  • 一旦被裁员,这些人平均只有30天的时间找到另一家提供签证担保的司。
    If laid off, the worker has an average of 30 days within which to find another sponsor.
  • 投资推广署又在二零零零至零一年度的英国电讯环球航海大赛中,赞助一艘名为“香港精神”号的帆船参赛。该艘帆船全长72尺,由一家香港司在内地制造。
    Invest Hong Kong also participated in the BT Global Challenge Yacht Race 2000-2001 as a sponsor of the Spirit of Hong Kong, a 72-foot racing yacht built in the Mainland by a Hong Kong company.
  • 中国积极参与联合国制定《儿童权利约》的工作,1989年第四十四届联合国大会审议并通过该约时,中国是提出通过约的决议草案的共同提案国之一。
    China actively participated in working out the UN Convention on the Rights of Children. When the convention was examined and approved at the 44th Session of the UN General Assembly in 1989, China was one of the co-sponsor countries that raised the draft resolution for the approval of the convention.
  • 俱乐部已试探向本地一家司寻求资助。
    The club has made an approach to a local business firm for sponsorship.
  • 司可能正在把支出削减到最低程度,但对艺术事业的赞助却比任何时候都更红火。
    Companies may be cutting expenses to the bone, but arts sponsorship is doing better than ever.
  • 银行、保险司、石油工厂和烟草司提供了四分之三用于赞助艺术的资金。
    Banks, insurance companies, the oil industry and tobacco firms provide three quarters of the funds going into arts sponsorship.
  • 然而,烟草司似乎已达到饱和程度。由于很少有其他开销,艺术赞助对司而言获益匪浅。
    The tobacco firms, though, seem to have reached saturation point, and with very few other places for money to go arts sponsorship has done very well for them.
  • 古物古迹办事处在香港旅游协会的慷慨赞助下,参与由中国国务院港澳事务办室及新华社香港分社于北京举行的迎回归香港博览会,并在会上举行一项小型展览,介绍香港在文物保存方面的工作。
    With the sponsorship of the Hong Kong Tourist Association, the AMO participated in the Hong Kong Exposition in Beijing, which was organised by the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China and the Xinhua News Agency - Hong Kong Branch. A small display on the heritage conservation work in Hong Kong was staged.
  • 第十九条 在城市范围内从事生产活动确需排放偶发性强烈噪声的,必须事先向当地安机关提出申请,经批准后方可进行。
    Article 19 In the case where sporadic strong noise is truly unavoidable in production conducted within an urban area, the matter must first be applied to the local public security organ for approval.
  • 第五十四条 违反本法第十九条的规定,未经当地安机关批准,进行产生偶发性强烈噪声活动的,由安机关根据不同情节给予警告或者处以罚款。
    Article 54 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Article 19 of this Law and without approval of the local public security organ, conducts activities that emit sporadic strong noise shall be given a disciplinary warning or fined by the said organ in light of the seriousness of the violation.
  • 我们还会研究有关兴建其他大型设施的建议,其中包括兴建一个新的体育馆,一个新的水上活动中心,以及一个多媒体主题园。这类设施本身既是具有特色的游览胜点,又可供举办各种文娱康体活动。
    We will further develop proposals for other major facilities which will be both unique attractions in themselves as well as venues for cultural, entertainment or sporting events, including a new sports stadium, a new centre for water-sports and a multi-media theme park.
  • 以正大光明或者平竞争为特点或者提倡这些。
    marked by or calling for sportsmanship or fair play.
  • 喂,我这儿是运动服装司。
    Hello, I'm calling from Sportswear Unlimited.
  • 虽然西式泳装在埃及这个非常保守的国家并没有明令禁止,但这种衣服在共海滩还是颇为罕见。一般情况下,女士们下海游泳的时候,都会穿得严严实实,或者穿着一种叫做"伊斯兰泳装"的特殊运动长装。
    Western-style bathing suits are not forbidden in Egypt, a highly conservative country, but it is rare to see them on public beaches where most women go for a dip either fully clothed or wearing "Islamic swimsuits," a kind of sporty over-garment.
  • 约翰突然发现共汽车停在对面,于是马上跑开了。
    Suddenly John spotted his bus pulling up opposite, and broke away.
  • 交通部门以及其它共事业部门需要提高训练能力,找出危险所在。
    transportation and utility workers well-trained in spotting danger.
  • 接管司几天后,他就视察了司位于朝鲜半岛东南部顶端的蔚山组装工厂。
    Days after he took over, Chung visited Hyundai's sprawling plant at Ulsan on the southeastern tip of the Korean peninsula.
  • 这家司正在迅速发展。
    This firm is now spreading out rapidly.
  • 这里,我们不仅是谈论字处理、电子数据表,而且是能够处理销售、客户服务、记帐、数据库和人事资源管理的应用程序——它们是司计算的基矗
    We're not just talking word processors and spreadsheets here, but also applications to handle sales, customer service, accounting, databases, and human resources -- the meat and potatoes of corporate computing.
  • 数据集市的不断流行反映了pc机在大司中取得了立足之地:用户希望控制他们自己的数据(在这种情况下是数据表),而不用去找信息技术部门。
    The growth in popularity of data marts mirrors the way PCs gained their foothold in corporations: the desire of users to control their own data (in this case, spreadsheets) without going to a centralized IT group.
  • 一些信用司不断寄来空白支票,好像在告诉我"疯狂购物去吧!"
    Some credit companies kept on sending me blank checks.It was like saying “Go on a shopping spree.”
  • 园里的花儿已经开放。
    Flowers are already springing up in the park.
  • 他得猛跑一阵才能赶上共汽车.
    He had to sprint to catch the bus.
  • 政府制订艺文政策总体方向时,首先要拓展平竞争和开放的空间,鼓励民间对文化内容的多元诠释,和容许不同表达方式,才能提供广阔的沃土,让种子发芽茁壮成林,间接在吸引人才方面更易荟萃精英,愿意在此落地生根。
    Therefore, the Singapore government would be well-advised to map out policies on arts and culture conducive to fair competition in an open and liberal environment.Discussion of cultural issues should be encouraged and different modes of expression allowed, so that talent will be more likely to come and stay, just as seeds sprout and take root more easily in rich soil.
  • 为庆祝国庆,所有的园都己装饰一新。
    All the parks have been spruced up for Nationals Day.
  • 至少你要在众面前打起精神来。·
    Spunk up before the public at least.
  • 我是一时兴起才跳上车的。
    I just take the bus on the spur of the moment.
  • 为了推动多播的采用,cisco司帮助编制了独立于协议的多播(pim),目前它是ietf(因特网工程任务组)的因特网草案。
    To help spur the deployment of multicast, Cisco helped author Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM), which is currently an IETF Internet Draft.
  • 九广铁路司现正进行西铁(第一期)、马鞍山铁路、尖沙咀支线和上水至落马洲延线的规划和实施工作。
    The KCRC is planning and implementing West Rail (Phase I), the Ma On Shan rail link, the TST Extension and the Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau spur line.
  • 的确,高通货膨胀和经济不稳定刺激消费者和司都加速采购。
    Indeed high inflation and economic uncertainty have spurred both consumers and companies to speed up some rchases.
  • 一队喷气式战斗机编队从头顶上方飞过,众仰首观看。
    The crowd looked up as a squadron of jet-fighters flew past.
  • 共花园广场一个美丽的城市广场
    A landscaped city square.