  • “atypingpool”就是公司里面集中在一大办公室中负责一切打字业务的一群打字员。
    A typing pool is a group of typists, in one large office, who do all the typing for a company.
  • 打字机上,托纸架和打印位置之平行于打印行的一个字符隔的相对位移。
    On a typewriter, the relative movement of one character space between the paper carrier and typing position parallel to the typing line.
  • 我们正乘车快乐地行进着,突然轮胎爆了。
    We were rolling along merrily when suddenly we had a burst tyre.
  • 新加坡人睡觉的时好象很晚,但这里的夜生活除了不少美食场所外,人们似乎并没有太多的选择。
    Generally, the local people stay up until very late, but they have limited options in spending the night hours besides dining out in the ubiquitous eating centres.
  • 你们中是不是有人确实看到过飞碟?
    Have any of you actually seen a UFO?
  • 曾经有过这样一个报告,说使有一个不明飞行物曾降落在地球上,在着陆期有一个太空生物曾出来到处走动,后来又飞走了。
    There was a report of the landing of a UFO during which a space creature had got out and moved around before flying again.
  • 毕竟,中英之互相信任,互相尊重,互相了解,对双方都十分重要,对香港当然亦很重要。
    After all, mutual trust, respect and understanding in Sino-UK relations is important to both the UK and China and, of course, Hong Kong.
  • 工会官员中就如何对付管理部门最后通牒的最好方法进行争论。
    The union official argue among themselves over the best way to deal with the ultimatum from the management.
  • 这些字之终究没有多大差别。
    Ultimately, there is not much difference between these words.
  • 猎头公司通过面试淘汰那些不能胜任的人选,从而为客户公司节省了时和费用。
    Headhunters save a company time and money by interviewing candidates to screen out those who are unacceptable.
  • 确切地说,这两个牌子的电冰箱之没有什么可挑选的。
    Point for point there is little to choose between the, two makes of refrigerator. This is unacceptable from my point of view.
  • 还有少数人未分配房住宿。
    A few persons are still unaccommodated with rooms for the night.
  • 保守的人对随随便便的衣着很不习惯;随随便便、无拘无束的举止;朋友之的非正式聚会。
    conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress; an informal free-and-easy manner; an informal gathering of friends.
  •  f.在第四条规定的期内提出商标注册的申请,即使原属国在该期届满后才进行注册,其优先权利益也不受影响。
    F. The benefit of priority shall remain unaffected for applications for the registration of marks filed within the period fixed by Article 4, even if registration in the country of origin is effected after the expiration of such period.
  • 光,可见光波长在4,000埃(紫外线)或7,700埃(红外线)之的电磁辐射,能被人的普通肉眼看见
    Electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength in the range from about4, 000(violet) to about7, 700(red) angstroms and may be perceived by the normal unaided human eye.
  • 上级不是能天天看到的,下级也不是能天天看到的,同级的领导成员之彼此是最熟悉的。这样做,对于同级里面讨论问题,取得一致意见,作出决定,也是很重要的。
    Leading members of the same Party committee see each other much more often than their superiors and subordinates, which makes it convenient for them to discuss matters, reach unanimity and make decisions-this is most important.
  • “七五”期,工农业总产值的年增长率定在百分之七左右,这是政治局常委一致同意的,执行中可能超过。
    It is projected that during the period of the plan the annual growth rate of the total value of industrial and agricultural output will be about 7 percent, a figure on which the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau has unanimously agreed, and which may be exceeded in practice.
  • 挑选能帮助你达到目标的人,是件必须小心谨慎的事,你可能最后会发现,你原先挑选的人并不合适。你也可能在一段时之后发现,有些意料之外的事情必须找人来做。
    Choosing the people who will help you attain your goal must be done carefull.You may initially select some people who you later decide are not appropriate,and you may discover that there are unanticipated needs for knowledge that must be filled.
  • 浪费热量;在无趣的观众身上浪费时
    waste heat; waste a joke on an unappreciative audience.
  • 手对手打仗的运动,徒手的比赛者之尽量把彼此打倒在地。
    the sport of hand-to-hand struggle between unarmed contestants who try to throw each other down.
  • 1997年6月,我在新达城举行的国际思维研讨会上发表演说之后,和彭妮有过一面之缘。我和她交谈的时不长,却对她的印象很深刻。我觉得她在冷静沉着、充满自信之余,却能保持着其谦逊的一面。
    My only face-to-face encounter with her, a brief conversation after my presentation at the International Conference on Thinking at the Singapore Convention Hall in June 1997, gave me the distinct impression that she was self-possessed and self-confident in a calm and unassuming way.
  • 为了消磨时,他走进机场的一家鸡尾酒吧,要了一杯兑水的苏格兰威士忌、他一边慢慢地喝着酒,一边望着大厅里川流不息的乘客——他想,其中有好多一定都是未婚的漂亮女人,她们穿的是时装杂志上介绍的那种衣服——直到后来他又瞥见那个穿皮外套的黑发姑娘。
    To kill time, the man steps into one of the airport cocktail bars and orders a scotch and water. While he sips it he watches the flow of travelers through the terminal-including a remarkable number, he thinks, of an unattached pretty women dressed in fashion magazine clothes-until he catches sight of the black-haired girl in the leather coat.
  • 虽然防火墙允许外部世界与网站服务器之的正常流量,但它不允许防火墙以外未经授权的用户访问网站上的内容。
    Although a firewall permits normal traffic between the outside world and the Web server, it doesn't allow unauthorized users outside the firewall to access the content of the Web site.
  • 计算机安全学中,安全人员在工作内巡逻,特别是在正常工作时以外的时里检查入侵者、终端的非法使用及其它安全违章行为。
    In computer security, the use of security personnel to patrol work areas, particularly outside normal working hours, to detect intruders and unauthorized use of terminals, to check for security violations.
  • 四位美国学生欲从9月12日住至15日,最好是带浴室的双人房,如没有,其他房也可。
    Four american student wish stay september12-15 preferably double with if unavailable any room okay.
  • 她撞见他正在搜查她的房.
    She came upon him unawares as he was searching her room.
  • 他进到房是那么轻,致使我吃了一惊。
    He came into the room so quietly that he took me unawares.
  • 她撞见他正在搜查她的房
    She came upon him unawares as he was searching her room
  • 同时,中国政府清醒地看到,由于中国是一个人口众多的发展中国家,经济基础较薄弱,人均收入在世界各国中仍处于比较落后的位置,城市与农村之、地区之发展水平还很不平衡,儿童工作还存在着许多困难,不少方面的情况还需要继续改善。
    Of course, the Chinese Government is sober about the fact that since China is a developing country with a large population and since its economic foundation is still comparatively weak, its per capita income is in a rather rear position in the world per capita income listings and its development level is unbalanced between city and countryside and between different areas, there is much difficulty in the work for children and therefore much room for improvement.
  • 这个房里热得让人无法忍受。
    it was unbearably hot in theroom.
  • 伯恩:因为我们对客户的喜好作出反应的时也变得极为有限了。
    Because the time we have to respond to our clients' tastes has also become unbearably limited.
  • 夏天炎日照射屋顶,顶层的房热得受不了。
    In summer the sun beats down on the roof, so that the upper rooms become unbearably hot.