  • 按照政治标准来,一切利于抗日和团结的,鼓励群众同心同德的,反对倒退、促成进步的东西,便都是好的;
    According to the political criterion, everything is good that is helpful to unity and resistance to Japan, that encourages the masses to be of one heart and one mind, that opposes retrogression and promotes progress;
  • 再过几个月就进入公元2000年,新的世纪就在眼前,回首过去一百年,人类世界可精彩绝伦,但也惊心动魄。
    With only a few months to go before the year 2000, the new century stands right in front of our eyes. In retrospect, the past 100 years of human existence have been extremely exciting, and extremely frightening as well.
  • 多数人承认随着新世纪的到来,交换机不大可能丢失拨号音,会继续提供电话处理,但观察家们告诫一些重要的附属功能可能会失去。
    While most admit that switches aren't likely to lose dial tone and will continue to provide call processing as the new century kicks off, they caution the important adjunct functionality may be lost.
  • “我知道我是要回印度的,但不是在这种情况下,”最近刚刚回到新德里的29岁的软件设计师马尼士·巴辛
    “I always knew that I wanted to return to India, but not like this,” says 29? year?old Manish Bhasin, a software engineer who returned to New Delhi recently.
  • 律师劝说法官休庭。
    Counsel prevail upon the judge to grant an adjournment.
  • 所以我,按照“一国两制”的方针解决统一问题后,对香港、澳门、台湾的政策五十年不变,五十年之后还会不变。
    That is why I say that after the motherland is reunified under the "one country, two systems" formula, our policy towards Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will not change for 50 years and that it will remain unchanged even beyond that period.
  • 就是,香港在一九九七年回到祖国以后五十年政策不变,包括我们写的基本法,至少要管五十年。
    Our policy on Hong Kong will not change for 50 years after it is reunited with the motherland in 1997. That policy, along with the basic law you are now drafting, will remain in force for at least 50 years.
  • “在这种情况下,我建议休会,并立即采取更加有效的措施。”渡渡鸟站后来严肃地
    `In that case,' said the Dodo solemnly, rising to its feet, `I move that the meeting adjourn, for the immediate adoption of more energetic remedies--'
  • 对于应用软件的用户和开发人员来,组件软件开发的长处,即可重复使用性、可靠性、互用性和可移植性,在很大程度上仍是难以捉模的。
    For application software users and developers, the benefits of component software development -- namely reusability, reliability, interoperability and portability -- have largely remained elusive.
  • 新项目计划的标准化格式强迫咨询人员明他们打算如何反复使用知识资本来执行一项任务。
    The standardized format for new project plans forces consultants to indicate how they intend to reuse intellectual capital to execute an assignment.
  • 如果都完了,到休息室去喝咖啡好吗?
    Shall we adjourn to the lounge for coffee if we’ve all finished?
  • 审讯被中止,没有什么时候再进行。
    The hearing is adjourn without saying when it will meet again.
  • 政情专家们,无论杰克逊牧师是否成为民主党候选人,共和党若想在1988年在黑人或其他少数族裔中得到可观的选票,仍是梦想。
    Political experts say it's a pipe dream for Republicans to win black and other minority votes in any significant numbers in 1988, whether the Rev.Jesse Jackson is on the Democratic ticket or not.
  • 有一个教堂,制定了41个解决无家可归者问题的项目,那里的一个教士,这个主意有优点,“高级狗舍的房子看上去非常适合居住,可能比大多数为无家可归的人们建造的房子还要好。
    A Rev.of the Church, which has 41 programs for the homeless, said the idea had merit. "The rooms look very livable, and probably they're better than most rooms for homeless folks," he said.
  • 罗马天主教是韩国一个有影响的游集团,却坚持认为政府的行动有道理,韩国天主教主教大会的牧师保罗·李:"避孕只会鼓励更多滥交。
    The Roman Catholic Church, a powerful lobby in Korea, insists that such actions make sense. Mentioning contraception" will just encourage more free sex," says the Rev.Paul Lee of Korea' s Bishops' Conference.
  • 大约在我离开大学的时候,有一群被能会道的政客们扇动起来的青年空想家。
    About the time I got out of college, there were a bunch of idealistic youth who had been revved up by a bunch of articulate and persuasive politicians.
  • 预言受神启示而说出
    To reveal by divine inspiration.
  • 传教出上帝的意志或神谕
    To reveal the will or message of God.
  • 你眼眶红红的明你哭过了。
    your red-rimmed eyes reveal that you have been crying.
  • 这并不是上帝造了个漂亮的或聪明的女人,或可用任何形容词形容的女人。
    It doesn't say that he made a pretty or a witty woman, or an any kind of adjective woman.
  • kirwin:“tco可以暴露一切。
    "TCO can be very revealing.
  • 异端学的以与已得到承认的信仰或标准分离为特征的,显示或接近这种分离的
    Characterized by, revealing, or approaching departure from established beliefs or standards.
  • 那些被五角大楼认为不值得支持的电影也同样明问题。
    The list of those films deemed by the Pentagon unworthy of military support is equally revealing.
  • 有时他们所的并非开诚布公。1940年,罗斯福想悄悄地规避战争问题。当他这样做瞒不了人时,他干脆扯谎。
    And sometimes what they do say isn't revealing at all. In 1940, Franklin Roosevelt tried to tiptoe around the war question and when that didn't wash, he simply lied about it.
  • 密友戏剧或小中的人物,如作为可信赖的朋友或仆人,来揭露主角的内心思想和意图
    A character in a drama or fiction, such as a trusted friend or servant, who serves as a device for revealing the inner thoughts or intentions of a main character.
  • 戏剧或小中的一个女角色,如作为主角的密友或仆人,来揭露主角的内心思想和意图
    A woman character in a drama or fiction, such as a trusted friend or servant, who serves as a device for revealing the inner thoughts or intentions of a main character.
  • 平常生活中的非常人物当对得州参议院再会时,小布什他是,也将永远是得州人,情动之处,潸然泪下。
    Revels in the rituals of everyday life When he said his farewell in the Texas senate,he said he is and will always be a Texan and broke into tears.
  • 荷马在《伊利亚特》中把他成是英雄时代的一名百战不厌的武士。他肝火旺盛,尚武好斗,一听到战鼓声就手舞足蹈,一闻到血腥气就心醉神迷。
    Homer in the Iliad, represents Ares as the insatiable warrior of the heroic age, who, impelled by rage and lust of violence, exults in the noise of battle, revels in the horror of carnage.
  • 对大多数妇女来,艾米丽雅就是一种感召。
    To most women Amelia was a revelation and inspiration.
  • 因我确信,对那些有眼睛能真正看见的人来,每天的黎明一定是一种美的永恒新展露。
    For I am sure that, for those who have eyes which really see, the dawn of each day must be a perpetually new revelation of beauty.
  • 早在温特之前,科学家们已经不再相信同性恋基因的法。
    But even before yesterday's revelations by Venter, scientists had stopped believing in the gay gene.
  • 我且向你声该欢迎的再会。
    I now bid you a welcome adieu.