| - 特大洪涝灾害发生以后,江泽民总书记、李鹏委员长、朱镕基总理多次作出重要指示,亲临一线指导,党政军领导把抗洪抢险当作头等大事来抓,
After the devastating floods took place, General Secretary Jiang Zemin, NPC Chairman Li Peng and Premier Zhu Rongji made important instructions on many occasions. They personally went to the frontlines to guide the work. Party, government and army leaders at all levels gave priority to the flood combat and rescue work. - 这台机器有出现了同样的毛病。
The machine developed the same fault again. - 我们必须使敌兵显现出来。
We must develop the enemy soldiers. - 新闻出版事业健康发展。
Journalism and publishing developed soundly. - 这种中间件的关键卖点是,它使应用程序开发人员从物理分布的方方面面中解脱出来。
The key selling point for such middleware is that it frees an application developer from all aspects of physical distribution. - 当英国哲学家,实验科学先驱弗兰西斯-培根在四百年前讲出这句传世名言时,当时的世界刚刚开始从人类社会经济发展的第一阶段“农业经济”转向第二个阶段“工业经济”。
When Francis Bacon, English philosopher and a pioneer of experimental science, uttered this famous quote 400 years ago, the world was just moving out of its first economic developmental stage - the "agricultural economy" - into the second stage, the "industrial economy". - 双方找出并就基本需要达成共识,制定"发展行动计划"。通过培训,经理可以扩大技能面,并在教练的指导下在工作中尝试新的技能。
Primary needs are diagnosed and agreed upon, a "developmental-action plan" is drawn up, the skill base of the executive is broadened by coaching, and then the new skill sets are tested in the workplace under the guidance of the coach. - 委派向以后活动和发展提出计划的委员会。
a commission delegated to propose plans for future activities and developments. - 情况的发展使党不能不这样提出问题。
In the light of current developments the Party has no choice. - 默顿,罗伯特·金生于1910美国社会学家,他提出当社会不能提供达到可接受目标的可接受手段时,就会有越轨行为发生
American sociologist who proposed that deviant behavior results when a society offers no acceptable means of achieving acceptable goals. - 总是大众也曾偏向正途也罢,那总是出于错误的原因。
If the multitude ever deviate into the right, it is always for the wrong reason. - 不要逸出常轨。
Don't deviate from the beaten track. - 不要逸出常轨。
Do not deviate from the beaten track. - 导致天体脱离正常的运动轨道,作为超感觉知觉提出地结果。
cause a celestial body to deviate from a theoretically regular orbital motion, esp. as a result of interposed or extraordinary gravitational pull. - 这些新设计的器件将在下月的展览会上展出。
These newly-designed devices will appear on the exhibition next month. - 输入-输出设备控制器
input-output device control unit - 设计出一个系统性的计划或者谋划做某事。
devise a system or form a scheme for. - 想出、发明出或设计出某事物
Produce sth by thought; invent or devise sth - 白人至上论者想出新的方法以剥夺黑人的公民权。
White supremacists devise new methods to disenfranchise Negroes. - 文过饰非(为自己的行为)编造出一个自己满意但实际上错误的借口
To devise self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for(one's behavior). - 我们必须想出在假期中赚钱的计画。
We must devise a scheme for earning money during the vacation. - 为此,科学家还要设计出使用雷达和水下电视的方法。
To do this, scientists have to devise methods using radar and underwater television. - 他们设计出成百种使我们得到巨额款项的竞争。
They devise hundreds of competitions which will enable us to win huge sums of money. - 卫生福利局正与卫生署和医院管理局紧密联络,因应市民提出的意见,就具体的改革建议拟备详细的推行计划。
In the light of the public opinions expressed, the Health and Welfare Bureau is working closely with the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority to devise detailed implementation plans for specific reform proposals. - 赫垦坊继续采用"边做边想"的方法,构思更出色的原创剧,并不断提供机会予本地艺术家创作多类作品,包括"失去玻璃鞋的年代"及音乐剧"tina"。
Exploration Theatre continued to use the strategy of 'work-in-progress' to devise better original plays and continued to provide a platform for local artists to produce original works including Where the shoes are and the musical Tina. - 所以,统筹进行战役规划的军事领导人必须向出一种办法,能最有效地使用他们所拥有的飞机,包括非隐形飞机,从而使非隐形飞机能从隐形飞机的使用中得到好处。
So,the military leaders who were putting the military campaign together had to devise a way of using the aircraft they had,including nonstealth most effectively,and so that the other aircraft benefited from how we were using the stealth aircraft. - 这项研究报告的作者,圣地亚哥的加利福尼亚大学的约翰·凯尔索博士说,今后的深入研究或许可以揭示这种神秘的隐形生物是如何让某些人患上躁郁症的,这样就可以帮助科学家们制定出新的治疗方案。
Follow-up research might help reveal the mysterious underlying biology that makes some people susceptible to the disorder, and so help scientists devise new treatments, said the study's senior author, Dr. John Kelsoe of the University of California, San Diego. - (gregcannom化妆效果专家):我们设计出加快化装速度的东西,把脖子那部分联到一种像t-shirt的东西上,再把它整个儿套上,然后把它粘在这里。
(Greg Cannom-- Special makeup effects):We devise this thing to help with the speed of the makeup where the neck portion of it is attached to a kind of like T-shirt. So we pull that whole thing over and then just glue it around the bottom here. - (gregcannom化妆效果专家):我们设计出加快化装速度的东西,把脖子那部分联到一种像t-shirt的东西上,再把它整个儿套上,然后把它粘在这里。
(Greg Cannom-- Special makeup effects): We devise this thing to help with the speed of the makeup where the neck portion of it is attached to a kind of like T-shirt. So we pull that whole thing over and then just glue it around the bottom here. - 人生三件大事——出生、结婚以及死亡——是全无道理可言的。
The three most important events of human life are equally devoid of reason: birth, marriage, and death. - 在整个社会,青年人呈现出一种表面的浮华。
They now take the lead only in the worship of a secular or material culture, displaying a superficial gloss devoid of any real value. - 在聊天组或电子邮件中,所有的交流都由打出的文字完成,没有任何表情或解释;那些由标点符号构成的微笑、皱眉或眨眼等表情弥补了这一缺憾。
These smiling, frowning or winking faces, constructed from punctuation marks, compensate for the fact that in chat groups or e-mail all communication consists of typed words, devoid of expression or explanation.