  • 纳税人进行商业活动时的一和必要的开支。
    ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in a taxpayer's business or trade.
  • 而言,期货交易费用的低廉绝对是依交易值抽成取佣的股票交易无法望其项背的。
    There is no doubt that the actual cost figure will be significantly lower than the commissions and clearing fees incurred for SES stock trading.
  • 我们预期一保险业会提供专业弭偿保险计划,因为强积金计划的受托人必须为计划投购这类保险。
    The latter will be expected to offer professional indemnity insurance products because the trustees for MPF schemes will be required to take out such insurance.
  • 这段路并非没有乐趣可言,因为我渴望见到儿子,冥冥之中我怀着一线希望,也许就在今天,儿子会奇迹病情好转。
    The walk to the hospital was not without enjoyment, for I was eager to see my son again and buoyed up by the somehow indestructible hope that today, by some miracle, he would be recovering.
  • 指一包括俄亥俄州、印第安那州、伊利诺斯州、爱荷华州、密苏里州、堪萨斯州和内布拉斯加州以及有时包括密歇根州、威斯康星州和明尼苏达州在内的美国地区。
    of a region of the United States generally including Ohio; Indiana; Illinois; Iowa; Missouri; Kansas; Nebraska; and sometimes Michigan; Wisconsin; Minnesota.
  • 他们像闲荡者一漠然地漫步街头。
    They walked down the street in loaferish indifference.
  • 伊丽莎白看到她们当吉英不在她们面前的时候就对吉英这冷淡,于是她本来那种讨厌她们的心理现在又重新滋长起来。
    and their indifference towards Jane, when not immediately before them, restored Elizabeth to the enjoyment of all her original dislike.
  • 他们对俘虏百侮辱。
    They inflicted all kinds of indignities on their captives.
  • 劫持者对人质百侮辱。
    The highjacker inflict all kinds of indignity on their captive.
  • 除非你能成为某人或某团体不可或缺的人物,否则你的所得将永远无法超过一的水平。
    You will never command more than average compensation until you become indispensable to somebody or some group.
  • 56.相互配的珍珠,串成一条项链,就能卖到比单独售出好得多的价钱。
    56. Perfectly matched pearls, strung into a necklace, bring a far higher price than the same pearls told individually.
  • 经常在阳光下的人一不象在户内的人那样容易感冒。
    People who are in the sunshine a great deal are , as a rule , not so likely to have colds as are indoor people.
  • 有电视机的家庭要比有室内卫生设备的家庭多。一来说,孩子们在电视机前要比在教室里度过的时间长。
    More homes have televisions than indoor plumbing, and the average child spends more time watching television that he or she does in the classroom.
  • "今天,由于工业化,要求一的家庭比现在移动更加频繁,所以家庭会更小。"
    "Today, because of industrialization, a typical family will be required to move even more often than now, so families will be even smalier."
  • 屠宰过的动物内脏和零碎,一认为,人不能食用。
    viscera and trimmings of a butchered animal often considered inedible by humans.
  • 相反的,它把国家治理得更好,人民安居乐业,政局安定,这虽不能自夸是自由民主政治中的奇迹,但这是铁一的事实。
    Despite the inefficient check and challenge from the Opposition, the ruling party has steered clear of dictatorship.Moreover, the PAP has been governing judiciously. The people live a happy life, and the country enjoys peace and stability. This is little short of a miracle among the democracies.
  • 公众的一看法是,小费既是对优质服务的回报,又可以减轻不平等地位的那种不舒服感。
    The conventional wisdom is that tips both reward the efforts of good service and reduce uncomfortable feelings of inequality.
  • 牙医一用染色分子对牙龈被感染的部分进行注射,而这种染色分子在用激光和其它光源照亮之前一直都是迟钝的。
    The dentist would inject the infected parts of the gums with a dye molecule that remains inert until illuminated with a laser or other light source.
  • 就一花费不大的假期来说,它还不算坏。
    It was not so bad as inexpensive vacations go.
  • 都觉得这样的人太嫩了,或者还有一个说法叫“骄傲”。
    In general, though, they are thought to be too inexperienced or, as people sometimes say, too "conceited".
  • 演绎推理从一的原则推断出;演绎推理
    To infer from a general principle; reason deductively.
  • 先之以各种侦察手段,继之以指挥员的聪明的推论和判断,减少错误,实现一的正确指导,是做得到的。
    It is possible for a commander to reduce errors and give generally correct direction, first through all kinds of reconnaissance and then through intelligent inference and judgement.
  • 普通的质量中等偏下的;一
    Moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary.
  • 但一是以绝对的优劣而分胜负居多数。
    But in most cases it is absolute superiority and inferiority that decide victory and defeat.
  • 我们有了这个“一地正确的指导”做武器,就能多打胜仗,就能变劣势为优势,变被动为主动。
    Armed with the weapon of "generally correct direction", we can win more battles and transform our inferiority into superiority and our passivity into initiative.
  • 燃烧着的大楼成了地狱的地方。
    The burning building became an inferno.
  • 我们一不善于从广大的敌占区或伪军伪组织内部去物色打入人才,不善于争取敌占区的知识分子、开明进步人士去实现打入工作,不善于争取伪军伪组织内部的两面派成为革命两面派,变为我们的打入干部,不了解只有他们才与敌占区或伪军伪组织具有密切的联系,只有他们才具备打入工作的现实条件。
    Generally speaking, we do not know how to choose people from the vast enemy-occupied areas or from among the puppet troops and organizations to work for us, or to win over the intellectuals and progressives there so that they can infiltrate the enemy. We haven't done well at reforming double-dealers in the puppet troops and organizations into ones working for the revolution as our own cadres, because we did not realize that only such people have the necessary close ties in enemy-occupied areas and puppet troops and organizations and that only they can readily infiltrate the enemy.
  • 古代国家所使用的人手,与全人口对比,不知比现在要增加多少倍,工作比现在艰苦,各个人所拥有的土地面积比现在的大,然而一群众吃的、穿的却比不上现在。
    The ancient nations employed (in proportion to the whole population) infinitely more hands, the work was much harder, each individual possessed much more land, and yet the masses were much worse fed and clothed than is the case in modern nations.
  • 在北美开有艳丽的豌豆的花和膨大的豆荚的属。
    genus of North American plants with showy pealike flowers and an inflated pod.
  • 抑扬声音的一性的起伏与变化
    General inflection or modulation of the voice.
  • 没有铁一的和在斗争中锻炼出来的党,没有为本阶级全体忠实的人所信赖的党,没有善于考察群众情绪和影响群众情绪的党,要顺利地进行这种斗争是不可能的。”
    Without an iron party tempered in the struggle, without a party enjoying the confidence of all that is honest in the given class, without a party capable of watching and influencing the mood of the masses, it is impossible to conduct such a struggle successfully."
  • 常识告诉我们,红外激光的长处源于闪电的速度,使t1线路望尘莫及。
    Common knowledge says infrared laser benefits from lightning-fast speed, leaving a T1 line in the dust.