  • 黑板上只有一个名字,是的名字?
    There is a single name on the blackboard — whose is it?
  • 再说, 你们中间的儿子要个面包, 能给他一块石头吗?
    Or what man of you, if his son asks him for a loaf, will give him a stone?
  • 你在笑谁?
    Who are you -ling at?
  • `一转眼, 把我的笔偷走了?'
    Who's snitched my pen?'
  • 没有比暴发户中的一些人更势力了。
    There is no one who is more snobbish than some of these jumped-up people.
  • 知他在听完她的恳求以后,用一种矜持的眼神盯着她看了一会,然后说:“那自然是极其重要的,值得‘你’为其倾尽全力,但它却不是‘我’所关心的。”
    But after listening to her plea, he gazed at her soberly for a moment,then said, "That certainly is a vital concern, worthy of all your passion.But it is not my concern."
  • 吃喝完毕,也没说句应酬话,我就走到一扇窗子跟前去看看天气。
    The business of eating being concluded, and no one uttering a word of sociable conversation, I approached a window to examine the weather.
  • 那些短袜是谁的?
    Whose sock is those?
  • 会想到他原来是这样一个软骨头。
    Who'd have thought he'd turn out to be such a softy.
  • 会想到他原来是这样一个软骨头。
    Who'd have thought he'd turn out to he such a softy.
  • 是谁卖掉这些房子的?
    Who sold all those houses?
  • 他平常虽然显得严肃,但那次看戏时笑得比都多。
    Though usually solemn he outlaughed all the others at the play.
  • 也难免会讲些废话,错就错在一本正经地讲。
    No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly.
  • 也不会象十九岁的男孩子那么别扭,他是刚刚要从“大幼儿病”恢复过来的嘛。
    Nobody is as sophisticated as a boy of nineteen who is just recovering from a baby- grand passion.
  • 谁也别告诉。
    Do not tell a soul.
  • 掌握国家的最高权力?
    Who holds sovereign power in the state?
  • 谁要给约翰找把铲子?
    Who is go to find john a spade?
  • 要给约翰找把铲子?
    Who is going to find john a spade?
  • 约翰要给找把铲子?
    Who is John go to find a spade for?
  • 后来下了决心,管你是,六十岁的老虎屁股也好,四十岁的老虎屁股也好,二三十岁的老虎屁股也好,都得摸。
    Its leaders were like tigers whose backsides no one dared to touch. Later we made up our minds to spank the tigers, no matter who they were and whether they were 60, 40, 30 or 20 years old.
  • "说到谁,谁就到。"
    "Speak of angels, and you will hear their wings."
  • 应该让他们明白是跟说话呢。
    They want to remember who they're speaking to!
  • 请问你是谁?
    Who is that speaking?
  • 你是谁?
    Who is this speaking?
  • 他没有去猜测将得奖。
    He did not speculate on who would get the prize.
  • 我们只能推测答案,但到底是建造了史前巨石群?那是一个无法解答的问题。
    We can only speculate on the answer, but who really did build Stonehenge? That is the 64 million dollar question.
  • 对于将留级,有许多揣测。
    There is much speculation as to who will stay put.
  • 给你们做了毕业演说? oration 指“正式演说”, 如:
    Who gave your commencement address?
  • 在监测联合国的开支?
    Who watches spending at the UN?
  • 我不过是个干杂活的,可不就是,需要我就去干,咳,正如人们说的,丰富多彩,生活才有乐趣。
    I'm just an odd-job man, really, for anybody who needs one. Oh well, variety is the spice of life.
  • 谁把牛奶泼出来了?
    Who has spilt the milk?
  • 把这消息捅出去的?
    Who spilt the news?