  • 贝克尔,卡尔·洛图斯1873-1945美国历史学家,因其对故事情节出色的哲学析而著名。其著作有我们在民主方面的伟大实验(1924年)
    American historian noted for his analyses of philosophies in action. His works include Our Great Experiment in Democracy(1924).
  • 莎土比亚戏剧和同时代戏剧的关系,是研究它们的文学史家所面临的首要问题,也是他唯一能够给以充必要论述的问题。
    The relation of Shakespeare's play to contemporary drama is the first problem connected with them which confronts the historian of literature, and the only one he can treat with the necessary fullness.
  • 这次历史性的讲演只需要两
    The historic speech required but two minutes in delivery.
  • 法国大部的城镇与乡村历史悠久,极具吸引力。
    Most French towns and villages are quietly attractive and historic.
  • 无产阶级对于过去时代的文学艺术作品,也必须首先检查它们对待人民的态度如何,在历史上有无进步意义,而别采取不同态度。
    The proletariat must similarly distinguish among the literary and art works of past ages and determine its attitude towards them only after examining their attitude to the people and whether or not they had any progressive significance historically.
  • 事实上,第一次航行十顺利。
    In fact the first voyage went without a hitch.
  • 无微不至负责筹划的日本人,已经试图掌握所有情况——从天气以至左翼极端子——以确保87岁的天皇最后几个典礼圆满度过。
    Meticulous Japanese planners have tried to control everything from the weather to left-wing radicals to make sure the last rites for the 87-year-old monarch come off without a hitch.
  • 自所罗门[财务公司]承认非法标购国库债券以来的首次拍卖,进行顺利。价值125亿的新债券以平均百之六点四六利息售出。
    The first Treasury note auction since the Salomon admission on illegal bids went off without a hitch. The new notes, worth $12.5 billion, were sold at an average yield of 6.46 percent.
  • 希治阁的调查结果证实了我向来所持有的印象,即亚洲人和美国人的个人和社会价值观,之间存在着很大的歧。
    Hitchcock's survey findings confirm my impression that there are significant differences between the personal and societal values of Asians and Americans.
  • 取消原有的不同的入党手续,是因为原有的社会成的区别已经或正在失去原有的意义了。
    The distinction hitherto made in admitting new members has been removed because former classifications of social status have lost or are losing their original meaning.
  • 迄今为止,英国还没有上演过像这部三部曲那样情节丰富、曲折、对舞台表现充理解的戏剧。它们的结构完全是古风的,引人之处主要在于枝节的纷繁。
    Nothing hitherto performed had had so much movement or diversity or shown so much understanding of the stage as this dense trilogy of plays, entirely archaic in structure and attractive mainly because of the rnultiplicity of its incidents.
  • 如果说,我们过去的政府是工人、农民和城市小资产阶级联盟的政府,那末,从现在起,应当改变为除了工人、农民和城市小资产阶级以外,还要加上一切其他阶级中愿意参加民族革命的子。
    If our government has hitherto been based on the alliance of the workers, the peasants and the urban petty bourgeoisie, from now on it must be so transformed as to include also the members of all other classes who are willing to take part in the national revolution.
  • 不安的德国人和如果有人突然发现希特勒等人的尸骨使安德罗波夫非常担心会导致难以估量的后果。
    Restless Germans and the sudden discovery of Hitler's body could have added up to an unpredictable mixture in Adropov's view.
  • 与苏联或者其他一流球队不同的是,南斯拉夫没有一个能轻易得的“重炮手”。
    Unlike Russia or the other top-level teams, Yugosla-via didn't have a standout hitter to rely on for easy points.
  • 董事们决定出部业务,另成立新公司。
    The director decide to hive off some part of the work and start new firm.
  • 将部国营工业私有化
    Hive off parts of a nationalized industry to private ownership
  • 政府已决定把国有企业中的某些部门给私人企业经营。
    The government has decided to hive off some parts of the nationalized industries to private enterprise.
  • 如果我们不能按期完成,我们可以出一些工作给另外一个公司。
    If we can't meet the schedule, we can hive off some of the work to another firm.
  • 好。这样的话,30钟之内我们会派人过去。
    Ho, ok. we'll have someone there in about30 minutes.
  • 好。这样的话,30钟之内我们会派人过去。
    Ho, ok. we'll have someone there in about 30 minutes.
  • 快点,一钟也不能浪费了!
    Ho on! There is not a moment to lose!
  • 好。这样的话,30钟之内我们会派人过去。
    Ho, ok. We 'll have someone there in about 30 minutes.
  • 新市镇由两个别位于东涌及大蚝的市镇发展组成,预期到二零一一年总人口将达32万。
    The two urban development areas, at Tung Chung and Tai Ho, will have a total target population of 320 000 by 2011.
  • 它们包括综合法、清单法、矩阵法、叠置(图)法、网络法、投资一效益析法、模拟模型法和系统析法等。
    Just like ad hoc methods, checklists, matrices, overlays, networks, cost-benefit analysis, simulation modeling, and system analysis, etc.
  • 炮骨,管骨某些有蹄哺乳动物小腿的部,位于跗关节或膝关节与球关节之间,含有炮骨
    The section of the lower leg in some hoofed mammals between the hock or knee and the fetlock, containing the cannon bone.
  • (这是邓小平同志会见马来西亚郭氏兄弟集团董事长郭鹤年时谈话的一部。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with Kuok Hock Nien, Chairman of the Board of Kuok Brothers, Sdn. Bhd. (Pvt., Ltd.) in Malaysia.)
  • 欧进福政务部长在一个电视节目上也提问,是不是我们的教育出了问题?为什么这一小部万里挑一的精英如此漠视自己的社会责任,并且丝毫不觉得理亏?
    No wonder, in a recent TV programme, Minister of State Ow Chin Hock asked whether anything had gone wrong in our education system and what had made our one-in-a-thousand elite so indifferent to their social obligations without feeling guilty.
  • 年轻人对那种新爵士乐十狂热。
    The young people went hog-wild over that new kind of jazz.
  • 一提起这事,他就十冲动,并拔出手枪来。
    At the mere mention of the subject he went hog wild and pulled out a gun.
  • 起重爪,吊楔燕尾形铁榫,由几部构成,可以拼拢嵌进一块巨石上的燕尾形榫眼,由此可通过一个起吊装置举起大石
    A dovetailed iron tenon made of several parts and designed to fit into a dovetail mortise in a large stone so that it can be lifted by a hoisting apparatus.
  • 返回给持有者作为回条的已撕的票的一部
    a torn part of a ticket returned to the holder as a receipt.
  • 我们要草拟一份合法文件,以将我们的部股权转移给另一家公司。
    We would like to draft a legal document transferring some of our holdings to another company.