  • (化学)与某种相关或者含有某种;ph值小于7。
    (chemistry) relating to or containing an acid; having a pH of less than 7.
  • 在一个比较的环境中茁壮成长的;(特别是指植物)需要正好低于7的ph值。
    thriving in a relatively acid environment; (especially of plants) requiring a pH well below 7.
  • 监测的274个城市中,降水ph值范围在4.21~8.04之间、年均降水ph值小于5.6(含5.6)的城市有101个,占统计城市数的36.9%,出现雨的城市有161个,占58.8%。
    In the 274 cities being monitored, there are 101 cities where the pH value of the precipitation is at 4.21~8.04, and the pH value of the annual precipitation is under 5.6 (including 5.6), accounting for 36.9%. There are 161 cities with acid rain, accounting for 58.8%.
  • 科学家们以前还曾发现巧克力中含有石炭
    Scientists previously have found that chocolate contains phenols.
  • 茶叶中另一酚类组分是3-邻-没食子酰奎尼,它约占茶叶干重的1%。同属酚类化合物的绿原在茶叶中是次要成分。
    Another phenolic constituent is tea, theogallin, accounts for approximately 1 percent of the dry weight of the leaf. Chlorogenic acid, also a phenolic compound, is a minor constituent in tea.
  • 这些酚类化合物的分子式为:表儿茶素酯是干绿茶中的主要黄烷醇。
    The formulas for these phenolic compounds are Epigallocatechin gallate is the main flavanol in dried green tea.
  • 位于瑙鲁岛上的一个共和国;磷盐出口是其经济支柱。
    an island republic on Nauru Island; phosphate exports support the economy.
  • 突尼斯的第二大城市;位于突尼斯东部一个磷盐区附近。
    the second largest city in Tunisia; located in eastern Tunisia near a phosphate region.
  • 一种褐色到黄色的矿物,是钇的磷盐,呈晶体状。
    a brown-to-yellow mineral that is a phosphate of yttrium in crystalline form.
  • 铜铀云母(铜和铀的磷盐结晶体)的放射性是铀放射性的两倍。
    Chalcolite ( crystallized phosphate of copper and uranium) is about twice as radioactive as uranium.
  • 高磷盐尿尿中磷盐过量
    An excess of phosphates in the urine.
  • 非环式[非循环]光合磷
    non-cyclic photophosphorylation
  • 粘果浆一种地面樱桃植物,(浆属粘果浆)原产于墨西哥,在北美东部广泛种植,具有黄色到紫色的可食性浆果
    A species of ground cherry(Physalis ixocarpa) native to Mexico, widely naturalized in eastern North America, and having an edible, yellow to purple viscid fruit.
  • 炼钢熔炉一种通过性转炉法将生铁练成钢的设备
    A furnace in which pig iron is converted into steel by the Bessemer process.
  • 长的、带粉红色的叶柄,通常烹饪、加糖后食用。
    long pinkish sour leafstalks usually eaten cooked and sweetened.
  • 这位试验者将20毫升的液吸入吸量管中。
    The experimenter sucked up 20cc of acid into a pipette.
  • 辛辣的味道辣或的;辛辣而刺激的
    Sharp or sour to the taste; piquant.
  • 把银器的表面腐蚀了。
    Acid had pitted the surface of the silver.
  • 这女孩的可怜经历令人心
    They girl's pitiful experience would wring one's withers.
  • 转位子一种脱氧核糖核片断,它能够移到同一个或另一个染色体、质体或细胞上的新位置,并转录各种基因的特性,如对抗菌体的抵抗力
    A segment of DNA that is capable of moving to a new position within the same or another chromosome, plasmid, or cell and thereby transferring genetic properties such as resistance to antibiotics.
  • 一种用于制树脂和塑料的不饱和(cho)。
    an unsaturated acid (C4H6O2) used to make resins and plastics.
  • 水,稀液在金属电镀或精加工之前用来除去金属表面铁锈和氧化物的化学溶液,如溶液
    A chemical solution, such as an acid, that is used as a bath to remove scale and oxides from the surface of metals before plating or finishing.
  • 矮小植物,叶子箭形,有宜人的味;干旱地区常见。
    small plant having pleasantly acid-tasting arrow-shaped leaves; common in dry places.
  • 热带大种子荚,果肉有刺激性味道,新鲜时食用,或跟大米、鱼一起煮着吃,或与咖哩粉、辣酱一起储存。
    large tropical seed pod with very tangy pulp that is eaten fresh or cooked with rice and fish or preserved for curries and chutneys.
  • 最令人辛的是,就在她死前3周,她还觉得“人生40岁才开始”。梦露死时年仅36岁。
    Most poignantly, just three weeks before she died of an overdose at the age of 36, she says she felt that 'life begins at 40'.
  • 一种无色的晶状,带水果味,用于制聚酯。
    a colorless crystalline acid with a fruity taste; used in making polyester resins.
  • 软饮料的包装采用合成材料pet,也就是聚乙烯对苯二制成。
    Soft drinks bottles made from the synthetic material PET, or polyethylene-terephthalate.
  • 多(聚)核苷核由许多核苷构成的一种聚合化合物
    A polymeric compound consisting of a number of nucleotides.
  • 低(聚)核苷由两个到十个核苷构成的一条短聚体链
    A short polymeric chain of two to ten nucleotides.
  • 类蛋白质一种类似蛋白质的多肽,由氨基混合物受热后以无生命的形式形成,人们认为它类似于蛋白质进化过程中的早期阶段
    A proteinlike polypeptide formed abiotically from amino acid mixtures in the presence of heat, thought to resemble early evolutionary forms of protein.
  • 一些植物油脂中的一种液体多不饱和脂肪,一种必需脂肪
    a liquid polyunsaturated fatty acid that occurs in some plant oils; an essential fatty acid.
  • 洛杉矶学校董事会成员以全票通过这项决议,在2004年1月之前禁止在自动售货机和自助餐厅里出售碳饮料。尽管有异议说郡内677所学校需要销售饮料所带来的利润补贴,董事会还是认为学生的健康比筹措资金更重要。
    In voting unanimously to end the sale of soda in vending machines and cafeterias by January of 2004, the Los Angeles School Board rejected arguments that its 677 campuses need the money they make from the drinks, saying that students' health should take precedence over fund-raising.