  • 正如想象的那样,无线电工作在无线电频谱的共部分。
    Radio operates, as you might expect, in the public portion of the radio spectrum.
  • 他廉价卖掉了一些亏损的分司,这样就能产生一些频普通信司。
    He sold off money-losing businesses, then bought other businesses that would create a full spectrum of communications companies.
  • 此时此刻我们所能做的不过是对司的未来进行推测—没有什么东西是确定的。
    At the moment all we can do is speculate about the future of the firm—nothing is definite.
  • 他冒险(投机)购买了这家司。
    He bought the company as a speculation.
  • 他冒险(投机)购买了这家司。
    He buy the company as a speculation.
  • 许多小司的破产都是轻率的投机造成的。
    A lot of small companies went down as a result of rash speculation.
  • 他要给我们作关于共卫生方面的报告。
    He's going to give us a lecture on public hygiene.
  • 这架飞机可以达到每小时一千里以上的速度。
    This plane can reach speeds in excess of 1000 kilometers an hour.
  • 要雷厉风行地抓,要布于众,要按照法律办事。
    We must uncover such cases speedily, make them known to the public and handle them according to law.
  • 警察说他在高速路上违章超速行驶.
    The police said he'd been speeding on the motorway.
  • 那条高速路由警察取缔超速。
    The expressway was policed against speeding.
  • 馀时间读书以消遣。
    I spent my off-hour reading.
  • 他从共汽车上摔下来。
    He was spilt from the bus.
  • 市场经济下的平竞争是促进经济繁荣的重要因素,但竞争过了头,则其负面影响就不容忽视。
    In a market economy, the crucial factor for prosperity is fair competition. But if the competition spins out of control, the negative effects must not be overlooked.
  • 主被那个可恶的魔术师偷偷带到了一个荒岛上。
    The princess was spirited off to a desert island by the evil magician.
  • 共场合随便吐痰是不礼貌的。
    It's rude to spit in public.
  • 如果你在伦敦的共汽车上吐痰,你就可能被罚款5镑。
    If you spit in a London bus , you may be fined £ 5.
  • 看到办室乱七八糟的样子,经理非常恼火。
    The manager was spitting feathers when he saw the untidy state of the office.
  • 例如:提醒人们不能吃香口胶、不可乱丢垃圾、不得在共汽车和地铁车厢里吃东西、不可随意摘花草树木、不能随地吐痰、上厕所不忘抽水等等。
    They warn people, for example, against littering, spitting, chewing gum, eating or drinking in a bus or train, damaging flowers, trees or other plants, and leaving the toilet unflushed after using it.
  • 例如:提醒人们不能吃香口胶、不可乱丢垃圾、不得在共汽车和地铁车厢里吃东西、不可随意摘花草树木、不能随地吐痰、上厕所不忘抽水等等。
    They warn people, for example, against chewing gum, littering, eating or drinking in a bus or train, damaging flowers, trees or other plants, spitting, and leaving the toilet unflushed after using it.
  • 约翰在办室累了一整天,回到家里拿他老婆出气。
    After a tiring day at the office, John vented his spleen on his wife.
  • 这阵大雨把园里的花全浇坏了。
    The heavy rain has spoilt the flowers in the park.
  • 众向新闻发言人提出一个又一个的问题。
    The crowd fired one question after another at the spokesman.
  • 外经贸部新闻发言人、办厅主任胡楚生
    Hu Chusheng, Spokesman of MOFTEC and Director-General of General Office Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
  • 通用面粉司(generalmillsinc.)的发言人说制作过程比较迅速,但也承认,将新形象推广到整个贝蒂.克罗克食品系列却花费了不少时间。
    That process was relatively quick, General Mills Inc., spokesmen explain. But they acknowledge that it took quite a while to spread the new image to the whole range of Betty Crocker products.
  • 他说,可是因为受害人非美国民,没有首先出来寻求解决办法。“他们没有真正代言人,”他接着说,“可能正因为如此,没人出来大声抗议设法解决问题。”
    But because the victims are not United States citizens, he said, no one has taken the lead in seeking a solution."They don't have any real spokesperson, " he continued,"That's probably why there is no hue and cry to do something about this problem."
  • 他说,可是因为受害人非美国民,没有首先出来寻求解决办法。“他们没有真正代言人,”他接着说,“可能正因为如此,没人出来大声抗议设法解决问题。”
    But because the victims are not United States citizens, he said, no one has taken the lead in seeking a solution."They don't have any real spokesperson," he continued, "That's probably why there is no hue and cry to do something about this problem."
  • 但是该司的一位发言人说,还从来没有过像这样的"曝光"。
    But none like this, a spokeswoman said.
  • “我们现在正在实验,”一家司的发言人这样说一项新服务。
    "We're trialing that now", says a company spokeswoman about a new service.
  • 消息来源说……一家由索尼司自己经营的商店……将降价出售本司的货品并与索尼经销商竞争。第一个这样的商店将在芝加哥开业。一位索尼司女发言人[对此说法]未敢苟同。
    Sources say… a Sony-operated store …will sell the company's own goods cut-rate and compete with Sony dealers. The first such store will open in Chicago. A Sony spokeswoman begged to differ.
  • 发起筹备开演出的发起人。
    a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments.
  • 司已为这场足球赛提供了赞助。
    The company had sponsor the foot ball match.