实施”的原则。
    The fifth principle includes positioning on local conditions, prioritizing key issues, holistic planning and step-by-step implementation.
  • 政府致力建立促进公众健康的医护制度,让巿民终身享有全面的医护服务,以提升生活质素,令个人潜能得以充发挥。
    The vision is to create a health care system that promotes health, provides lifelong holistic care, enhances quality of life and enables full human development.
  • 荷兰的居民是纽约州的三之二,而纽约州却是荷兰的四倍大。
    Holland has two-thirds the inhabitants of the state of New York, which is four times the size of Holland.
  • 小型至中型的陆生蕨类植物,尤指冬青蕨;在一些类系统中归入水龙骨科。
    small to medium-sized terrestrial ferns especially holly ferns; in some classification systems placed in Polypodiaceae.
  • 此时他正住在一辆破旧的拖车里,身无文,孤独寂寞。由于他在离婚时没有获得对女儿霍莉的监护权,这个惟一给予他生活以意义的人也不在他身边。
    Now Stanley is living out his life in a broken? down trailer,penniless,alone and without the one thing that gives his life meaning his daughter Holly,whom he lost in a divorce.
  • 请问,6点30去好莱坞的火车在哪个站台?
    Which platform for Hollywood at 6:30, please?
  • 那部小说搬上好莱坞银幕後十成功。
    The novel was turned into a successful Hollywood film.
  • 位移场全息干涉分析
    surface displacementanalysis using holographic interfero- metry
  • 在某些类中被认为是原生动物的一门;全动物营养或腐物寄生的鞭毛虫。
    in some classifications considered a phylum of the kingdom Protista; holozoic or saprozoic flagellates.
  • 他们看到这情况就十高兴。进屋后,他们看到那孩子正和他母亲马利亚在一起,便伏地拜见他;然后打开宝盒,把带来的黄金、乳香和没药等礼品献给他。
    At the sight of the star they were overjoyed, Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and bowed to the ground in homage to him; then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
  • 如果战端一开,那就地无南北,人无老幼,无论何人皆有守土抗战之责任。”
    Once war breaks out, every person, young or old, in the north or in the south, must take up the responsibility of resisting Japan and defending our homeland.
  • 显然,导致大学入学人数女生多、男生少这种倾向的部原因是由于社会的进步,社会给予妇女更多的选择机会。她们不再被认为只能当家庭主妇或上大学也仅仅是为了挣一个“夫人学位”,即找到一个丈夫。
    Clearly, part of the trend in college enrollment stems from advances in society that have give women more choices: They are no longer expected to take the homemaker route or to matriculate solely for the purpose of earning their "M.R.S. degree": that is, a husband.
  • 这部自行车售价60元。霍默以10个月期付款,每月付6元,外加每月1元附加费购入。
    The price of the bicycle was $ 60. Homer bought it for $ 6 a month for ten months plus a carrying charge of $ 1 a month.
  • 当他们自己的队得了底线时,人群高声呼喊起来。
    The crowd yelled when the hometown team scored a touchdown.
  • 他转身往家走时,已是黄昏时
    Twilight was falling as he turned homeward.
  • 他在十钟内完成了所有的家庭作业。
    He carried through all his homework in ten minutes.
  • 他的演说娓娓动听,充反映他的语言能力。
    language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals.
  • 隐晶岩,非显晶岩一种成细密肉眼不能看到的致密同质岩石
    A dense, homogeneous rock with constituents so fine that they cannot be seen by the naked eye.
  • 自然生成的同类无机固体,具有确定的化学成
    solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition.
  • 能够形成匀质的混合物,既不能被化学反应离,也不能被化学反应改变。
    capable of forming a homogeneous mixture that neither separates nor is altered by chemical interaction.
  • 可有多种化学成的均匀固体;合金的成,在元素的原子进入金属晶体时形成。
    a homogeneous solid that can exist over a range of component chemicals; a constituent of alloys that is formed when atoms of an element are incorporated into the crystals of a metal.
  • 化合物一种纯净的宏观上性质相同的物质,它由两种或多种不同元素的原子或离子按一定的比例化合而成,并且不能用物理方法将其离。化合物一般具有与其合成元素不同的性质
    A pure, macroscopically homogeneous substance consisting of atoms or ions of two or more different elements in definite proportions that cannot be separated by physical means. A compound usually has properties unlike those of its constituent elements.
  • 晶体一种由原子、离子或子作重复和立体型排列而形成的均质固体,在组成部之间有固定的距离
    A homogenous solid formed by a repeating, three-dimensional pattern of atoms, ions, or molecules and having fixed distances between constituent parts.
  • 美国的离婚和私生子率很高,同性恋夫妻领养孩子越来越多,还有近三之一的美国人过独身生活。
    The divorce and illegitimacy rates are high, homosexual couples are having and adopting children in greater numbers, and nearly a third of Americans live alone anyway.
  • 为将自己政党的下议院议员与反对党下院议员区开,下院议员将称反对党下议院议员为“我的朋友阁下”。
    To distinguish mps of one's own party from those on the other side of the house, and mp will say"my hon. friend".
  • 为将自己政党的下议院议员与反对党下院议员区开,下院议员将称反对党下议院议员为“我的朋友阁下”。
    To distinguish MPS of one 's own party from those on the other side of the house, and MP will say ' my hon. friend'.