  • 被拘留者对拘留不服,可以向公安机关或检察机关提申诉。
    If the internee is not convinced by the detention, he may appeal to the public security or procuratorial organs.
  • 对超期羁押的情况提纠正意见70992人次;对侦查活动中的违法情况提纠正意见9964件;
    They put forward suggestions for correcting the extended detention of 70,992 people, and raised for correction 9,964 cases which involved violation of the law during investigation.
  • 面对这样一个严峻的事实,为了保障人民有最起码的生存条件,为了使全体公民不仅能够得到温饱,而且生活水平能够逐步提高,中国不能象有些人想象的那样,等待经济的高度发展来引发人口生率的自然下降,那样只会造成人口无限制增加,经济状况更加恶化。
    Faced with the gravity of this situation, the government, in order to guarantee people's minimum living conditions and to enable citizens not only to have enough to eat and wear but also to grow better off, cannot do as some people imagine -- wait for a high level of economic development to initiate a natural decline in birthrate. If we did so, the population would grow without restriction, and the economy would deteriorate steadily.
  • 在图书保存计划的实施中,许多珍贵的手稿从破坏中被抢救
    Valuable manuscripts were saved from deterioration under the program of library conservation.
  • 168.在作上述改变时,我们绝不会让政府服务市民的水准下降。
    168. In making these changes, we will not accept any deterioration in our level of service to the community.
  • 糙皮病一种由于食用缺乏烟碱酸和蛋白质的食物而引起的疾病,症状为皮肤疹子、消化和神经系统紊乱及最终心智退化
    A disease caused by a deficiency of niacin and protein in the diet and characterized by skin eruptions, digestive and nervous system disturbances, and eventual mental deterioration.
  • 对陪审团作的决定表示满意
    Satisfied with the panel's determination.
  • 合计,加起来算来总数;叠加起来
    To determine the total of; add up.
  • 路线;确定旅行的方向。
    direct the course; determine the direction of travelling.
  • 给事物分等级,给事物分等级。
    determine the grade of or assign a grade to.
  • 计算的通过数学计算来确定的
    Determined by mathematical calculation.
  • 这可以在实验上做决定。
    this can be experimentally determined.
  • 他们决定早些出发。
    They determined on an early start.
  • 我们决定早点出发。
    We determined on an early start.
  • 正因为他们的动机与立场各有不同,有的在斗争开始时就要动摇叛变的,有的会在中途消极或退战线的,有的愿意奋斗到底的。
    Precisely because their motives and their standpoints differ, some will vacillate or turn traitor at the very start of the struggle, some will become indifferent or withdraw from the fight midway, and some will determinedly fight to the end.
  • 目前提的多数方法本质上是确定性的并且/或者是盖然论的。
    Most of the methods developed so far are deterministic and /or probabilistic in nature.
  • 美国已经跨了1972年《反弹道导弹》条约所反映的“冷战”威慑理论。
    The United States has moved beyond the doctrine of Cold War deterrence reflected in the 1972 ABM Treaty.
  • 1996年,中国在第51届联大明确提核裁军五点主张:第一,核大国放弃核威慑政策,拥有最大核武库的国家继续大幅度削减其核武器;
    At the 51st Session of the UN General Assembly in 1996 China clearly put forward a five-point proposal on nuclear disarmament: 1. The major nuclear powers should abandon the nuclear deterrence policy, and the states having the largest nuclear arsenals should continue to drastically reduce their nuclear weapons stockpiles;
  • 第一,在人民币不贬值的条件下,立足自己,发挥优势,降低成本,增加口的竞争能力。
    First, under the condition that the Renminbi (RMB) will not devaluate, we will rely on own efforts and advantages to lower cost and increase the competitiveness of our exports.
  • 因为在这次东南亚和东亚金融危机中,中国增强自己口竞争力的最直接、最有效、最快的办法就是使人民币贬值,但是我们并没有这样做。
    During the current Southeast and East Asian financial crisis, the most direct, efficient and fastest way for China to enhance its export competitiveness is to devaluate the RMB, but we refrained from doing so.
  • 中国已尽其所能为解决危机做了贡献和牺牲,提供了援助,承诺人民币不贬值,并将通过增加内需来确保今年8%的增长。
    China has done its best to make contributions and sacrifices for the sake of easing the financial crisis. It has provided assistance and promised that the Renminbi would not devaluate. In addition, it has decided to maintain an 8 percent economic growth through increasing domestic demand.
  • 目前,中国外汇储备超过一年进口付汇总量,口产品收购价格稳定,利率水平较低,有关产品口退税率有所提高,根据汇率形成的机制分析,人民币汇率也不会贬值。
    At present, the level of China's foreign exchange reserves exceeds one year's total import payments, purchasing price for export products is stable, interest rate level is fairly low, and export refunds for some products has been increased. Analysis on the exchange rate formation mechanism also shows that RMB will not devaluate.
  • 货币贬值的消息一传,股票价格就迅速重新调整了。
    Share price readjusted quickly to the news of the devaluation.
  • 由于一月底传人民币贬值的谣言,引致少量资金流,触发兑换保证交易,利率一度上升。
    On the back of rumours about RMB devaluation in late-January, there were some outflows of funds.
  • 另外,发达国家经济科技的优势和东南亚国家货币大幅贬值带来的价格比较优势,今年将更加突地显示来。
    Besides, the scientific and technological advantages of developed nations and the price comparative advantages of certain Southeastern Asian nations due to devaluation of their currencies could become even more prominent factors.
  • 三是在东南亚金融危机。日元贬值的压力下,如何克服口增速减慢对经济增长的影响;
    Third, how to offset the negative influence of reduced increase of export to economic growth under the pressure of the Southeast Asian financial crisis and the devaluation of the Japanese yen; and
  • 李岚清指,东南亚国家货币贬值将使中国口商品的竞争力面临压力,但中国既不会也没有必要通过人民币贬值的办法刺激口。
    Li Lanqing noted that the devaluation of Southeast Asian countries' currencies will impose pressure on the competitiveness of China's export commodities. China will not, or it is unnecessary for it, to stimulate export through the method of depreciating the RMB.
  • 在回答记者提的人民币是否会贬值的问题时,曾培炎说,当前中国没有必要对人民币进行贬值。
    While answering the question whether China would devalue the RMB, Zeng said at present China does not need to devalue the RMB.
  • 但每当夜幕降临我返回车站的时候,心里便像刀扎似的感到一阵难过:奇迹并没有现啊。
    But the return to the railway station in the evening was devastating. Once again, no miracle.
  • 他们想通过培养和释放改良后的蛾子,使得与之交配的任何野生蛾子都产无效卵,以此来逐渐地消灭这个种群。
    Eventually they hope to create and release moths that would cause any wild ones they mated with to produce dud eggs, devastating the population.
  • 正当两人坠入爱河之时,渥尔讷医生再一次传令人泄气的消息:他又患上了新癌症,这一次,是他的甲状腺。
    In the midst of his euphoria over a blossoming relationship,Dr.Wollner once again gave James some devastating news.He had a third cancer,this time in his thyroid gland.
  • 尽管如此,法国在这一过程中却丧失了欧洲大陆很大一个地区的主权,遭到了两次破坏严重的侵略,付的战费和赔款达数十亿法郎。
    Nevertheless, France has in the interim lost her sovereignty over a large portion of the European continent; she has suffered two devastating invasions, and had to pay milliards of money in war contributions and indemnities.